Package jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder
Provides throttle-controlled locomotive sound simulation without the need of an on-board sound decoder.
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Virtual Sound Decoder-
Interface Summary Interface Description TriggerListener Trigger listener This file is part of JMRI.VSDManagerListener Manager Event Listener. -
Class Summary Class Description AudioUtil Utility class for doing "VSD-special" things with the JMRI Audio classes.BoolTrigger Boolean trigger.Bundle ButtonTrigger Button trigger.ConfigurableSound Configurable Sound initial version.Diesel3Sound Diesel Sound version 3.DieselSound Diesel Sound initial version.EnginePane Superclass for Diesel, Steam, Electric panes.EngineSound Superclass for Steam, Diesel and Electric Sound.EngineSoundEvent Handles sound events for all types.FloatTrigger Float trigger.IntTrigger Integer trigger.LoadVSDFileAction Load VSDecoder Profiles from XML Adapted from LoadXmlThrottleProfileAction by Glen Oberhauser (2004)MomentarySoundEvent Momentary Sound Event.NotchTransition NotchTransition.NotchTrigger Notch trigger.SoundBite VSD implementation of an audio sound.SoundEvent Process Sound Events.Steam1Sound Steam Sound version 1 (adapted from Diesel3Sound).SteamSound Steam Sound initial version.ThrottleTrigger Throttle trigger.ToggleSoundEvent Toggle Sound Event.Trigger Superclass for all VSD trigger types.VSDConfig Data capsule ("Model"?)VSDecoder Implements a software "decoder" that responds to throttle inputs and generates sounds in responds to them.VSDecoderCreationAction Start Virtual Sound Decoder Manager.VSDecoderCreationStartupActionFactory VSDecoderManager VSDecoderFactory, builds VSDecoders as needed, handles loading from XML if needed.VSDecoderManagerThread Main thread of VSDecoder.VSDecoderPreferences Manage VSDecoder Preferences.VSDecoderPreferences.VSDecoderPrefsXml An extension of the abstract XmlFile.VSDFile Open a VSD file and validate the configuration part.VSDFile.ValidateStatus VSDGeoFile Load parameter from XML for the Advanced Location Following.VSDManagerEvent Process Manager Events.VSDNavigation Navigation through a LayoutEditor panel to set the sound position.VSDSound Superclass for all Sound types. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ButtonTrigger.ButtonAction SoundEvent.ButtonType Trigger.CompareType Trigger.CompareValueType Trigger.TargetAction Trigger.TriggerType VSDManagerEvent.EventType