DecoderPro® Main Window


Command Monitor

Opens the Communications Monitor Window and automatically displays the information that is being sent and received on the communications link between your computer and your DCC system.

Send Comamnd

Opens the Send prompt with a text box to enter the Command message that will be sent to the DCC system when you click on the Send button.

SPROG comamd


Opens the Sprog Console window that combines the communications monitor, Send Command and other features into a single user interface.

Get SPROG Firmware Version

Retrieves the SPROG firmware version and displays that information.

SPROG V3/V4 Firmware Update

Starts the SPROG Firmware Update wizard.

SPROG firmware

SPROG II Firmware Update

Starts the SPROG II Firmware Update Wizard (basically the same as above)

SPROG Console

The Console combines the Communications Monitor, Send Command and other features into a single interface.

SPROG Console