Uses of Package
Packages that use jmri.beans Package Description apps Provides application level support for JMRI; includes specific applications in subpackages.apps.gui3.dp3 The current DecoderPro application, previously known as DecoderPro3.apps.gui3.lccpro apps.gui3.paned Provide the GUI3 "paned", IDE-like, user interface.apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences Provides the tabbed preferences window and its contents.apps.jmrit.log apps.systemconsole apps.util.issuereporter Issue Reporter for JMRI and related applications.jmri Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI layout management concepts.jmri.beans Contains JMRI classes related to supporting JavaBeans andPropertyChangeListener
s.jmri.configurexml Provides an XML-based mechanism for storing and restoring configurations.jmri.implementation Provides implementations of various JMRI interfaces.jmri.implementation.decorators jmri.jmris Server implementation for the JMRI interfaces.jmri.jmris.simpleserver jmri.jmris.srcp Contains a SRCP protocol parser to be built with the Java Compiler Compiler (JavaCC).jmri.jmrit.analogclock Provides specific implementations of various audio Provides Swing-specific implementations of various audio systems.jmri.jmrit.automat.monitor Classes to provide a GUI for manipulating the running Automat instances.jmri.jmrit.beantable Provides table GUI for manipulating NamedBean objects: Turnouts, Sensors, SignalHeads.jmri.jmrit.beantable.light jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock jmri.jmrit.beantable.routetable jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast jmri.jmrit.blockboss Provides a very simple vital signal logic for use in JMRI programs.jmri.jmrit.catalog Provides a tree-based catalog for browsing.jmri.jmrit.conditional jmri.jmrit.consisttool jmri.jmrit.dispatcher jmri.jmrit.display Provides control panel and associated visible icon classes.jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Layout Editor currently represents both structure and graphical display through a single set of objects.jmri.jmrit.display.logixng jmri.jmrit.display.palette Select from palette of items.jmri.jmrit.display.panelEditor jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor jmri.jmrit.dualdecoder jmri.jmrit.entryexit Implements Entry/Exit ( NX ) dispatching using Layout Editor panels.jmri.jmrit.etcs.dmi.swing Implements aspects of the ERTMS ETCS Driver Interface Device.jmri.jmrit.lcdclock Provide a simple GUI for a clock that displays the time via LCD characters.jmri.jmrit.logix Support for implementing Warrants in JMRI.jmri.jmrit.logixng jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation jmri.jmrit.logixng.util jmri.jmrit.mailreport Provides a tool for sending a formatted debugging information to a mailing list, which will archive/forward/process it.jmri.jmrit.mastbuilder jmri.jmrit.nixieclock Provide a simple GUI for a clock that displays the time via Nixie tubes.jmri.jmrit.operations jmri.jmrit.operations.automation jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.actions jmri.jmrit.operations.locations jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.divisions jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines jmri.jmrit.operations.routes jmri.jmrit.operations.setup jmri.jmrit.operations.trains jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.excel jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.schedules jmri.jmrit.picker jmri.jmrit.powerpanel The jmrit.powerpanel Java package provides a GUI panel for controlling layout power.jmri.jmrit.pragotronclock Provide a simple GUI for a clock that displays the time via Pragotron clock.jmri.jmrit.roster jmri.jmrit.roster.rostergroup jmri.jmrit.roster.swing jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.rostergroup jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile jmri.jmrit.sendpacket jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup jmri.jmrit.signalling jmri.jmrit.simpleclock Contains a simple FastClock implementation based on the computers clock.jmri.jmrit.simplelightctrl jmri.jmrit.simpleprog jmri.jmrit.simpleturnoutctrl jmri.jmrit.speedometer jmri.jmrit.swing.meter Provide a simple GUI for a Voltage/Current Meter that displays the voltage via LCD characters.jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog Basic support for advanced programming, primarily used by DecoderPro.jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.tabbedframe jmri.jmrit.throttle jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing Implements Timetable creation, maintenance and displaying a timetable graph.jmri.jmrit.ussctc Support for implementing USS CTC systems in JMRI.jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.swing Sub-package for jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.jmri.jmrit.whereused Create a where used report for a selected table object.jmri.jmrit.withrottle jmri.jmrit.z21server jmri.jmrix Interfaces and implementations for system-specific code.jmri.jmrix.acela This package handles communications for the CTI Acela hardware.jmri.jmrix.acela.acelamon jmri.jmrix.acela.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.acela.packetgen jmri.jmrix.anyma jmri.jmrix.bachrus Provides connections and GUI support for attached speedometers.jmri.jmrix.bidib jmri.jmrix.can Defines classes for interfacing to a CAN-based model railway control bus.jmri.jmrix.can.cbus Defines classes for interfacing to a MERG CBUS network.jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing Provides common utilities for CBUS swing classes.jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modeswitcher Defines classes for ModeSwitcher for switching programmer and command station modes.jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.nodeconfig Provides CBUS Node Configuration Tools.jmri.jmrix.cmri Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI C/MRI implementation.jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI C/MRI serial implementation.jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.assignment jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.cmrinetmanager jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.diagnostic jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeconfigmanager jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeiolist jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.packetgen jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.serialmon jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc jmri.jmrix.dccpp jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp Defines classes for interfacing to a DCC++ Base Station via a telnet connection to a DCCppOverTcp driver.jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.mon jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.virtuallcd Provides an image of the DCC-EX command stations OLED display screenjmri.jmrix.debugthrottle jmri.jmrix.easydcc jmri.jmrix.easydcc.easydccmon jmri.jmrix.easydcc.packetgen jmri.jmrix.ecos Support for the ESU ECoS.jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.preferences jmri.jmrix.grapevine This package handles communications for the ProTrak Grapevine hardware.jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodetable jmri.jmrix.grapevine.packetgen jmri.jmrix.grapevine.serialmon jmri.jmrix.ieee802154 jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.serialdriver jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.internal The jmrix.internal package contains a JMRI connection implementation for use without a layout.jmri.jmrix.ipocs jmri.jmrix.jinput.treecontrol GUI for controlling JInput access to USB devices.jmri.jmrix.jmriclient jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.lenz jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite jmri.jmrix.lenz.li100 jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.li101 jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.liusb jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lv102 jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lz100 jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lzv100 jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.stackmon jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.systeminfo jmri.jmrix.loconet Provides access to LocoNet systems, along with a lot of Swing-based tools.jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp JMRI implementation of the LocoNet over TCP protocol.jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr2 jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3 jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr4 jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor Provide GUI tools for editing an SDF file in memory.jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock Implementation and specialization for connecting to to an Uhlenbrock Intellibox-II via its in-built USB connection.jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240 jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52 jmri.jmrix.maple jmri.jmrix.maple.assignment jmri.jmrix.maple.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.maple.packetgen jmri.jmrix.maple.serialmon jmri.jmrix.marklin Classes to interact with a Marklin Network Connection.jmri.jmrix.marklin.cdb Classes to interact with a Marklin Network Connection.jmri.jmrix.mqtt Provides JMRI layout objects that use MQTT connections.jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng jmri.jmrix.mrc jmri.jmrix.nce jmri.jmrix.oaktree jmri.jmrix.oaktree.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.oaktree.packetgen jmri.jmrix.oaktree.serialmon jmri.jmrix.openlcb Implementation of the JMRI OpenLCB hardware interface.jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing Head package for Swing-based packages for JMRI's OpenLCB implementation.jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.lccpro Provides the main panels for the LccPro application.jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.protocoloptions jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.tie Package provides a producer-consumer-event configuration tool using Swing.jmri.jmrix.pi jmri.jmrix.powerline This package handles communications for powerline adapters, such as X10.jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 This package handles communications for CM11 powerline adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 This package handles communications for CP290 powerline adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 This package handles communications for DMX lighting adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s This package handles communications for Insteon 2412S adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator jmri.jmrix.powerline.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.pricom.downloader jmri.jmrix.pricom.pockettester jmri.jmrix.qsi Connects to a QSI programmer unit.jmri.jmrix.qsi.packetgen jmri.jmrix.qsi.qsimon jmri.jmrix.rfid This package handles communications for RFID adapters.jmri.jmrix.rfid.generic.standalone This package handles communications for Generic RFID stand-alone readers.jmri.jmrix.rfid.merg.concentrator This package handles communications for MERG RFID Concentrators.jmri.jmrix.rfid.swing.tagcarwin jmri.jmrix.roco jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.configtool jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.rps This package contains software specific to the RPS system from NAC Services, Inc.jmri.jmrix.rps.aligntable Provide access to alignment information via a table interface.jmri.jmrix.rps.rpsmon jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.debugger Provides a GUI for various RPS debugging activities.jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.polling Provides a control panel frame for operating the RPS support.jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.soundset Provides a GUI for controlling an automatic sound calculation.jmri.jmrix.rps.trackingpanel This package creates the "Tracking Display" tool for RPS.jmri.jmrix.secsi This package handles communications for the TracTronics SECSI hardware.jmri.jmrix.secsi.nodeconfig jmri.jmrix.secsi.packetgen jmri.jmrix.secsi.serialmon jmri.jmrix.sprog jmri.jmrix.sprog.console jmri.jmrix.sprog.packetgen jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogmon jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogslotmon jmri.jmrix.sprog.update jmri.jmrix.srcp Provide a JMRI connection to an SRCP server.jmri.jmrix.srcp.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.swing jmri.jmrix.tams Support for the ESU ECoS.jmri.jmrix.tmcc jmri.jmrix.tmcc.packetgen jmri.jmrix.tmcc.serialmon jmri.jmrix.xpa jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.packetgen jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.xpaconfig jmri.jmrix.zimo jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 jmri.managers Provides implementations of various JMRI managers.jmri.profile JMRI profile management.jmri.progdebugger A simple implementation of Programmer for debugging purposes.jmri.server.json The JMRI JSON Services provide access to JMRI via JSON data objects via a RESTful interface over HTTP or via JSON messages via a socket interface over TCP or WebSockets.jmri.server.json.consist jmri.server.json.operations JMRI JSON support for jmri.swing Provides small Swing-based tool and utility classes for JMRI basic forms.jmri.util Contains various utilities classes that are useful across the entire JMRI library structure.jmri.util.gui jmri.util.prefs This package provides two mechanisms for storing preferences and one mechanism for storing user interface state within a JMRI profile:JmriConfigurationProvider
Complex preferences within an XML element provided by the object storing and retrieving the element.JmriPreferencesProvider
Simple preferences within aPreferences
Complex user interface state within an XML element provided by the object storing and retrieving the element. These three classes provide arbitrary read/write access to the underlying storage, such that writing a users preferences does not require any part of a JMRI application have knowledge of every object that manages users preferences.jmri.util.startup jmri.util.swing.mdi Tools and utilities for providing a multi-document interface for a JMRI application.jmri.util.swing.multipane Tools and utilities for providing a multi-pane interface for a JMRI application.jmri.util.usb jmri.util.zeroconf Provides utilities and classes for Zeroconf/Bonjour networking.jmri.web.server -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.gui3.dp3 Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.gui3.lccpro Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.gui3.paned Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.jmrit.log Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.systemconsole Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by apps.util.issuereporter Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.ConstrainedBean A Bean with support forVetoableChangeListener
s.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.beans Class Description ArbitraryPropertySupport Provide support for converging the Arbitrary* classes with the non-arbitrary versions of those classes so that the Arbitrary* version can extend the non-arbitrary class.Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.ConstrainedBean A Bean with support forVetoableChangeListener
s.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.configurexml Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.implementation Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.implementation.decorators Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmris Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmris.simpleserver Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmris.srcp Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.analogclock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.automat.monitor Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.beantable Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.light Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.routetable Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.blockboss Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.catalog Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.conditional Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.consisttool Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.dispatcher Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.logixng Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.palette Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.panelEditor Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.dualdecoder Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.entryexit Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.etcs.dmi.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.lcdclock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.logix Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.logixng Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.mailreport Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.mastbuilder Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.nixieclock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.automation Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.actions Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.locations Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.divisions Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.routes Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.setup Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.trains Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.excel Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.schedules Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.picker Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.powerpanel Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.pragotronclock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.roster Class Description ArbitraryBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
and support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.roster.rostergroup Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.roster.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.rostergroup Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.sendpacket Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.signalling Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.simpleclock Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.simplelightctrl Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.simpleprog Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.simpleturnoutctrl Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.speedometer Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.swing.meter Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.tabbedframe Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.throttle Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.ussctc Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.whereused Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.withrottle Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrit.z21server Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.acela Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.acela.acelamon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.acela.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.acela.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.anyma Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.bachrus Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.bidib Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.can Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modeswitcher Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.assignment Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.cmrinetmanager Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.diagnostic Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeconfigmanager Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeiolist Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.serialmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.mon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.swing.virtuallcd Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.debugthrottle Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.easydccmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ecos Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.preferences Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodetable Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine.serialmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.serialdriver Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.internal Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ipocs Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.jinput.treecontrol Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.li100 Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.li101 Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.liusb Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lv102 Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lz100 Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.lzv100 Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.stackmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.systeminfo Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr2 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr4 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.maple Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.maple.assignment Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.maple.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.maple.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.maple.serialmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.marklin Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.marklin.cdb Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng Class Description PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.mrc Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.nce Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree.serialmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.lccpro Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.protocoloptions Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.tie Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.pi Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.pricom.downloader Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.pricom.pockettester Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.qsi Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.qsi.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.qsi.qsimon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rfid Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.generic.standalone Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.merg.concentrator Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rfid.swing.tagcarwin Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.roco Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.configtool Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps.aligntable Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps.rpsmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.debugger Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.polling Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.soundset Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.rps.trackingpanel Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.secsi Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.nodeconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.secsi.serialmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.sprog Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.console Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogslotmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.sprog.update Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.srcp Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.srcp.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.swing Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.tams Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc.serialmon Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.xpa Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.packetgen Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.xpa.swing.xpaconfig Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.zimo Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.managers Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently.SilenceablePropertyChangeProvider Sometimes an external object needs to be able to mute property changes to prevent bottlenecks in constrained systems (e.g. when reading a file that may add a large number of Turnouts or Sensors to JMRI's internal representation of the model railroad).UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.VetoableChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for vetoable property changes.VetoableChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.profile Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.progdebugger Class Description PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.PropertyChangeSupport Implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
that can be extended by classes that would normally need to implement the methods of PropertyChangeSupport independently. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.server.json Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.server.json.consist Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.server.json.operations Class Description Identifiable An Object that has an identity property that is not publicly mutable (it may be indirectly mutated).PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.swing Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.gui Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.prefs Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.startup Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.swing.mdi Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.swing.multipane Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.usb Class Description BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.util.zeroconf Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. -
Classes in jmri.beans used by jmri.web.server Class Description Bean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
with a complete implementation ofPropertyChangeSupport
.BeanInterface Simple interface for basic methods that implement JMRI Bean handling methods.PreferencesBean Bean that implements some common code for preferences objects.PropertyChangeFirer Interface that defines the methods needed to fire property changes.PropertyChangeProvider A set of methods that would need to be implemented to ensure the implementing class provides a complete external interface for property changes.UnboundBean Generic implementation ofBeanInterface
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime.