This page provides information on advanced features in the decoder definition files for the DecoderPro Symbolic Programmer.
You can embed HTML in pane text, but it must be enclosed in <html>...</html> tags.
This is made a bit tricky because of overlap between "tags as part of XML structure of decoder file" and "HTML tags included in the decoder file". All HTML tags need to be quoted, with their < and > characters replaced by the < and > strings and any embedded double quotes being replaced by ".
For example:
<label label="<html><strong>JMRI 3.7.2 or later is required to use this definition.</strong></html>"/>After the XML is read, the contents of that label will be displayed from the text in the "label" attribute, which is:
<html><strong>JMRI 3.7.2 or later is required to use this definition.</strong></html>and will appear on the screen as
JMRI 3.7.2 or later is required to use this definition.
For more examples see xml/decoders/esu/v4readMePane.xml.
This provides only HTML5 support, so if something isn't displaying as you expect, see if an approach using simpler HTML will work.
<decoder> <family name="My Decoder Family" mfg="NMRA"> <model model="Model A" lowVersionID="16" highVersionID="23" productID="400" /> </model> <model model="Model B" lowVersionID="21" highVersionID="27" productID="401" /> </model> </family> … </decoder>
Some decoders can have multiple possible stored Product IDs for otherwise-identical decoders. In this case multiple comma-separated values can be specified in the Product ID field and a match to any value in the list will identify the decoder uniquely. For example, the ESU series usesthe RailCom® Product ID CVs, but the Product ID is updated for various production batches of the same model:
<decoder> <family name="ESU LokSound V4.0" mfg="Electronic Solutions Ulm GmbH" lowVersionID="255" highVersionID="255"> <model model="LokSound V4.0" numOuts="92" numFns="40" extFnsESU="yes" productID="33554493,33554503,33554538"> </model> <model model="LokSound V4.0 M4" numOuts="92" numFns="40" extFnsESU="yes" productID="33554500,33554536"> </model> </family> … </decoder>
Warning: Do not use multiple possible stored Product IDs for similar decoders that need different conditional expansion. It will not work, for reasons explained in a section below. In this case, each Product ID must be assigned a different model name, as in the first example above.
Support is also being added to find this value using the LocoNet SV2 protocol some time during the JMRI 4.1 release series. See the release notes for more info on the progress.
Since the product code works with the include/exclude operations described below, you can also use it in cases where there's no CV or CVs that contain it. In that case, no automated ID is done, but the value from the productID attribute of the user-selected model is used during later processing and expansion of the decoder definition. Alphanumeric productID values are sometimes used for this to avoid conflicts with the numeric ones found in CVs.
When a decoder model is selected, either manually or as the result of the identification process, the family and model names are stored in the roster entry being created and are used for future linkage of a roster entry to a decoder definition.
It is important to note that the Manufacturer, Version Code or Product ID are not stored in the roster entry, as the values are not reliably determined in some instances (e.g. manual selection, firmware update by manufacturer-supplied software, updated ID information from vendor). This has implications for when the decoder definition is expanded for programming (Conditional Decoder Definitions) or updated (Updates and Migration).
The "Read Type from Decoder" feature is available for Public-domain and DIY decoders.
Three identifiers are used to identify the decoder:
Product ID is calculated using the following formula:
Individual CVs have the following meaning:
The corresponding decoder definition xml file has a filled <family> element. Example:
<decoder> <family name="" mfg="Public-domain and DIY" > <model model="UNI16ARD-NAV" lowVersionID="41" productID="16843010" … /> </family> … </decoder>
The individual attributes of this element must be filled in as follows:
The name of the xml file with the definition of the decoder should have the following structure:
Where each part of a file name has the following meaning:
Example of a definition decoder file for signal decoder UNI16ARD-NAV.xml from the developers group who are from the Czech Republic Public_Domain_dccdoma_UNI16ARD_NAV.xml.
For the new country code and new developer code, please contact jmriusers
The recommended best practice is:
In some cases, e.g. a non-locomotive decoder for servos where none of the locomotive-decoder panes make sense so the decoder definition contains lots of custom panes, it's a simplification to put a showEmptyPanes="no" attribute in the <decoder-config> element of the definition XML and just hide all those empty panes by default.
By convention, we these fragment files in subdirectories:
<xi:include href=""/>The program searches for those fragment files first in the preferences directory, then in the program directory. The full path must be present, e.g. you need an xml directory that contains a decoders directory in your preferences directory for the fragment file to be found.
Use an existing file as an example for the top elements & format needed.
<model show="no" model="A4X" replacementModel="A4X" replacementFamily="Jan 2012">When the user selects "Update Decoder Definitions" from the Debug menu on PanelPro window or the Action menu in DecoderPro, all their existing roster entries that use a decoder definition with replacementModel and/or replacementFamily defined will be updated to the specified replacement decoder definition instead. This lets people keep using their old, comfortable decoder definition (the old file remains in JMRI) until they decide to move forward to a new one.
Note that an update defined this way is unconditional; if the family and model attributes match a roster entry, it will be updated to the new family/model. Automated conditional updates based on versionID or productID are not possible as these values are not stored in the roster entry. An interactive update process is now available in these cases and uses a special syntax: Since JMRI 4.9.5
<model show="no" model="DP2X" numOuts="2" numFns="2" replacementFamily="query:Jan 2000|June 2007|Jan 2012">
A replacement field begining with the string "query:", optionally (preferably) followed by a vertical bar "|" separated list of possible replacements, triggers interactive user dialogs, containing further explanations and guidance for the user. Click here and here for typical samples of these dialogs. Missing decoder definitions will also be detected. Click here and here for more samples.
The model element "show" attribute helps ensure that new users starts with the new definition. Its possible values are:
<capability> <name>High Access via Double Index</name> <parameter name="Max Regular CV address">256</parameter> <parameter name="High Address CV">96</parameter> <parameter name="Low Address CV">97</parameter> <parameter name="Access Register CV">99</parameter> <parameter name="Modulo">100</parameter> </capability>
The parameters must appear in the order shown. They mean:
For example, to write 21 to CV 614 with the values shown, DecoderPro will:
For an example of where to position this capability element in the file, etc., see the xml/decoders/ESU_LokSoundV4_0.xml file.
Another approach, used by e.g. Zimo, is to provide a way to page the access. For example, to write 21 to CV614 with one of these, you need to:
<capability> <name>High Access via Partial Index</name> <parameter name="Max Regular CV address">100</parameter> <parameter name="High Address CV">7</parameter> <parameter name="High Address Multiplier">10</parameter> <parameter name="Modulo">100</parameter> </capability>Note that it has a different "name" value. That's what selects the different algorithm needed here.
The parameters must appear in the order shown. They mean:
Another approach used by e.g. Zimo uses a page register that has to be reset afterwards. For example, to write 21 to CV614 with one of these, you need to:
<capability> <name>High Access via Partial Index with Reset</name> <parameter name="Max Regular CV address">100</parameter> <parameter name="High Address CV">7</parameter> <parameter name="High Address Multiplier">10</parameter> <parameter name="Modulo">100</parameter> <parameter name="Indicator">200</parameter> </capability>
The parameters must appear in the order shown. They mean:
<capability> <name>Ops Mode Accessory Programming</name> <parameter name="Address Type">decoder</parameter> <parameter name="Delay">200</parameter> </capability>The "Address Type" parameter is optional:
Note that this only works for ops-mode writes; these particular NMRA DCC packets do not perform read operations, nor do they work in the service mode (programming track).
Note an element:<variable … item="Short Address" …> … </variable>or:
<variable … item="Long Address" …> … </variable>is required so the Ops Mode programmer has an address to use. Either form functions identically. The "Address Type" parameter is the only way to specify whether the address is 9-bit or 11-bit.
For a working example, see the xml/decoders/ESU_SwitchPilot.xml file. In the case of this example decoder, the address is stored in CVs 1 and 9 as per NMRA standard 9.2.2.
Most locomotive decoders accept special programming packets to configure their CVs from the DCC track signal (Programming on Main).
However these packets take time to process and if subsequent packets are sent too soon they can be missed. The capability to do add a delay after programming each CV is written:<capability> <name>Ops Mode Delayed Programming</name> <parameter name="Delay">500</parameter> </capability>The "Delay" parameter specifies a minimum delay (in milliseconds) between successive writes. Some decoders miss commands if the delay is too short. If this is parameter is omitted, the default delay is 500 milliseconds.
Note that this only works for ops-mode writes; these particular NMRA DCC packets do not perform read operations, nor do they work in the service mode (programming track).
Note also that this particular capability only works for multi-function decoders. Accessory decoders need to use the Accessory Decoder Ops Mode capability, which has its own "Delay" parameter.
<capability> <name>Indexed CV access</name> <parameter name="PI">31</parameter> <parameter name="SI">32</parameter> <parameter name="cvFirst">false</parameter> <parameter name="skipDupIndexWrite">true</parameter> </capability>
If cvFirst is true, the format is CV.PI or CV.PI.SI as used by QSI. If it's false, the format is PI.CV or PI.SI.CV as used by ESU.
Alternately the PI and/or SI CV numbers can be set by using a "nn=nn" syntax when specifying PI and/or SI. For example, using a cvFirst false syntax, "101=12.80" sets CV101 to 12 before accessing CV 80, regardless of the PI value configured into the capability.
If skipDupIndexWrite is true, certain writes to the PI and SI CVs can be skipped if the user selects skipping them. This speeds up access. Some decoders require that the CVs be written for each operation, in which case this should be set to false. The default is true.
If both this and the "access to high CV" capabilities are present, this one should be listed second.
For an example of where to position it etc., see the xml/decoders/ESU_LokSoundV4_0.xml file.
<capability> <name>TCS 4 CV access</name> </capability>This provides two custom CV formats:
A string like XXXVVVXX
where each "V" is a bit that's included, and "X"
is a bit that's not to be included. It's best to have eight characters, as that makes it clearer
what's going on. If the variable is a full byte, this attribute can be omitted.
Generally, the V characters should be a contiguous block of bits as specified in
the manufacturer's documentation for the decoder.
In certain rare cases, the layout of the decoder might require a different pattern like
, but in those cases please check the operation of the resulting decoder
definition carefully to make sure it does what you want.
A second mask
pattern, Radix, is useful in cases where instead of bits, digits, triplets or some other unit
make up a pattern such as 1234C where "1234" is a turnout address and "C" is some other variable.
To define the address part, you would use:
as an attribute in the variable element (that is the base where our part starts, at
the 'tens') and
in the value element (to reserve 10^4 values for 4 digits).
For example:
<variable CV="11" item="Address" mask="10"> <decVal min="0" max="10000"/> <label>Address:</label> </variable>A Radix mask can handle CVs that are coded in bases other than binary: Ones that store their parts as decimal digits (as our example), or even base 3 or 5. That's a bit more technical, it's rarely needed, but if you do need it, refer to the javadoc for more details. The Uhlenbrock_63410 definition provides an example on CV1. The decoder definition using a Radix mask should point to /schema/decoder-4-15-2.xsd.
Some decoders use variables that are spread over multiple CVs, contiguous or not.
A number of types are provided to handle this situation:
The CVs to be used are specified in the CV
attribute and masks (if required)
in the mask
Both CVs and masks are specified lowest-value first order:
The least
significant bit of the value will be in the first CV and mask specified, and the most
significant bit of the value will be in the last CV and mask specified.
For example:
<variable CV="1,27,13" mask="XXVVVVVV XXXXXVVV XXXXXVVV" item="Sample Item"> <splitVal/> </variable>puts the least significant 6 bits of the value in CV1, and the most significant three bits in CV 13.
In cases where a number of complex or contiguous CVs are used, there are a number of
alternative more concise methods of specifying in the CV
variable parameter:
<variable CV="0.255.269:4" readOnly="yes" item="PDate"> <splitDateTimeVal display="dateOnly" base="2000-01-01T00:00:00"/> <label>Production Date</label> </variable>Note that if only one mask is specified, it will apply to all CVs. If fewer masks than CVs are specified, the last mask will apply to the remaining CVs.
Some decoders, mostly accessory decoders, are using "long" addresses that are split over 2 CVs, contiguous or not.
CV1 and CV9 are standardized by NMRA for accessory decoders primary address, see NMRA standard 9.2.2.
Long addresses can be accessed via "splitVal" type, as in the following example:
<variable CV="1,9" mask="XXVVVVVV XXXXXVVV" item="Short Address" default="1" minOut="1"> <splitVal/> <label>Accessory Address</label> </variable>
For special purposes, decVal, splitVal and splitHexVal have two optional parameters, a "factor" and an "offset":
<splitVal factor="4" offset="-3"/>
For usage examples, see the xml/decoders/ESU_SwitchPilot.xml file.
A variable definition will not be expanded and used:
<variable label="My Variable" CV="72" include="ModelA,400"> <decVal/> </variable>
The variable above will only appear when expanding the decoder definition for ModelA or
product ID 400.
Note there should be no spaces around the comma.
You can also put include and exclude attributes on individual choices in an enumeration-type variable. This can be used to e.g. only include specific lighting options in certain decoder families.
Attributes on a <variables> element act on all the <variable> elements within it, along with any include or exclude attributes on those individual variables.
You can also use the include mechanism to specify the default value of a variable.
Note: <defaultItem> must be the first element inside the <variable> element body.
<variable label="My Variable" CV="72" default="3"> <defaultItem default="12" include="815"/> <decVal/> </variable>
This will set the default (initial) value of the CV to 12 if the "815" matches, and otherwise use the default-default of 3. You can have as many <defaultItem> elements as needed; the first one that matches is used.
Note: any <defaultItem> elements must come before other elements inside the <variable> element.
A pane will not be created:
<pane include="ModelA,400"> ... </pane>
"My Pane" will be created only when expanding the decoder definition for ModelA or product ID 400.
You can also create a <group> element with include and exclude attributes. Elements within the <group> will be created only if the <group> conditions are met. This can be used to e.g. display specific text labels only for certain decoder models.
<group include="ModelA,400"> <label> <text>These decoders are very old.</text> </label> <label> <text>Some features are unavailable.</text> </label> </group>
The text will be created only when expanding the decoder definition for ModelA or product ID 400.
<decoder> <family name="My Big Family" mfg="NMRA"> <model model="My Model" productID="400,401" /> </model> </family> … </decoder> <pane label="My 400 Pane" include="400"> … </pane> <pane label="My 401 Pane" include="401"> … </pane>Both panes will always be created. If the definitions need to differ between product IDs, you will need to create two models, as per the first example under Identification.
If a variable is qualified as inactive, it doesn't appear in any panes and is neither read nor written to the decoder when you do "All" or "Changes only" read or write operations. The value is saved to the roster and will be reloaded when the roster entry is reopened later.
In the following example, a CV is interpreted as two different variables depending on whether the decoder is set for short or long addressing.
<variable label="Variable for Short Address" CV="11"> <qualifier> <variableref>Address Format</variableref> <relation>eq</relation> <value>0</value> </qualifier> <decVal/> </variable> <variable label="Variable for Long Address" CV="11"> <qualifier> <variableref>Address Format</variableref> <relation>eq</relation> <value>1</value> </qualifier> <decVal/> </variable>Other available operators include "gt", "ge", "ne", "lt", "le" and "exists". The "exists" operator checks for whether a variable is defined or not; a "1" value means that it is, and a "0" means that it doesn't.
If multiple qualifier elements are present, all must be true for the variable to be active and displayed.
If a pane is qualified as inactive, its contents are no longer shown. This includes any labels or other decorations on the pane, in addition to the variables it contains. Depending on other options, the pane may either show as empty, or not show at all. The variables within it are still active, though, and a "Read all sheets" or "Write all sheets" will still write them. If you have overlapping variable definitions, consider carefully whether this is what you want. You might need to qualify the individual overlapping variables.
The following example enables one of two panes depending on whether the decoder is currently set for short or long addressing.
<pane name="Short Only"> <qualifier> <variableref>Address Format</variableref> <relation>eq</relation> <value>0</value> </qualifier> <column><row> <label label="Short Only Pane"/> </row></column> </pane> <pane name="Long Only"> <qualifier> <variableref>Address Format</variableref> <relation>eq</relation> <value>1</value> </qualifier> <column><row> <label label="Long Only Pane"/> </row></column> </pane>Other available operators include "gt", "ge", "ne", "lt" and "le".
If multiple qualifier elements are present, all must be true for the pane to be active and displayed.
The following example displays a warning label if a version-number variable has a too-low value:
<label label="Version number too low!"> <qualifier> <variableref>Version Number</variableref> <relation>lt</relation> <value>3</value> </qualifier> </label>
You can use the same qualifier for multiple elements by enclosing the elements in a "group" element and adding the qualifier to the "group" element:
<group> <qualifier> <variableref>Version Number</variableref> <relation>lt</relation> <value>3</value> </qualifier> <label label="Version number too low!"/> <label label=" "/> <label label="Please update."/> </group>
Once you've read the Version Number (variable or CV) from the decoder, the label(s) will display iff that version number is too low. Note that initially, before the values are read from the decoder, this display will depend on the default value from the file, which might be misleading to the user.
It is possible to generate complex, repeated decoder XML parts using XSL stylesheets. For more information, please see Use XSLT Transformation for complex decoders.