Hardware Support: OpenLCB Signal Masts
JMRI support for OpenLCB is rapidly evolving; the actual code might be ahead or behind
the documentation on any given day.
This page describes JMRI's support for OpenLCB-native Signal Masts. It's part of JMRI's
documentation of its OpenLCB support.
OpenLCB Signal Masts
A technical summary on masts is available as a PDF document.
Valid OpenLCB Signal Mast system names look like:
- MF$olm:basic:one-searchlight($1)
where the parts are
- M - The system connection; these need a specific connection ID to use
- F - Indicates signal mast
- $olm - indicates an OpenLCB mast
- basic - signal system
- one-searchlight - mast type
- $1 - 1st mast (The $ indicates automatically assigned)
Adding and Editing OpenLCB Signal Masts
You add and/or edit OpenLCB Signal Masts via the Signal Mast Table using the usual "Add" and
"Edit" buttons. For adding, select "OpenLCB Event Mast" as the mast driver type. You'll then
get a pane that will let you configure a specific mast:

Starting from the top of the pane, the options are:
- "This Mast can be unlit" - same as for other mast types, this tells the signal logic
that it's OK for this mast to be unlit (set to dark).
- A scrolling set of aspects to configure: For each one, enter the OpenLCB EventID that
sets the mast to this aspect. You can use any of the EventID formats
that JMRI understands such as "x1234567890ABCDEF" or "" or
"". Whatever format you enter will be retained for when you later edit the
- A box for the EventIDs that tell the mast to be lit or unlit.
- A box for the EventIDs that tell the mast that it's held or not held.
- Cancel and Create or Apply buttons that do what's expected of them.
If you format one of those EventID entries improperly, you'll get a not-particularly specific
error message dialog. (Perhaps somebody will improve this some day)
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