Release Notes for JMRI 5.11.4 release
Date: March 8, 2025
From: Bob Jacobsen
Subject: Test Release 5.11.4 of JMRI/DecoderPro is available for download.
This is a test release. Please
post a note
if you encounter any new or old bugs!
And please back up your JMRI files before installing this, in case you want to go
back to an earlier version.
This is the next in a series of 5.11.* test releases.
It requires at least Java 11 to work.
We recommend that you use Java 17.
(See our page on downloading Java)
We expect this series to end in the next JMRI production release in June 2025.
(See the tentative release schedule)
JMRI is now only available under the
GNU General Public License. For more information, please
see our
copyright and licensing page.
Update From Older JMRI Versions
If you are currently using a version older than JMRI 5.0, please follow these instructions carefully:
- Is your current version older than JMRI 4.12?
If so, then update to JMRI 4.12 first, and ensure everything works correctly: check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name and use those from now on.
Then continue with step 2.
If you are currently using JMRI 4.7.3 or earlier on Linux or macOS (Windows doesn't need this),
then it's very important
that you update to JMRI 4.12 and
carrying out the migration process described in the JMRI 4.12 release note
before updating to any later release.
- Is your current version older than JMRI 4.20?
Then update to JMRI 4.20 first, and ensure that works correctly (check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Save your preferences again.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name, use those from now on, and go on to step 3.
- Is your current version older than JMRI 4.24?
Then update to JMRI 4.24 first, and ensure that works correctly (check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Save your preferences again.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name and use those from now on.
- Is your current version older than JMRI 5.0?
Then update to JMRI 5.0 first, and ensure that works correctly (check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Save your preferences again.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name and use those from now on.
- You can then install this release.
Following this multi-step order of updating via stable major releases safeguards you against possible migration issues
that can arise from skipping these versions.
New problems with this release
New warnings for this release:
Older warnings
See the
JMRI 5.10 release note for more warnings predating the 5.11 development series,
including pointers to various migration issues.
These may be relevant to you if you're updating from an earlier version;
we strongly recommend you update to at least
JMRI 5.0
before installing this test release.
instructions above.
- Since JMRI 4.99.1
This test release, and all subsequent ones, require the use of
Java 11 or later.
We recommend that you use Java 17.
Java 8 is explicitly not supported.
There's more information on this migration on the
JMRI Tech Road Map and
JVM Capabilities pages.
- If you're using a Firefox web browser and opening JMRI
help files locally (not over the web), a Firefox bug
can sometimes cause it to enter a loop. There's a
workaround in
this JMRIusers post.
- Since JMRI 5.11.3
There's been a change to how OpenLCB turnouts are
addressed when using the MTT addressing short cut.
Turnouts 253,254,255, 510, 511, 512, 765, 766 and 767
will be addressed differently. If you're using any of these
via e.g. MTT253, you will need to change the address. If you've
been having trouble getting those addresses to work, this change should
fix that.
Download links:
These files are located in the
JMRI 5.11.4 GitHub release.
A Docker container can also be obtained from
full list of included changes is available from our
GitHub code repository.
Hardware Support
- The default CAN ID for new connections is restored to 126
DCC++ and DCC-EX
- Add parsing for JR, jR, JA and jA messages, handle negative current
- Updated "LocoNet Monitor" to give some detail when the command
station reports that a throttle's attempt to control a train's
speed/direction or functions was ignored by the command station because
the LocoNet "Expanded Slot" is "In-Use" by a different throttle
than the one which attempted to control the slot. Other
operations can also cause this message when the requesting throttle
is not the throttle which "owns" the slot. This message
(an "" message) is only sent by
command stations that support "Expanded Slot" messaging, and
is not used by older Digitrax command stations which do not
support "Expanded Slots".
- Updated LocoNet Monitor to show certain current-generation
Digitrax command stations as "sourcing" certain LocoNet
- Updated LocoNet Monitor to better decode certain messages.
- Fix to the Consist Backup/Restore program. All versions from 5.7.1 to5.11.3
create a backup file including command station memory space beyond the consist tables.
The bigger issue is that the restore does not check that the addresses in the backup file
are within the consist tables. Restoring one of those backup files could corrupt the
memory used for AIU status and RS-232 buffers. This fixes both of those and makes sure the
restore will only restore within the consist tables.
- Improved how Event with Payload messages are displayed in the monitor.
- Enabled the Abort button in the Update Firmware window.
- Backup files are now written with dotted-hex event ID values,
whether or not an event name is available. This makes them more reliable
and more portable.
- Update the STL Editor to support "event names".
- When available, event names will be displayed in the IQYZ tables.
- The load from backup process will handle event names in older CDI backups.
If the event name is no longer in the name store, a temporary event id will
be created.
- Existing event names can be entered in the event columns of the IQYZ tables.
Creating new event names is NOT supported.
- Correctly decode events-with-payload
New / Updated decoder definitions
Added GCA50 (Arduino Nano based LocoIO) and
GCA51 (2x RFID reader + 8 port LocoIO) models
to the DIY HDL_LocoIO decoder definition.
Piko decoders
- Support for XP5.1 decoders up to FW 1.16.0
Public Domain and DIY decoders
- Added GCA50 and GCA51 models to the HDL_LocoIO
decoder file, showing only valid modes.
- Restore TSA data to the correct place.
- When checking for a hold mast do not assume the section join is at the end of a section.
- For AdHoc trains check to see if a transit can be used.
Layout Editor
NX - Entry/Exit Tool
- Enable panel updates while the NX route is being created.
- Display a warning dialog when creating a multipoint route fails.
- The Listen On Beans,
Listen On Beans - Local variable and
Listen On Beans - Table actions
can now listen on Audio beans.
- Occupancy Blocks can now be used in
the For each action.
- New route feature. Now able to control local car moves for each location in a route.
- The pop-up menu in the various Tables now has an entry
for "Copy System Name".
- Bug fix: Add new editor panel to the Editor Manager when doing a CPE/PE switch.