The JMRI Manual
Getting Started
Using DecoderPro®
DecoderPro® Programming Modes
The Basic Programmer
The Comprehensive Programmer
The Advanced Programmer
DecoderPro® Main Window
Creating a Decoder Definition
Error Messages

Using DecoderPro®

How do I set up to program a decoder?


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Prior to using the programmer you need to have completed the previous section (Getting Started), have your computer connected to your command station/booster with the required interface device for your DCC system, you are now ready to actually program a decoder that has been installed in your locomotive.

On opening DecoderPro, the main page will be displayed: (After preferences are set)


There are four buttons near the bottom, the first two of which are:

Service Mode - With this button you select a programmer to program the locomotive(decoder) on the dedicated programming track. (Probably because the Locomotive has to be taken to the servicing track to be programmed). Not all command stations support a dedicated programming track, and some brands will shut down the mainline power when in programming mode (not pleasant when you have an ops session in progress.

Operations Mode - or [Programming on the main(POM)]. This lets you program a specific decoder on the layout, even while it is operating. However, because it addresses a specific decoder address, some decoders will not allow you to change the decoder's address using this method! Some command stations will only "broadcast" programming commands, which can mean every locomotive on the layout gets the same programming! The same is true if you try to program a loco with address zero (or forget to enter an address when you start). If in doubt, check your documentation.

- Accesses the help files

- Exits the program.

Any additional buttons are added in the preferences.

Additional programmers that are available.

Single CV Programmer Lets you program older decoders one CV at a time.

Multi-Programmer Control provides a convenient way to program CV's when you have more than one decoder installed in a locomotive. For example, if you have separate decoders to control the motor and provide sound, and they both use the same CV locations, programming one decoder would change the settings on the other, usually an undesired feature.

Now that you have decided on which Programming Mode to use, you may continue


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