Uses of Package
Classes in jmri used by apps Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ConfigureManager Provide load/store capabilities for general configuration.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.DecoderPro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.DispatcherPro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.InstallTest Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.PanelPro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.SoundPro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.TrainCrew Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.gui3 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.gui3.dp3 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.gui3.lccpro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.gui3.paned Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.jmrit Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.jmrit.log Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.startup Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.startup.configurexml Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.util Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.util.issuereporter Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by apps.util.issuereporter.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri Class Description AddressedIdTag This interface extendsIdTag
to include a locomotive address.AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.AnalogIO.AbsoluteOrRelative Is the value an absolute value or a relative value?AnalogIOManager Interface for obtaining AnalogIOs.Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.AudioException Specific Exception class used by Audio objects.AudioManager Locate an Audio object representing some specific audio information.BasicRosterEntry BasicRosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including information on how to locate it from decoder information.BeanSetting Represent a NamedBean (such as a Turnout) and specific desired setting for it.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".BooleanPermission Defines a permission based on a boolean.BooleanPermission.BooleanValue Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CabSignal Interface for a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.CabSignalListListener Allow notification of changes to the cab signal list.CatalogTree Represents a CatalogTree, a tree displaying a taxonomy - e.g. a file system directory, or an index of references or a table of contents built according to the user's taxonomy.CatalogTreeLeaf Leaf of a CatalogTree.CatalogTreeNode Node of a CatalogTree.CommonTurnoutOperation Specialization of TurnoutOperation to contain common properties and methods for concrete subclasses.Conditional A Conditional is layout control logic, consisting of a logical expression and an action.Conditional.Action Conditional.AntecedentOperator Conditional.ItemType Conditional.Operator Conditional.State Conditional.Type ConditionalAction The consequent of the antecedent of the conditional proposition.ConditionalVariable The variable used in the antecedent (the 'if' part) of the Conditional.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistListener Allow notification of delayed consisting errors.ConsistListListener Allow notification of changes to the consist list.ConsistManager.EnableListener A listener that listens to whether the manager is enabled or disabled.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.EntryPoint Represent an EntryPoint to a Section of track.ExpectedState Record an object and its expected state within a specific scenario.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.InstanceManager Provides methods for locating various interface implementations.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InvokeOnLayoutThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the layout thread.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightControl Each LightControl object is linked to a specific Light, and provides one of the controls available for switching the Light ON/OFF in response to time or events occurring on the layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.LocoAddress.Protocol Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.ManagerDataEvent Define an event that encapsulates changes to a list.Manager.ManagerDataListener Intended to be equivalent toListDataListener
without introducing a Swing dependency into core JMRI.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.MemoryManager Locate a Memory object representing some specific information.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.Meter.Unit MeterManager Interface for obtaining Meters.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadNameException Parent class for a set of classes that describe if a user name or system name is a bad name.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBean.DisplayOptions Display options forNamedBean.getDisplayName(DisplayOptions)
.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanHandleManager Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles.NamedBeanPropertyDescriptor Describes metadata about a given property key for a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.NmraPacket.DccAddressType Path Represents a particular set of NamedBean (usually turnout) settings to put a path through trackwork to a Block.Permission Defines a permission.PermissionFactory Factory class for Permission classes.PermissionManager A manager for permissions.PermissionManager.LoginListener Listener for when the JMRI user login and logout.PermissionManager.RoleAlreadyExistsException PermissionManager.RoleDoesNotExistException PermissionManager.UserAlreadyExistsException PermissionManager.UserDoesNotExistException PermissionOwner The owner of permissions.PermissionValue A value of a permission.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PhysicalLocationReporter.Direction ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Role A role in the permission system.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time.Scale Define the characteristics of a layout scale.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.Section.SectionType Sensor General input device representation.Sensor.PullResistance SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.SignalGroup Signal Groups are used to represent European subsidary signals that would be sited with a signal mast.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic.SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.StringIOManager Interface for obtaining StringIOs.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Timebase.ClockInitialRunState Defines what to do with the fast clock when JMRI starts up.TimebaseRateException Thrown to indicate that a Timebase can't handle a particular rate setting that's been requested.Transit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.Transit.TransitType TransitSection This class holds information and options for a Section when assigned to a Transit.TransitSectionAction This class holds information and options for a Action to be applied when an automated train enters, exits, or is inside of a Section in a Transit.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.TurnoutOperation Framework for automating reliable turnout operation.TurnoutOperator Some (not much) common machinery for the concrete turnout operator classes.TurnoutOperator.TurnoutOperatorException Exception thrown when the turnout's operator has changed while the operator is running.User An user in the permission system.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.configurexml Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".BooleanPermission Defines a permission based on a boolean.BooleanPermission.BooleanValue Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ConfigureManager Provide load/store capabilities for general configuration.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Path Represents a particular set of NamedBean (usually turnout) settings to put a path through trackwork to a Block.Permission Defines a permission.PermissionFactory Factory class for Permission classes.PermissionManager A manager for permissions.PermissionOwner The owner of permissions.Role A role in the permission system. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.configurexml.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.configurexml.turnoutoperations Class Description TurnoutOperation Framework for automating reliable turnout operation. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.implementation Class Description AddressedIdTag This interface extendsIdTag
to include a locomotive address.AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.AnalogIO.AbsoluteOrRelative Is the value an absolute value or a relative value?Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CabSignal Interface for a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksCommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.Conditional A Conditional is layout control logic, consisting of a logical expression and an action.Conditional.Action Conditional.AntecedentOperator Conditional.Type ConditionalAction The consequent of the antecedent of the conditional proposition.ConditionalManager Interface for obtaining ConditionalsConditionalVariable The variable used in the antecedent (the 'if' part) of the Conditional.ConfigureManager Provide load/store capabilities for general configuration.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistListener Allow notification of delayed consisting errors.ConsistListListener Allow notification of changes to the consist list.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.CurrentMeter Interface for marking a Meter as a Current meter.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.EntryPoint Represent an EntryPoint to a Section of track.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightControl Each LightControl object is linked to a specific Light, and provides one of the controls available for switching the Light ON/OFF in response to time or events occurring on the layout.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.Meter.Unit NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBean.DisplayOptions Display options forNamedBean.getDisplayName(DisplayOptions)
.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanHandleManager Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PhysicalLocationReporter.Direction ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.RailCom RailCom represents a RailCom enabled decoder that might be fitted to a specific piece of rolling stock to uniquely identify it.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.Reference A reference to an object.Reportable This interface specifies that an object provides a report value suitable for display in an on-screen reporter.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time.Scale Define the characteristics of a layout scale.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.Section.SectionType Sensor General input device representation.Sensor.PullResistance ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.SignalGroup Signal Groups are used to represent European subsidary signals that would be sited with a signal mast.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic.SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Transit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.Transit.TransitType TransitSection This class holds information and options for a Section when assigned to a Transit.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutOperation Framework for automating reliable turnout operation.TurnoutOperator Some (not much) common machinery for the concrete turnout operator classes.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout.VoltageMeter Interface for marking a Meter as a Voltage meter. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.implementation.configurexml Class Description NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.implementation.decorators Class Description IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBean.DisplayOptions Display options forNamedBean.getDisplayName(DisplayOptions)
.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.implementation.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmris Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Sensor General input device representation.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerTimebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmris.simpleserver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmris.srcp Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.analogclock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.AudioException Specific Exception class used by Audio objects.AudioManager Locate an Audio object representing some specific audio information.AudioSourceManager An audio manager that only returns audio sources.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.ManagerDataListener Intended to be equivalent toListDataListener
without introducing a Swing dependency into core JMRI.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.automat Class Description BasicRosterEntry BasicRosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including information on how to locate it from decoder information.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.automat.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.AudioManager Locate an Audio object representing some specific audio information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".BlockManager Basic implementation of a BlockManager.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ConditionalAction The consequent of the antecedent of the conditional proposition.ConditionalManager Interface for obtaining ConditionalsConditionalVariable The variable used in the antecedent (the 'if' part) of the Conditional.EntryPoint Represent an EntryPoint to a Section of track.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightControl Each LightControl object is linked to a specific Light, and provides one of the controls available for switching the Light ON/OFF in response to time or events occurring on the layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).LogixManager Interface for obtaining LogixsManager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanPropertyDescriptor Describes metadata about a given property key for a NamedBean.RailCom RailCom represents a RailCom enabled decoder that might be fitted to a specific piece of rolling stock to uniquely identify it.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.RailComManager Locate a RailCom Object representing a specific RailCom Enabled device.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time.RouteManager Interface for obtaining Routes.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.SectionManager Basic Implementation of a SectionManager.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SignalGroup Signal Groups are used to represent European subsidary signals that would be sited with a signal mast.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalHeadManager Interface for obtaining signal heads.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.StringIOManager Interface for obtaining StringIOs.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandleManager Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Sensor General input device representation.Sensor.PullResistance Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.block Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.light Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightControl Each LightControl object is linked to a specific Light, and provides one of the controls available for switching the Light ON/OFF in response to time or events occurring on the layout.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.routetable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ConditionalManager Interface for obtaining ConditionalsLogixManager Interface for obtaining LogixsModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time.RouteManager Interface for obtaining Routes.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Sensor General input device representation. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic.SignalMastLogicManager SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutOperation Framework for automating reliable turnout operation. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.usermessagepreferences Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.blockboss Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.SignalHead Represent a single signal head. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.cabsignals Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CabSignalListListener Allow notification of changes to the cab signal list. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.catalog Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CatalogTree Represents a CatalogTree, a tree displaying a taxonomy - e.g. a file system directory, or an index of references or a table of contents built according to the user's taxonomy.CatalogTreeManager Locate a CatalogTree object representing some specific information.CatalogTreeNode Node of a CatalogTree.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.catalog.configurexml Class Description CatalogTree Represents a CatalogTree, a tree displaying a taxonomy - e.g. a file system directory, or an index of references or a table of contents built according to the user's taxonomy.CatalogTreeNode Node of a CatalogTree. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.conditional Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Conditional A Conditional is layout control logic, consisting of a logical expression and an action.Conditional.Action Conditional.AntecedentOperator Conditional.ItemType Conditional.Type ConditionalAction The consequent of the antecedent of the conditional proposition.ConditionalManager Interface for obtaining ConditionalsConditionalVariable The variable used in the antecedent (the 'if' part) of the Conditional.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).LogixManager Interface for obtaining LogixsModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.consisttool Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistListener Allow notification of delayed consisting errors.ConsistListListener Allow notification of changes to the consist list.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Sensor General input device representation.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc.ctcserialdata Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.gui Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ctc.topology Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.decoderdefn Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.LocoAddress.Protocol ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.dispatcher Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.Scale Define the characteristics of a layout scale.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.Sensor General input device representation.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerTransit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.TransitSection This class holds information and options for a Section when assigned to a Transit.TransitSectionAction This class holds information and options for a Action to be applied when an automated train enters, exits, or is inside of a Section in a Transit.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CatalogTreeNode Node of a CatalogTree.EnumPermission Defines a permission based on an enum.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InvokeOnLayoutThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the layout thread.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Permission Defines a permission.PermissionFactory Factory class for Permission classes.PermissionManager A manager for permissions.PermissionOwner The owner of permissions.PermissionValue A value of a permission.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Role A role in the permission system.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.configurexml Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.Sensor General input device representation. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.EntryPoint Represent an EntryPoint to a Section of track.ExpectedState Record an object and its expected state within a specific scenario.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InvokeOnGuiThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the GUI (i.e.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Path Represents a particular set of NamedBean (usually turnout) settings to put a path through trackwork to a Block.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.Transit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorDialogs Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".BlockManager Basic implementation of a BlockManager.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InvokeOnGuiThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the GUI (i.e.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.blockRoutingTable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.configurexml Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.logixng Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.palette Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CatalogTreeNode Node of a CatalogTree.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.panelEditor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Permission Defines a permission.Role A role in the permission system. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandleManager Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.dualdecoder Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.entryexit Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.ManagerDataListener Intended to be equivalent toListDataListener
without introducing a Swing dependency into core JMRI.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic.SignalMastLogicManager SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.etcs Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.etcs.dmi.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.jython Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.lcdclock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logix Class Description BeanSetting Represent a NamedBean (such as a Turnout) and specific desired setting for it.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InvokeOnGuiThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the GUI (i.e.InvokeOnLayoutThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the layout thread.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Path Represents a particular set of NamedBean (usually turnout) settings to put a path through trackwork to a Block.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Conditional A Conditional is layout control logic, consisting of a logical expression and an action.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.Sensor General input device representation.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.Transit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InvokeOnGuiThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the GUI (i.e.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Conditional A Conditional is layout control logic, consisting of a logical expression and an action.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout). -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanUsageReport This is a data structure to pass usage information from getUsageReport() requests back to the calling object. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.configurexml Class Description NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.parser Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.parser.functions Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.parser.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.mailreport Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.mastbuilder Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.nixieclock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.automation Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.actions Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.locations Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.divisions Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.router Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.routes Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.setup Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.trains Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.excel Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.schedules Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.permission Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.Permission Defines a permission.PermissionManager A manager for permissions.PermissionManager.LoginListener Listener for when the JMRI user login and logout.PermissionManager.RoleAlreadyExistsException PermissionManager.RoleDoesNotExistException PermissionManager.UserAlreadyExistsException PermissionManager.UserDoesNotExistException PermissionOwner The owner of permissions.PermissionValue A value of a permission.Role A role in the permission system.User An user in the permission system. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.permission.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.PermissionManager A manager for permissions.User An user in the permission system. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.picker Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.AudioManager Locate an Audio object representing some specific audio information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".BlockManager Basic implementation of a BlockManager.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).LogixManager Interface for obtaining LogixsManager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.MemoryManager Locate a Memory object representing some specific information.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalHeadManager Interface for obtaining signal heads.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastManager Interface for obtaining signal masts.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.powerpanel Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.pragotronclock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.progsupport Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.revhistory Class Description InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.revhistory.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.roster Class Description BasicRosterEntry BasicRosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including information on how to locate it from decoder information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.LocoAddress.Protocol ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.roster.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.rostergroup Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Sensor General input device representation.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.sendpacket Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.signalling Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.simpleclock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Timebase.ClockInitialRunState Defines what to do with the fast clock when JMRI starts up.TimebaseRateException Thrown to indicate that a Timebase can't handle a particular rate setting that's been requested. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.simplelightctrl Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.simpleprog Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.simpleturnoutctrl Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.speedometer Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.swing.meter Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.tabbedframe Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.throttle Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistListListener Allow notification of changes to the consist list.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.timetable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Scale Define the characteristics of a layout scale. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Scale Define the characteristics of a layout scale. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.tracker Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.SignalHead Represent a single signal head. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.turnoutoperations Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommonTurnoutOperation Specialization of TurnoutOperation to contain common properties and methods for concrete subclasses.TurnoutOperation Framework for automating reliable turnout operation. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.ussctc Class Description BeanSetting Represent a NamedBean (such as a Turnout) and specific desired setting for it.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.Sensor General input device representation.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBeanHandleManager Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.whereused Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.withrottle Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.RouteManager Interface for obtaining Routes.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerTurnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrit.z21server Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix Class Description BasicRosterEntry BasicRosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including information on how to locate it from decoder information.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.LocoAddress.Protocol ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.acela Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.acela.acelamon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.acela.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.acela.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.acela.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.anyma Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerUserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus.kpfserialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.basic Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.speedStepScale Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager RailCom RailCom represents a RailCom enabled decoder that might be fitted to a specific piece of rolling stock to uniquely identify it.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.bidibovertcp Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.netbidib Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.swing.mon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.bidib.tcpserver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.can2usbino.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.canrs.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.canusb.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.lccbuffer.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.pilcc.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.sproggen5 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.sproggen5.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.usblcc.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.lawicell Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.lawicell.canusb.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.loopback Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.loopback.configurexml Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CabSignal Interface for a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.CabSignalManager Interface for CabSignal Manager objects, which provide access to the existing CabSignals and allows for creation and destruction.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksCommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.ConsistManager.EnableListener A listener that listens to whether the manager is enabled or disabled.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBeanPropertyDescriptor Describes metadata about a given property key for a NamedBean.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.eventtable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.node Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.bootloader Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.cbusslotmonitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.configtool Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.console Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.eventrequestmonitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.eventtable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modeswitcher Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.nmranet Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.nmranet.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.swing.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.can.swing.send Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.assignment Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.cmrinetmanager Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.diagnostic Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.networkdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeconfigmanager Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeiolist Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.sim Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.swing Class Description SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.configurexml Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager RailCom RailCom represents a RailCom enabled decoder that might be fitted to a specific piece of rolling stock to uniquely identify it.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksCommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.Meter.Unit NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.serial Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.mon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.virtuallcd Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.debugthrottle Class Description DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.easydccmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.networkdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.LocoAddress.Protocol Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PhysicalLocationReporter.Direction PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.networkdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.locodatabase Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.preferences Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.statusframe Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.utilities Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodetable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.swing Class Description SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.mon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.Sensor.PullResistance SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.internal Class Description AnalogIOManager Interface for obtaining AnalogIOs.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CollectingReporter This is an extension of a reporter device that is capable of collecting multiple reports in a collection.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.MeterManager Interface for obtaining Meters.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.StringIOManager Interface for obtaining StringIOs.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ipocs Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.jinput.treecontrol Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.swing.mon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProvidingManager SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite.messageformatters Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.li100 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.li100f Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.li101 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.liusb Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.liusbethernet Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.liusbserver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.lzv200 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.messageformatters Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.li101 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.liusb Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lv102 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lz100 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lzv100 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.mon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.stackmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.systeminfo Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.xnetsimulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.xntcp Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.ztc640 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.libusb Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet Class Description AddressedIdTag This interface extendsIdTag
to include a locomotive address.AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CabSignal Interface for a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.CabSignalManager Interface for CabSignal Manager objects, which provide access to the existing CabSignals and allows for creation and destruction.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksCollectingReporter This is an extension of a reporter device that is capable of collecting multiple reports in a collection.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanPropertyDescriptor Describes metadata about a given property key for a NamedBean.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PhysicalLocationReporter.Direction PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Reportable This interface specifies that an object provides a report value suitable for display in an on-screen reporter.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.StringIOManager Interface for obtaining StringIOs.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManagerThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.Intellibox Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.almi Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.bdl16 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.bluetooth Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.clockmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.cmdstnconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.demoport Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.downloader Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.InvokeOnGuiThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the GUI (i.e.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobufferii Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobufferng Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobufferusb Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locogen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoid Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locomon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.ms100 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pm4 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr2 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr4 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr4.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.se8 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.slotmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.soundloader Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.streamport Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lncvprog Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lnsv1prog Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.throttlemsg Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock Class Description AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.usb_63120 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple.assignment Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.maple.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.LocoAddress.Protocol Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.cdb Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.cdb.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.simulation Class Description CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.swing.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mrc Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksDccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mrc.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mrc.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mrc.swing.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.mrc.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksCommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.boosterprog Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.clockmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.consist Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.macro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.ncemon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.ph5driver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.swing Class Description SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.usbdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.nce.usbinterface Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ncemonitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksCommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.LocoAddress.Protocol Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.MeterManager Interface for obtaining Meters.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NamedBean.BadUserNameException NamedBeanPropertyDescriptor Describes metadata about a given property key for a NamedBean.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.Signal Represent a single signal, either inSignalHead
form.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.StringIOManager Interface for obtaining StringIOs.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.configurexml Class Description Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.MeterManager Interface for obtaining Meters. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.SignalAppearanceMap Access to signal appearance information.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.clockmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.downloader Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.eventtable Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.hub Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.idtool Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.lccpro Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.memtool Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.protocoloptions Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.send Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.stleditor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.tie Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.pi Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.Sensor.PullResistance SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator Class Description AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.swing.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.pricom Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.pricom.downloader Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.pricom.pockettester Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.qsi Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.qsi.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.qsi.qsimon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.qsi.swing Class Description SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.generic.standalone Class Description Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.merg.concentrator Class Description Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.networkdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.swing.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.swing.tagcarwin Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CollectingReporter This is an extension of a reporter device that is capable of collecting multiple reports in a collection.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTagListener Connect to an IdTag This file is part of JMRI.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter Implements a common way that a Reporter that supports having a Physical Location can report that location to querying objects.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.messageformatters Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.configtool Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.mon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PhysicalLocationReporter.Direction ProvidingManager Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.aligntable Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.reversealign Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.rpsmon Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.serial Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InvokeOnGuiThread Annotation denoting that a method or constructor must be called on the GUI (i.e. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.debugger Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.polling Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.soundset Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.rps.trackingpanel Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.secsi Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.nodeconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.console Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.pi Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.pi.pisprognano Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.pi.pisprogone Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.pi.pisprogonecs Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogCS Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprognano Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogslotmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.update Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.srcp Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ClockControl ClockControl defines an interface for control of hardware Fast ClocksDccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.srcp.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.srcp.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.srcp.swing.srcpmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.swing.locodatabase Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.swing.monitor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tams.swing.statusframe Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc.serialmon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc.simulator Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.wangrow Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.wangrow.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.xpa Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadSystemNameException NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProvidingManager SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.serialdriver Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.xpaconfig Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.xpamon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.zimo Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CommandStation Provide a DCC command station's basic ability: Sending DCC packets to the rails.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager SpeedStepMode DCC Speed Step Mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleManager Interface for allocatingThrottle
objects.Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.zimo.mx1 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.zimo.mxulf Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.zimo.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.zimo.swing.packetgen Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ztc Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DigitalIO Represent a digital I/O on the layout.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.ProvidingManager Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.VariableControlSpanBean Interface forNamedBean
indicating that the bean may control more than one output. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.managers Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.AnalogIO Represent an analog I/O on the layout.AnalogIOManager Interface for obtaining AnalogIOs.Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.AudioException Specific Exception class used by Audio objects.AudioManager Locate an Audio object representing some specific audio information.Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.CabSignal Interface for a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.CabSignalListListener Allow notification of changes to the cab signal list.CabSignalManager Interface for CabSignal Manager objects, which provide access to the existing CabSignals and allows for creation and destruction.Conditional A Conditional is layout control logic, consisting of a logical expression and an action.ConditionalManager Interface for obtaining ConditionalsDisposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.InstanceInitializer Interface providing initialization of specific objects by default.InstanceManagerAutoInitialize Provide a hint to theInstanceManager
that this object needs have additional initialization performed after the InstanceManager initially creates it.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.LightManager Interface for obtaining Lights.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Logix A Logix is a group of Conditionals that monitor one or more conditions (internal or on the layout).LogixManager Interface for obtaining LogixsManager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Manager.ManagerDataEvent Define an event that encapsulates changes to a list.Manager.ManagerDataListener Intended to be equivalent toListDataListener
without introducing a Swing dependency into core JMRI.Manager.NameValidity Code the validity (including just as a prefix) of a proposed name string.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.MemoryManager Locate a Memory object representing some specific information.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.MeterManager Interface for obtaining Meters.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.BadNameException Parent class for a set of classes that describe if a user name or system name is a bad name.NamedBeanPropertyDescriptor Describes metadata about a given property key for a NamedBean.NameIncrementingManager Interface that indicates that a Manager class capable of providing the next system name after the name of a given NamedBean.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.ProvidingManager ProxyManager Interface for Managers of NamedBeans that are proxies for a collection of Managers for the same type of NamedBean.RailCom RailCom represents a RailCom enabled decoder that might be fitted to a specific piece of rolling stock to uniquely identify it.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.RailComManager Locate a RailCom Object representing a specific RailCom Enabled device.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time.RouteManager Interface for obtaining Routes.Section Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.SectionManager Basic Implementation of a SectionManager.Sensor General input device representation.SensorManager Interface for controlling sensors.ShutDownManager Manage tasks to be completed when the program shuts down normally.ShutDownTask Execute a specific task before the program terminates.SignalGroup Signal Groups are used to represent European subsidary signals that would be sited with a signal mast.SignalGroupManager Interface for obtaining information about signal groups.SignalHead Represent a single signal head.SignalHeadManager Interface for obtaining signal heads.SignalMast Represent a signal mast.SignalMastLogic Generic interface for Signal Mast Logic.SignalMastLogicManager SignalMastManager Interface for obtaining signal masts.SignalSystem A SignalSystem defines a signalling system by representing the properties of various signal aspects it contains.SignalSystemManager Interface for obtaining information about signal systems.StringIO Represent an string I/O on the layout.StringIOManager Interface for obtaining StringIOs.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information.Transit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.TransitManager Implementation of a Transit ManagerTurnout Represent a Turnout on the layout.TurnoutManager Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.UserPreferencesManager Interface for the User Preferences Manager.VariableLight Represent a single visible Variable Light on the physical layout.VariableLightManager Interface for obtaining VariableLights. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.managers.configurexml Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.IdTagManager Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.Meter Interface for displaying (and controlling where appropriate) Current, Voltage, and other status data from the layout.MeterManager Interface for obtaining Meters.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.NamedBeanHandleManager Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.profile Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.progdebugger Class Description AddressedProgrammer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.AddressedProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.GlobalProgrammerManager Get access to availableProgrammer
objects.ProgListener Allow notification of the completion of programming operations.Programmer Provide access to the hardware DCC decoder programming capability.Programmer.WriteConfirmMode ProgrammerException Base for exceptions indicating problems inProgrammer
operations.ProgrammingMode Denote a single programming mode.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.script Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.script.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Audio Represent an Audio, a place to store or control sound information.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.audioicon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.block Class Description Block Represents a particular piece of track, more informally a "Block".Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.consist Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Consist Interface for a Consist Object, describing one or more cooperatively-operating locomotives.ConsistListListener Allow notification of changes to the consist list.ConsistManager Interface for Consist Manager objects, which provide access to the existing Consists and allows for creation and destruction.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.idtag Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.IdTag IdTag is a pre-parsed representation of an identification message from the layout.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.layoutblock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.light Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Light Represent a single visible Light on the physical layout.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.logixngicon Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.memory Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Memory Represent a Memory, a place to store values.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.message Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.oblock Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ProvidingManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.operations Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.power Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.reporter Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Reporter Represent a device that can report identification information.ReporterManager Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.roster Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.route Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ProvidingManager Route Routes represent a collection of Turnouts that may be set at the same time. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.schema Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.sensor Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ProvidingManager Sensor General input device representation. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.signalhead Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.SignalHead Represent a single signal head. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.signalmast Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ProvidingManager SignalMast Represent a signal mast. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.throttle Class Description BasicRosterEntry BasicRosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including information on how to locate it from decoder information.Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.DccThrottle Provide DCC-specific extensions to Throttle interface.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.Throttle A Throttle object can be manipulated to change the speed, direction and functions of a single locomotive.ThrottleListener A listener interface for a class requesting a DccThrottle from the ThrottleManager.ThrottleListener.DecisionType A decision type requested from ThrottleManager to ThrottleListener, or decision made from ThrottleListener to ThrottleManager -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.time Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Timebase Provide access to clock capabilities in hardware or software. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.turnout Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ProvidingManager Turnout Represent a Turnout on the layout. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.json.util Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.DccLocoAddress Encapsulate information for a DCC Locomotive Decoder Address.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.server.web Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.DisplayOptions Display options forNamedBean.getDisplayName(DisplayOptions)
.Permission Defines a permission.PowerManager Provide controls for layout power.Role A role in the permission system. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ExpectedState Record an object and its expected state within a specific scenario.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.LocoAddress Interface for generic Locomotive Address.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean.SystemConnectionMemo Lightweight interface denoting that a system is active, and provide general information. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.davidflanagan Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.exceptionhandler Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.gui Class Description InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.prefs Class Description InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.startup Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.swing Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.JmriException Base for JMRI-specific exceptions.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers.NamedBean.DisplayOptions Display options forNamedBean.getDisplayName(DisplayOptions)
.NamedBeanHandle Utility class for managing access to a NamedBean. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.swing.mdi Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.swing.multipane Class Description ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.table Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.Manager Basic interface for access to named, managed objects.NamedBean Provides common services for classes representing objects on the layout, and allows a common form of access by their Managers. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.usb Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.ModifiedFlag Tags objects that remember whether they've been modified and need to be (optionally) stored, for example before the program terminates or when a window closes. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.util.zeroconf Class Description Disposable Interface that indicates that a class has aDisposable.dispose()
method that can be called without arguments.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.server Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.InstanceManagerAutoDefault Interface indicating that the InstanceManager can create an object of this type when needed by a request. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.about Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.config Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.frameimage Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.home Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.json Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.operations Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.panel Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.permission Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.roster Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.simple Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package. -
Classes in jmri used by jmri.web.servlet.tables Class Description Bundle Provides standard access for resource bundles in a package.