Package jmri.jmrit.display
Provides control panel and associated visible icon classes.
Related Documentation
Several web pages discuss these classes:
- See Also:
Interface Summary Interface Description EditorActionFactory Factory for creatingAbstractAction
s that create newEditor
s.IndicatorTrack Defines track objects that display status color.LinkingObject Adds capability for a object to load a browser page or bring a panel frame to the top.Positionable Defines display objects. -
Class Summary Class Description AnalogClock2Display An Analog Clock for displaying in a panel.AudioIcon An icon that plays an audio on a web panel.AudioIcon.IdentityManager BlockContentsIcon An icon to display the value contained within a Block.Bundle CoordinateEdit Displays and allows user to modify x & y coordinates of positionable labels This class has been generalized to provide popup edit dialogs for positionable item properties when TextFields are needed to input data.DisplayFrame Extended JmriJFrame that allows to add an InitEventListener for display of a tabbed frame in the CPE Add ItemItemPalette
pane.Editor This is the Model and a Controller for panel editor Views.Editor.JFrameItem Editor.ToolTipTimer EditorManager Manager for JMRI Editors.EditorPermissions Permissions for panels.EditorPermissions.EditorPermission EditorPermissions.EditorPermissionOwner EditorPermissions.Factory GlobalVariableComboIcon An icon to display and input a GlobalVariable value in a TextField.GlobalVariableIcon An icon to display a status of a GlobalVariable.GlobalVariableInputIcon An icon to display and input a GlobalVariable value in a TextField.GlobalVariableSpinnerIcon An icon to display a status of a GlobalVariable in a JSpinner.IconAdder Provides a simple editor for selecting N NamedIcons.IndicatorTrackIcon An icon to display the status of a track segment in a block.IndicatorTrackPaths A utility class replacing common methods formerly implementing the IndicatorTrack interface.IndicatorTurnoutIcon An icon to display a status and state of a color coded turnout.JmriJFrameWithPermissions A JmriJFrame with permissions.LightIcon An icon to display a status of a light.LinkingLabel LinkingLabel is a PositionableLabel that opens a link to another window or URL when clickedLocoIcon An icon that displays the position of a loco on a panel.LogixNGIcon An icon that executes a LogixNG when clicked on.LogixNGIcon.IdentityManager MemoryComboIcon An icon to display and input a Memory value in a TextField.MemoryIcon An icon to display a status of a Memory.MemoryIconCoordinateEdit Displays and allows user to modify x & y coordinates of positionable labels This class has been generalized to provide popup edit dialogs for positionable item properties when TextFields are needed to input data.MemoryInputIcon An icon to display and input a Memory value in a TextField.MemoryOrGVComboIcon An icon to display and input a Memory value in a TextField.MemoryOrGVIcon An icon to display a status of a Memory.MemorySpinnerIcon An icon to display a status of a Memory in a JSpinner.MultiIconEditor Provides a simple editor for selecting N NamedIcons, perhaps for use in creating a panel icon.MultiSensorIcon An icon to display a status of set of Sensors.MultiSensorIcon.Entry MultiSensorIconAdder Provides a simple editor for creating a MultiSensorIcon object.NewPanelAction Start a Panel Editor or a Layout Editor for a new Panel.PanelDeleteAction Display a combo list of panels.PanelMenu Create the "Panels" menu for use in a menubar.PositionableIcon Gather common methods for Turnouts, Sensors, SignalHeads, Masts, etc.PositionableJComponent PositionableJPanel PositionableLabel PositionableLabel is a JLabel that can be dragged around the inside of the enclosing Container using a right-drag.PositionableLabel.PaletteFrameCloser PositionablePopupUtil This class handles text attributes for Positionables.PositionablePropertiesUtil Creates the UI to set the properties of a range of Positionable Icons on (Control) Panels.PositionablePropertiesUtil.TextDetails PreviewPanel Companion class to DisplayFrame.ReporterIcon An icon to display info from a Reporter, e.g. transponder or RFID reader.ReporterIcon.ReporterPopupUtil RpsPositionIcon An icon to display the position of an RPS input.SensorIcon An icon to display a status of a Sensor.SensorTextEdit Displays and allows user to modify the text display used in a sensor.SignalHeadIcon An icon to display a status of a SignalHead.SignalMastIcon An icon to display a status of aSignalMast
.SlipIconAdder Provides a simple editor for creating a Single or Double Slip Icon object.SlipTurnoutIcon An icon to display a status of a Slip, either Single or Double.SlipTurnoutTextEdit Displays and allows user to modify the text display used in a turnout slip This is a modification of by Dan Boudreau for use with LayoutEditorToolTip Implements Tooltips for Positionable objects.TurnoutIcon An icon to display a status of a turnout. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AudioIcon.OnClickOperation EditorPermissions.EditorPermissionEnum -
Exception Summary Exception Description Positionable.DuplicateIdException