Class MarklinMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MarklinMessage
    extends AbstractMRMessage
    Encodes a message to a Marklin command station.

    The MarklinReply class handles the response from the command station. Packages of length 13 are interpreted as can-bus packages: 4 bytes Can-bus-ID (BigEndian or network order), 1-byte length and 8 bytes of data, if necessary with null bytes to fill in.

    The message ID is divided into the areas of lower priority (priority), command (command), response and hash. The communication is based on the following format: Prio - 2 +2bit Command 8 bit Resp - 1 bit Hash - 16bit DLC - 4bit (ie CAN message length) CAN message 8 BYTES Can Message Bytes 0 to 3 are the address bytes, with byte 0 High, byte 3 low