JMRI Visualisations
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JMRI Code Swarm

Download the Video

You can download the 2009 JMRI Code Swarm here. Note that this is a large file (~15M) and is in zip format. After downloading, you will need to unzip it to extract the mpeg file, then play it in your favorite video player. It has been tested on Windows XP with Windows Media Player(V9) and Irfanview, on Ubuntu with Totem (after installing the Gstreamer codec and its plugins) as well as on the Mac.

The video is © copyright JMRI and the musical track is copyright AdHoc, see license details.


What the heck is a Code Swarm?

Code Swarm is an open source visualization package that was released in 2008. It can be used to provide a dynamic video history of a software project, in this case JMRI.

Each time a developer "commits" (i.e. saves) a new file or a change to an existing one, a color-coded dot appears on the screen. The dots coalesce around the developer's name and the names move around the screen as others join in. The file dots fade away if there is no further activity on them, or flare up if changed again. The names fade as well if that developer has no more activity, or change to bold font if more contributions are made.

Although it sounds simple, it can be quite mesmerizing as the developers and files swirl around and it gives a very clear view of the increasing JMRI activity, especially over the last two years.

The resulting video gives a lively perspective of how JMRI has developed and who has been involved. The 4 minute JMRI Code Swarm covers the beginning, with the very first commits in June of 2001, through to early January 2009, a period of about seven and a half years and encompassing nearly 23,000 commits.

Here is an animated gif sample of about 1.5 secs from the video (covers about 2 weeks in April 2008):

Code Swarm sample

After viewing the JMRI code swarm, one thing is abundantly clear, and that is the great debt we owe Bob Jacobsen. The large number of commits he has made is very evident and is an order of magnitude higher than any other developer. Knowing how quick Bob is to highlight others' contributions, I'm sure he would be the first to point out that his commits also include those of many others on the Acknowledgements list who submit files or patches and don't commit directly. Unfortunately, the code swarm can't separate out these contributions and attribute them to the true originators, but even if it could, Bob's own contributions are still huge.


Also view our 2017 CodeFlower.

Technical Details

Warning! Any non-Geeks who have wandered into this section by mistake should stop now before any permanent damage is done to your intellect or personality. Proceeding further may result in glazed eyes, confusion and disorientation. Serious cases could result in an all-consuming interest in programming with the accompanying loss of social skills and deterioration in personal hygiene. Do not read while operating heavy machinery. Reader discretion is advised.

Data Source

Code Swarm Frame Generation


Video Generation

Also view our CodeFlower visuals.