Class AutomatSummary

  • public class AutomatSummary
    extends java.lang.Object
    A singlet providing access to information about existing Automat instances.

    It might not always be a singlet, however, so for now we're going through an explicit instance() reference.

    This can be invoked from various threads, so switches to the Swing thread to notify its own listeners.

    • Method Detail

      • register

        public void register​(AbstractAutomaton a)
        A newly-created AbstractAutomaton instance uses this method to notify interested parties of its existence.
        a - the automaton to register
      • remove

        public void remove​(AbstractAutomaton a)
        Just before exiting, an AbstractAutomaton instance uses this method to notify interested parties of its departure.
        a - the automaton to remove
      • length

        public int length()
      • get

        public AbstractAutomaton get​(java.lang.String name)
        Provide a convenience method to look up a managed object by its name.
        name - Name of the automat to be located
        null if name not found
      • loop

        public void loop​(AbstractAutomaton a)
        An AbstractAutomaton instance uses this method to notify interested parties that it's gone around its handle loop again.
        a - the looping automaton
      • notify

        void notify​(java.lang.String property,
                    java.lang.Object arg1,
                    java.lang.Object arg2)