A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- U - Static variable in interface jmri.jmris.simpleserver.parser.JmriServerParserConstants
- U - Static variable in interface jmri.jmris.srcp.parser.SRCPParserConstants
- U - Static variable in interface jmri.jmrix.srcp.parser.SRCPClientParserConstants
- uaAddrField - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.diagnostic.DiagnosticFrame
- uaAddrField - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.packetgen.SerialPacketGenFrame
- uaAddrField - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.oaktree.packetgen.SerialPacketGenFrame
- uaAddrField - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.secsi.packetgen.SerialPacketGenFrame
- UDP_LENGTH - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.lenz.xntcp.XnTcpAdapter
- UDPInputStream - Class in jmri.util.com.rbnb
- UDPInputStream() - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPInputStream
- UDPInputStream(String, int) - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPInputStream
- UDPOutputStream - Class in jmri.util.com.rbnb
- UDPOutputStream() - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPOutputStream
- UDPOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPOutputStream
- UDPOutputStream(String, int) - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPOutputStream
- UDPOutputStream(String, int, int) - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPOutputStream
- UDPOutputStream(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPOutputStream
- UDPOutputStream(InetAddress, int, int) - Constructor for class jmri.util.com.rbnb.UDPOutputStream
- uECBHDWSD_CallOn(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- uECBHDWSD_CodeButton(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- uECBHDWSD_SIDI(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- uECBHDWSD_SIDL(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- uECBHDWSD_SWDI(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- uECBHDWSD_SWDL(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- uECBHDWSD_TUL(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- UHLEN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockConnectionTypeList
- UhlenbrockAdapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Update the code in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer so that it operates correctly with the IC-COM and Intellibox II on-board USB port.
- UhlenbrockAdapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockAdapter
- UhlenbrockConnectionTypeList - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Provide a list of valid Uhlenbrock Connection Types.
- UhlenbrockConnectionTypeList() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockConnectionTypeList
- UhlenbrockLnThrottleManager - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
LocoNet implementation of a ThrottleManager for Uhlenbrock.
- UhlenbrockLnThrottleManager(UhlenbrockSystemConnectionMemo) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockLnThrottleManager
- UhlenbrockPacketizer - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Converts Stream-based I/O to/from LocoNet messages.
- UhlenbrockPacketizer(LocoNetSystemConnectionMemo) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockPacketizer
- UhlenbrockPacketizer.RcvHandler - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Captive class to handle incoming characters.
- UhlenbrockPacketizer.XmtHandler - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Captive class to handle transmission
- UhlenbrockProgrammerManager - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Extend LnProgrammerManager to disable on-the-track programming, which is not supported by IB-COM or Intellibox II
- UhlenbrockProgrammerManager(LocoNetSystemConnectionMemo) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockProgrammerManager
- UhlenbrockSlot - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet
Extends representation of a single slot for the Uhlenbrock IB command station.
- UhlenbrockSlot(int) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.UhlenbrockSlot
- UhlenbrockSlot(LocoNetMessage) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.UhlenbrockSlot
- UhlenbrockSlotManager - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet
Only change compared to standard LocoNet SlotManager is CV programming.
- UhlenbrockSlotManager(LnTrafficController) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.UhlenbrockSlotManager
- UhlenbrockSystemConnectionMemo - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Lightweight class to denote that an Uhlenbrock IB-COM or Intellibox II is active
- UhlenbrockSystemConnectionMemo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockSystemConnectionMemo
- UhlenbrockSystemConnectionMemo(LnTrafficController, SlotManager) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.UhlenbrockSystemConnectionMemo
- UI_CONFIG - Static variable in class jmri.profile.Profile
- UI_CONFIG_FILENAME - Static variable in class jmri.profile.Profile
"UserPrefsProfileConfig.xml" may be present in older profiles
- uiEffect - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.audio.JoalAudioFactory
- uiEffectSlots - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.audio.JoalAudioFactory
- UKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.acela.AcelaNode
- UN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.acela.AcelaNode
- UNABLE_CONNNAME - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.ipocs.Bundle
- UNABLE_PORT - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.ipocs.Bundle
- UNABLE_PREFIX - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.ipocs.Bundle
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LRouteTableAction.RouteElementModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.routetable.RouteOutputModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SectionTableAction.BlockTableModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupSubTableAction.SignalGroupOutputModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupTableAction.SignalGroupOutputModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalListEdit.ConditionalTableModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.LogixNGEditor.ConditionalNGTableModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.picker.PickListModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup.BeanTableModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.signalling.SignallingPanel.AutoTableModel
- UNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.signalling.SignallingPanel.TableModel
- UNAMECOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.ControllerFilterFrame.AbstractFilterModel
- Unavailable - jmri.jmrix.ipocs.protocol.enums.RqControllerState
- UnboundArbitraryBean - Class in jmri.beans
Generic implementation of
that supports arbitrary properties defined at runtime. - UnboundArbitraryBean() - Constructor for class jmri.beans.UnboundArbitraryBean
- UnboundBean - Class in jmri.beans
Generic implementation of
without support for arbitrary properties defined at runtime. - UnboundBean() - Constructor for class jmri.beans.UnboundBean
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class apps.gui3.FirstTimeStartUpWizard
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.catalog.CatalogPanel.MemoryExceptionHandler
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.catalog.PreviewDialog.MemoryExceptionHandler
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class jmri.util.exceptionhandler.UncaughtExceptionHandler
- UncaughtExceptionHandler - Class in jmri.util.exceptionhandler
Class to log exceptions that rise to the top of threads, including to the top of the AWT event processing loop.
- UncaughtExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class jmri.util.exceptionhandler.UncaughtExceptionHandler
- UNCHECKED - jmri.util.swing.TriStateJCheckBox.State
- undecorate() - Method in class jmri.util.JmriJFrame
Remove any decoration, such as the title bar or close window control, from the JFrame.
- Undefined - jmri.jmrix.ipocs.protocol.enums.RqInputState
- UNDEFINED - jmri.jmrit.MemoryContents.LoadOffsetFieldType
- UNDETECTED - Static variable in class jmri.Block
Undetected status, i.e a "Dark" block.
- undoGroupPressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup.SensorGroupFrame
- undoMoveSelection() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor
undo the move selection
- unescapeString(String, int, int) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.ReferenceUtil
- UnexpectedExceptionContext - Class in jmri.util.swing
Extends ExceptionContext class for exceptions that are not expected, and therefore have no suggestions for the user.
- UnexpectedExceptionContext(Throwable, String) - Constructor for class jmri.util.swing.UnexpectedExceptionContext
- unexpectedReplyStateError(int, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractMRTrafficController
Log an error message for a message received in an unexpected state.
- unexpectedReplyStateError(int, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.SerialTrafficController
- unexport() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioPinDigitalInputSimulator
- unexport() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioPinDigitalOutputSimulator
- unexport(GpioPin...) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioControllerSimulator
- unexport(GpioPin...) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioSimulator
- unexport(Pin...) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioControllerSimulator
- unexport(Pin...) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioSimulator
- unexportAll() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioControllerSimulator
- unexportAll() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioSimulator
- UNINITIALIZED_VALUE - Static variable in class jmri.util.swing.JmriJOptionPane
- unionToPanelBounds(Rectangle2D) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor
- UNIQUE_ID - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.JSON
- uniqueIDMatches(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.CodeButtonHandler
- uniqueName(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorFindItems
Determine the first unused object name...
- uniqueName(String, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorFindItems
Determine the first unused object name...
- unit - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitDateTimeVariableValue
- unit - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bachrus.GraphPane
- unit - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bachrus.SpeedoDial
- unit - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.powerline.DmxSequence.Cmd
- UNIT - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.JSON
- UnitClosingDown - jmri.jmrix.ipocs.protocol.enums.RqDisconnect
- unitIconWidth - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.swing.meter.MeterFrame
- unitid - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.powerline.SerialLight
- unitLabels - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.swing.meter.MeterFrame
- units_MenuItemMap - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.swing.meter.MeterFrame
- UNITSCOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock.BlockPathTableModel
- UNITSCOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock.OBlockTableModel
- UNITSCOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock.SignalTableModel
- unitsLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.audio.swing.AbstractAudioFrame.JPanelVector3f
- UNIX - Static variable in class jmri.util.SystemType
- unknown - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.LightIcon
- unknown - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon
- unknown - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- unknown - Static variable in class jmri.PushbuttonPacket
Valid stationary decoder names
- Unknown - jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionLight.LightState
- Unknown - jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionSensor.SensorState
- Unknown - jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionTurnout.TurnoutState
- Unknown - jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionPower.PowerState
- Unknown - jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionSensorEdge.SensorState
- Unknown - jmri.jmrix.ipocs.protocol.enums.RqReleaseState
- UNKNOWN - jmri.Conditional.State
- UNKNOWN - jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.AbstractValue.ValueState
Defines state when nothing is known about the real value.
- UNKNOWN - jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusEventDataElements.EvState
- UNKNOWN - jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.bootloader.CbusBootloaderPane.BootProtocol
- UNKNOWN - jmri.jmrix.loconet.SlotMapEntry.SlotType
- UNKNOWN - jmri.PhysicalLocationReporter.Direction
- UNKNOWN - jmri.SpeedStepMode
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.EntryPoint
Constants representing the Direction of the Entry Point.
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutTurnout
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutTurnoutView
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.logix.Portal
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.Train
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.update.SprogType
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.update.SprogUpdateFrame
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface jmri.NamedBean
Constant representing an "unknown" state, indicating that the object's state is not necessarily that of the actual layout hardware.
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface jmri.PowerManager
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.JSON
- UnknownEditNVPane - Class in jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules
Node Variable edit frame for an unknown CBUS module
- UnknownEditNVPane(CbusNodeNVTableDataModel, CbusNode) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.UnknownEditNVPane
- UnknownError - Static variable in interface jmri.ProgListener
Constant denoting the request failed, but no specific reason is known
- unknownLName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.LightIcon
- unknownLName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- unknownName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon
- UnknownPaneProvider - Class in jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules
Returns configuration objects for an unknown module
- UnknownPaneProvider() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.UnknownPaneProvider
- unknownTextField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SensorTextEdit
- UNKOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SensorIcon
- UNKOWN_FONT_COLOR - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SensorIcon
- UNLINKSTAGEONESTATE - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.LocoNetConsist
- unLitAspectField - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.swing.BiDiBSignalMastAddPane
- unLitId - Variable in class jmri.implementation.DccSignalMast
- unLitId - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBSignalMast
- unlitIdSpinner - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.DccSignalMastAddPane
- unLitOption() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.DccSignalMastAddPane
- Unlock - jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionTurnoutLock.TurnoutLock
- Unlock - jmri.jmrix.ipocs.protocol.enums.RqPointsLockCommand
- UNLOCK_BIT - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.SprogConstants
- unlockCheckBox - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.console.SprogConsoleFrame
- Unlocked - jmri.jmrix.ipocs.protocol.enums.RqPointsLockState
- UNLOCKED - Static variable in interface jmri.Turnout
Constant representing a unlocked turnout
- unmergedNewData - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile.SpeedProfilePanel
- Unoccupied - jmri.jmrit.logix.OBlock.OBlockStatus
- UNOCCUPIED - Static variable in class jmri.Block
- UNOCCUPIED - Static variable in interface jmri.Section
Value representing an unoccupied section.
- unpack(Element) - Method in class jmri.configurexml.DefaultJavaBeanConfigXML
- unpackDescription(String, String) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.TcsImporter
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.acela.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.networkdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.configurexml.AbstractConnectionConfigXml
Method to unpack additional XML structures after connection creation, but before connection is usable.
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.networkdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.grapevine.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.grapevine.simulator.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.networkdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.maple.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.maple.simulator.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.oaktree.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.oaktree.simulator.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.serial.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.secsi.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.secsi.simulator.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
- unpackElement1(Element, Element) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml
Same as unpackElement() in super class, but that one is called from load() too late.
- unprovisionPin(GpioPin...) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioControllerSimulator
- unprovisionPin(GpioPin...) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.GpioSimulator
- unqueueAudioBuffers() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.audio.AbstractAudioSource
- unqueueAudioBuffers() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.audio.JoalAudioSource
Remove all processed AudioBuffers from this Source.
- unqueueBuffers() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.audio.AbstractAudioSource
- unqueueBuffers() - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.audio.AudioSource
- unqueueBuffers() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.SoundBite
- unregisterClient(InetAddress) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.z21server.ClientManager
Unregister a client.
- unregisterEnableListener(ConsistManager.EnableListener) - Method in interface jmri.ConsistManager
Unregister a listener that is called if this manager is enabled or disabled.
- unregisterEnableListener(ConsistManager.EnableListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusConsistManager
Unregister a listener that is called if this manager is enabled or disabled.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.logixng.Base
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractBase
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractFemaleSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractMaleSocket
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultGlobalVariable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultLogixNG
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectBoolean
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectCharset
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectComboBox
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectDouble
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectEnum
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectInteger
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectNamedBean
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectString
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.ActionLayoutTurnout
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.ActionPositionable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.ActionPositionableByClass
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.WindowManagement
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionAtomicBoolean
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionAudio
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionBlock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionClock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionClockRate
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionCreateBeansFromTable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionDispatcher
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionEntryExit
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionFindTableRowOrColumn
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionLight
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionLightIntensity
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionListenOnBeans
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionListenOnBeansLocalVariable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionListenOnBeansTable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionLocalVariable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionMemory
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionOBlock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionPower
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionReporter
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionRequestUpdateAllSensors
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionRequestUpdateOfSensor
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionScript
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionSensor
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionSetReporter
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionSignalHead
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionSignalMast
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionSound
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionTable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionThrottle
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionThrottleFunction
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionTimer
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionTurnout
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionTurnoutLock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionWarrant
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.AnalogActionLightIntensity
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.AnalogActionMemory
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.AnalogMany
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DigitalBooleanLogixAction
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DigitalBooleanMany
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DigitalCallModule
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DigitalFormula
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DigitalMany
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DoAnalogAction
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.DoStringAction
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.EnableLogix
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.EnableLogixNG
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ExecuteAction
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ExecuteDelayed
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.For
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ForEach
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.IfThenElse
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.JsonDecode
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.LogData
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.Logix
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.LogLocalVariables
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.Sequence
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ShowDialog
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ShutdownComputer
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.SimulateTurnoutFeedback
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.StringActionMemory
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.StringActionStringIO
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.StringMany
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.TableForEach
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.Timeout
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.TriggerRoute
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.WebBrowser
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.WebRequest
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.AnalogExpressionAnalogIO
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.AnalogExpressionConstant
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.AnalogExpressionLocalVariable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.AnalogExpressionMemory
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.AnalogFormula
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.And
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.Antecedent
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ConnectionName
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.DigitalCallModule
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.DigitalFormula
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionAudio
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionBlock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionClock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionConditional
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionDispatcher
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionEntryExit
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionLight
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionLinuxLinePower
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionLocalVariable
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionMemory
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionOBlock
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionPower
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionReference
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionReporter
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionScript
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionSection
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionSensor
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionSensorEdge
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionSignalHead
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionSignalMast
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionTransit
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionTurnout
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.ExpressionWarrant
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.False
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.FileAsFlag
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.Hold
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.LastResultOfDigitalExpression
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.LogData
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.Not
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.Or
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.StringExpressionConstant
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.StringExpressionMemory
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.StringExpressionStringIO
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.StringFormula
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.TimeSinceMidnight
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.TriggerOnce
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.True
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractBase
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractFemaleSocket
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractMaleSocket
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.ClipboardMany
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultClipboard
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultConditionalNG
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleAnalogActionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleAnalogExpressionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleDigitalActionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleDigitalBooleanActionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleDigitalExpressionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleStringActionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultMaleStringExpressionSocket
Register listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.DefaultModule
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.debugger.AbstractDebuggerMaleSocket
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.ModuleEditorMaleSocket
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.ActionClearSlots
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.ActionUpdateSlots
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.ExpressionSlotUsage
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.SetSpeedZero
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng.Publish
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unregisterListenersForThisClass() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng.Subscribe
Unregister listeners if this object needs that.
- unsavedUpdatedProfile - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile.SpeedProfilePanel
- UNSEEN - Static variable in interface jmri.IdTag
Constant representing an "unseen" state, indicating that the ID tag has not yet been seen.
- UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT - jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.parser.TokenType
- unsolicitedSensorMessageSeen - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc.Dcc4PcTrafficController
- unsolicitedSensorMessageSeen - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.EcosTrafficController
- unsolicitedSensorMessageSeen - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
- unsubscribe(String) - Method in class jmri.server.json.message.JsonMessageClientManager
Cancel the subscription for a single client.
- unsubscribe(String, MqttEventListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mqtt.MqttAdapter
- unsubscribe(JsonConnection) - Method in class jmri.server.json.message.JsonMessageClientManager
Cancel the subscription for all clients on a given connection.
- unsubscribeall(MqttEventListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mqtt.MqttAdapter
- UNSUPPORTED - apps.JavaVersionCheckWindow.Compatibility
- unsupportedCharset() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitTextVariableValue
- UnsupportedCommOperationException - Exception in jmri.jmrix.purejavacomm
This exception is thrown when the operation is not supported.
- UnsupportedCommOperationException() - Constructor for exception jmri.jmrix.purejavacomm.UnsupportedCommOperationException
Creates a new instance of
without detail message. - UNUSED - jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.RouteSwitchPositionEnum
- UNUSED_19 - jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.HitPointType
- UNUSED_27 - jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.HitPointType
- UNUSED_28 - jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.HitPointType
- UNUSED_29 - jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.HitPointType
- UNUSED_NV10 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdPaneProvider
- UNUSED_NV15 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdPaneProvider
- UNUSED_NV16 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdPaneProvider
- unusedRadioButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.SimpleTurnoutStateEntry
Tracks whether the object is in-use or not, as seen in some aspects of DS64 configuration.
- UNUSEDTURNOUTNUMBER - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.LnSimpleRouteEntry
- UnzipFileClass - Class in jmri.util
Unzip a local file or URL to into a specified directory
- UnzipFileClass() - Constructor for class jmri.util.UnzipFileClass
- unzipFunction(File, InputStream) - Static method in class jmri.util.UnzipFileClass
Unzip contents into a directory.
- unzipFunction(String, String) - Static method in class jmri.util.UnzipFileClass
Unzip contents into a directory.
- UP - Static variable in interface jmri.Audio
Definition of Audio object orientation up vector code
- UP - Static variable in class jmri.Path
Upward, e.g. on a schematic diagram or CTC panel
- UP_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.tools.LocationTrackBlockingOrderTableModel
- upBtn - Variable in class apps.startup.StartupActionsPreferencesPanel
- update - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SectionTableAction
- update - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TransitTableAction
- update - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile.SpeedProfilePanel
- update() - Method in class apps.ManagerDefaultsConfigPane
Invoke when first displayed to load and present options.
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.analogclock.AnalogClockFrame
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.AnalogClock2Display
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.GlobalVariableComboIcon
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryComboIcon
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryOrGVComboIcon
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.lcdclock.LcdClockFrame
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.nixieclock.NixieClockFrame
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.CommonConductorYardmasterPanel
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.YardmasterByTrackPanel
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.YardmasterPanel
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainConductorPanel
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.pragotronclock.PragotronClockFrame
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.GlobalRosterEntryComboBox
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterEntryComboBox
Update the combo box with the currently selected roster group, using the same roster entry attributes specified in a prior call to update or when creating the combo box.
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterGroupComboBox
Update the combo box and reselect the current selection.
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.swing.meter.MeterFrame
Update the displayed value.
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.ArithmeticQualifier
- update() - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.Qualifier
Process the current value and do whatever is needed.
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.QualifierCombiner
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.jinput.treecontrol.TreePanel
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor.InitiateSoundEditor
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor.PlayEditor
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor.SdfMacroEditor
Update editor when it's reshown
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.SlotManager
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.AffineEntryPanel
Load GIU to transform
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.trackingpanel.RpsTrackingControlPane
- update() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogslotmon.SprogSlotMonFrame
- update() - Method in class jmri.script.swing.ScriptEngineSelectorSwing
- update() - Method in class jmri.swing.ConnectionLabel
- update() - Method in class jmri.util.swing.BeanSelectCreatePanel
- update(float) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.etcs.dmi.swing.DmiSpeedoDialPanel
- update(float) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bachrus.SpeedoDial
- update(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterEntryComboBox
Update the combo box with an arbitrary roster group, using the same roster entry attributes specified in a prior call to update or when creating the combo box.
- update(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterGroupComboBox
Update the combo box and select given String.
- update(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.GlobalRosterEntryComboBox
- update(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterEntryComboBox
Update the combo box with the currently selected roster group, using new roster entry attributes.
- update(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterEntryComboBox
Update the combo box with an arbitrary roster group, using new roster entry attributes.
- update(List<SlotMapEntry>, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.SlotManager
Start the process of checking each slot for contents.
- update(DocumentEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.eventtable.CbusEventTable
- update(SymbolTable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.DebuggerSymbolTableModel
- update(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.FunctionLabelPane
Update a RosterEntry object from panel contents.
- update(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntryPane
Fill a RosterEntry object from GUI contents.
- update(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterMediaPane
- update(Reading) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.reversealign.AlignmentPanel.Line
- UPDATE - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- UPDATE_CV19 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.consisttool.ConsistPreferencesManager
- UPDATE_SWITCHLIST - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.actions.ActionCodes
- UpdateAccyCount() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3EditNVPane.UpdateAccyCount
- UpdateAccyCount() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateAccyCount
- UpdateAck() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateAck
- updateAction() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Respond to Update button.
- updateActionList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Update the conditional action list and refresh the local copy.
- updateActionPressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditFrame
Respond to Update Action button in the Edit Action pane.
- updateActiveThroughPaths(LayoutBlock.ThroughPaths, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractNetworkConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractSerialConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractSimulatorConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractStreamConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractUsbConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.anyma.AnymaDMX_ConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.serialdriver.ConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.simulator.ConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ipocs.IpocsConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.jmriclient.networkdriver.ConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.RaspberryPiConnectionConfig
- updateAdapter() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pi.simulator.RaspberryPiSimulatorConnectionConfig
- updateAll() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBReporterManager
Get all loco addresses from railcom
- updateAll() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.LnSensorManager
Requests status updates from all layout sensors.
- updateAll() - Method in class jmri.managers.AbstractSensorManager
Requests status of all layout sensors under this Sensor Manager.
- updateAll() - Method in class jmri.managers.ProxySensorManager
Triggers #updateAll on all SensorManagers.
- updateAll() - Method in interface jmri.SensorManager
Requests status of all layout sensors under this Sensor Manager.
- updateAllSummaryLines() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.FnMapPanelESU
Updates all summary lines, including setting appropriate states.
- UpdateArbDelay() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.CanisbEditNVPane.UpdateArbDelay
- updateAspectBits(char[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.MatrixSignalMastAddPane.MatrixAspectPanel
- updateAttributeQuanity() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.tools.CarAttributeEditFrame
- updateAttributeQuanity() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.tools.EngineAttributeEditFrame
- updateAttributeQuanity() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockAttributeEditFrame
- updateAttributes(PositionableLabel) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.palette.TextItemPanel
- updateAudio() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.AudioIcon
- updateAutomationBox(Turnout, JComboBox<String>) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TurnoutTableAction
Add the content and make the appropriate selection to a combo box for a turnout's automation choices.
- updateAutoNumber(String) - Method in class jmri.managers.AbstractManager
- updateBackground(Editor) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.DisplayFrame
Called when the background of the display panel is changed.
- updateBeanFromSystemToUser(NamedBean) - Method in class jmri.NamedBeanHandleManager
- updateBeanFromUserToSystem(NamedBean) - Method in class jmri.NamedBeanHandleManager
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutSlip
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutSlipView
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutTurnout
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutTurnoutView
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LevelXing
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.TrackSegment
- updateBlockInfo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.TrackSegmentView
- updateBlockValue - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryIcon
- updateBlockValueOnChange() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryIcon
- updateBlockValueOnChange(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryIcon
- updateBoardAddress() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.Ds64TabbedPanel
- updateBoundaryBasedSignalMastLogic(SignalMast, SignalMast, SignalMast, SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorTools
- updateBrowserText(LogixNGBrowseWindow.GetText) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.LogixNGBrowseWindow
Update text in the browser window.
- updateBufferList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.audio.swing.AudioSourceFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LRouteTableAction
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupTableAction
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.MemoryFrameAction
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainSwitchListEditFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.acela.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats.swing.LocoStatsPanel
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.maple.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.oaktree.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
- updateButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.secsi.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.acela.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
Method to handle update button
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.grapevine.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
Handle Update button.
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.swing.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
Method to handle update button
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.nodeconfig.XBeeNodeConfigFrame
Method to handle update button
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.maple.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
Handle Update button.
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.oaktree.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
Handle Update button
- updateButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.secsi.nodeconfig.NodeConfigFrame
Handle Update button.
- updateButtonPressed - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.preferences.PreferencesPane
- updateButtons(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.tools.TrackLoadEditFrame
- updateButtons(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainLoadOptionsFrame
- updateButtons(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainRoadOptionsFrame
- UpdateCanId() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.CanisbEditNVPane.UpdateCanId
- UpdateCanId() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateCanId
- updateChecksum(byte[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.bootloader.CbusBootloaderPane
Add array of bytes to checksum
- updateChooser() - Method in class jmri.util.swing.ButtonGroupColorChooserPanel
- updateChooser() - Method in class jmri.util.swing.ButtonSwatchColorChooserPanel
- updateChooser() - Method in class jmri.util.swing.ComboBoxColorChooserPanel
- updateChooser() - Method in class jmri.util.swing.JmriColorChooserPanel
- updateChooser() - Method in class jmri.util.swing.SplitButtonColorChooserPanel
- updateClientList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.z21server.Z21ClientsListModel
- updateClientStateListener() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.tcpserver.TcpServer
- updateClinetStateListener() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp.Server
- UpdateCmdStaNo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateCmdStaNo
- UpdateCmdStaNo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateCmdStaNo
- updateCmdStnOpSw(int, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.CsOpSwAccess
- updateComboBox(String, JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarLoads
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarLoads
Update a JComboBox with all load names for every type of car.
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockAttribute
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockGroupManager
Update an existing comboBox with the current kernel names
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.consist.NceConsistRoster
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Automation>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.AutomationManager
Update a JComboBox with the latest automations.
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Division>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.divisions.DivisionManager
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Location>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager
Updates JComboBox alphabetically with a list of locations.
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Schedule>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.ScheduleManager
Update a JComboBox with the latest schedules.
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Track>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location
Updates a JComboBox with all of the track locations for this location.
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Track>, RollingStock, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location
Updates a JComboBox with tracks that can service the rolling stock.
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<Route>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.RouteManager
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<RouteLocation>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.Route
- updateComboBox(JComboBox<TrainSchedule>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.schedules.TrainScheduleManager
Update a JComboBox with the latest schedules.
- updateComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.schedules.tools.ScheduleCopyFrame
- updateComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.tools.LocationCopyFrame
- updateComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.tools.TrackCopyFrame
- updateComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateComboBoxesLoadChange() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
Update locations if load changes.
- updateComboBoxModelEntry(StlEditorPane.NodeEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.stleditor.StlEditorPane
- updateComboConnection() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.nodeconfig.StreamConfigPane
- updateComboConnection() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.JmrixConfigPane
- updateComment(E, String) - Method in class jmri.util.swing.BeanSelectCreatePanel
Update comment on bean if there's content AND there's not already a comment.
- updateComplete() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.CommonConductorYardmasterPanel
- updateConditional(String, Conditional.AntecedentOperator, boolean, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalList
Update _curConditional, the current Conditional.
- updateConditional(String, Conditional.AntecedentOperator, boolean, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalListCopy
- updateConditional(String, Conditional.AntecedentOperator, boolean, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalListEdit
- updateConditional(String, Logix, Conditional.AntecedentOperator, boolean, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalList
- updateConditionalListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalListEdit.ConditionalTableModel
- updateConditionalNGListeners() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.LogixNGEditor.ConditionalNGTableModel
- updateConditionalPressed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditFrame
Respond to the Update Conditional Button in the Edit Conditional window.
- updateConditionalPressed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalFrame
Respond to the Update Conditional Button in the Edit Conditional window.
- updateConditionalTableModel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalList
- updateConditionalTableModel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalListCopy
- updateConditionalTableModel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalListEdit
- updateConsistComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.EngineSetFrame
- updateControlPressed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.light.AddEditSingleLightControlFrame
- updateControlPressed(LightControl, LightControl) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.light.LightControlPane
Respond to pressing the Update Control button in the New / Edit Control Frame.
- UpdateCurrentLimit() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateCurrentLimit
- UpdateCurrentLimit() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3EditNVPane.UpdateCurrentLimit
- UpdateCurrentLimit() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateCurrentLimit
- updateCurrentlySelectedColumnErrorStatus() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.Columns
- updateCurrentSpeed(float) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.SpeedMatcher
Updates the locomotive's current speed in the speed matcher
- updateCurrentThrottles() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.RpsBlock
- updated - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.decoderdefn.DecoderIndexFile
- updated() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor.SdfMacroEditor
Notify that something has changed
- UPDATED - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location
- updateData(int, boolean, JTable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.RowComboBoxPanel
Refresh contents of editor.
- updateData(Integer, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.lenz.swing.stackmon.StackMonDataModel
Update the internal data structures for a specified address.
- updateDccAddress() - Method in class apps.gui3.dp3.PaneProgDp3Action
- updateDccAddress() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.DccAddressPanel
Handle a (possible) update to the active DCC address, either because the state changed or the address mode changed.
- updateDccAddress() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.tabbedframe.PaneProgFrame
- updatedDropDown() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitEnumVariableValue
- UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction - Class in jmri.jmrit.roster
Update the decoder definitions in the roster.
- UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction(String) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.roster.UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction
Update the decoder definitions in the roster.
- UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction(String, Icon, WindowInterface) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.roster.UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction
Update the decoder definitions in the roster.
- UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction(String, WindowInterface) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.roster.UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction
Update the decoder definitions in the roster.
- updateDestination(Object) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.ActionReporter
- updateDestinationComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateDestinationOption() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.TrackEditFrame
- updateDestinationTrackComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateDetails() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterFrame
- updateDetails() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.lccpro.LccProFrame
- updateDeviceList(ArrayList<DeviceServer>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.WiThrottlesListModel
- updateDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.MemoryFrameAction
- updateDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.AbstractBoardProgPanel
Update the GUI based on the contents of opsw[].
- updateDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.bdl16.BDL16Panel
Update the GUI elements.
- updateDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.Ds64TabbedPanel
- updateDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.pm4.PM4Panel
- updateDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.se8.SE8Panel
- updateDivisionComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationEditFrame
- updateDivisionComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateDownloadVerifyButtons() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractLoaderPane
Conditionally enables or disables the Download and Verify GUI buttons based on the validity of the parameter values in the GUI and the state of the memory contents object.
- updateDownloadVerifyButtons() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.downloader.LoaderPane
Conditionally enables or disables the Download and Verify GUI buttons based on the validity of the parameter values in the GUI and the state of the memory contents object.
- updatedTextField() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.DecVariableValue
Invoked when a permanent change to the JTextField has been made.
- updatedTextField() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.LongAddrVariableValue
- updatedTextField() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitVariableValue
- updatedTextField() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.VariableValue
This should be overridden by any implementation.
- UpdateEnableDelay() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Sol8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateEnableDelay
- updateEngineRoadComboBox(String, JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.EngineManager
- updateExistingCodeButtonHandlerDataWithSubstitutedData(ProgramProperties, CodeButtonHandlerData) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.CodeButtonHandlerDataRoutines
- updateFamiliesPanel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.palette.FamilyItemPanel
- UpdateFeedback() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.Canacc8EditNVPane.UpdateFeedback
- updateFile() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntry
Write the contents of this RosterEntry back to a file, preserving all existing decoder CV content.
- updateFinalDestinationComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateFinalDestinationTrack() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- UpdateFireDelay() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Sol8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateFireDelay
- UpdateFlags() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateFlags
- UpdateFlags() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3EditNVPane.UpdateFlags
- UpdateFlags() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateFlags
- updateForDecoderMfgID(String, int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelListPane
Decoder identify has not matched specific types, but did find manufacturer match
- updateForDecoderMfgID(String, int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelPane
Decoder identify has not matched specific types, but did find manufacturer match.
- updateForDecoderMfgID(String, int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelTreePane
Decoder identify has not matched specific types, but did find manufacturer match.
- updateForDecoderMfgID(String, int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.utilities.EcosLocoToRoster
- updateForDecoderNotID(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelListPane
Decoder identify did not match anything, warn and show all
- updateForDecoderNotID(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelPane
Decoder identify did not match anything, warn and show all.
- updateForDecoderNotID(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelTreePane
Decoder identify did not match anything, warn and clear selection.
- updateForDecoderNotID(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.utilities.EcosLocoToRoster
- updateForDecoderTypeID(List<DecoderFile>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelListPane
Decoder identify has matched one or more specific types
- updateForDecoderTypeID(List<DecoderFile>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelPane
Decoder identify has matched one or more specific types.
- updateForDecoderTypeID(List<DecoderFile>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelTreePane
Decoder identify has matched one or more specific types.
- updateForDecoderTypeID(List<DecoderFile>) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.utilities.EcosLocoToRoster
- updateFrame() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.editor.code.Columns
- updateFromEntry(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.FunctionLabelPane
Update contents from a RosterEntry object
- updateFromNode(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.node.CbusNodeSingleEventTableDataModel
- updateFunction(int, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractThrottle
Update the state of a single function.
- updateFunctionGroup(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusThrottle
- updateFunctionMomentary(int, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractThrottle
Update the Momentary state of a single function.
- updateFunctions() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.LocoNetThrottle
update the F0-F29 functions.
- updateGroup(List<Car>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateGroup(List<T>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateGUI() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.entryexit.StackNXPanel
- updateGUI() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.throttle.ThrottleWindow
- updateGUI() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.pricom.downloader.LoaderPane.LocalReader
Update the GUI for progress
- updateGUI(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.downloader.LoaderPane
- updateGUI(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntryPane
Fill GUI from roster contents.
- updateGuiBasicOpSw(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.Ds64TabbedPanel
- updateGuiCell(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.eventtable.CbusEventTableAction
- updateGuiFromOpSws33_48() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.Ds64TabbedPanel
- updateIcon(NamedIcon) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.PositionableLabel
- updateIconFromRosterVal(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryIcon
- updateIconList(List<Positionable>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.EditCircuitFrame
- updateIndexIfNeeded() - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.decoderdefn.DecoderIndexFile
Check whether the user's version of the decoder index file needs to be updated; if it does, then forces the update.
- updateInst - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupSubTableAction
- updateInst - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupTableAction
- updateInterval() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.swing.polling.PollTablePane
The requested interval has changed, update it
- UpdateInterval() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateInterval
- updateIsForward(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusThrottle
Update the throttles direction without sending to hardware.Used to support CBUS sharing by taking direction received from the hardware in an OPC_DSPD message.
- updateItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTurnoutIcon
- updateItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon
- updateItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SensorIcon
- updateItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SignalHeadIcon
- updateItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SignalMastIcon
- updateItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.TurnoutIcon
- updateJList() - Method in class apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences.EditConnectionPreferences
- updateJList() - Method in class apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences.TabbedPreferences
- updatejmricols() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.eventtable.CbusEventTableAction
Update all columns for JMRI Sensor, Turnout and light details
- updateKernel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.Car
Updates all cars in a kernel.
- updateKernelComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateLabel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.powerpanel.PowerButtonAction
- updateLabel(String, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.light.LightTableDataModel.ImageIconRenderer
- updateLabel(String, int, JTable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor.SensorTableDataModel.ImageIconRenderer
- updateLabel(String, int, JTable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout.TurnoutTableDataModel.ImageIconRenderer
- updateLabel(Block) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.block.BlockTableDataModel.ImageIconRenderer
- updateLayout() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the layout information.
- updateLight() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.LightIcon
- updateLine(ConnectionConfig, JLabel) - Method in class apps.Apps
- updateLine(ConnectionConfig, JLabel) - Method in class apps.AppsLaunchPane
- UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class jmri.jmris.simpleserver.parser.SimpleCharStream
- UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class jmri.jmris.srcp.parser.SimpleCharStream
- UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.srcp.parser.SimpleCharStream
- updateLink() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.PositionablePointView
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in class jmri.implementation.AbstractNamedBean
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in class jmri.implementation.decorators.AbstractNamedBeanDecorator
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.catalog.AbstractCatalogTree
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.logixng.Base
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractFemaleSocket
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.AbstractMaleSocket
- updateListenerRef(PropertyChangeListener, String) - Method in interface jmri.NamedBean
- updateListeners(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.CbusFilterFrame
Pass text to a CbusConsole instance.
- updateLnF() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.throttle.FunctionButton
Update Button Look and Feel !
- updateLoad(Track) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.Car
Updates a car's load when placed at a spur.
- updateLoadComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateLocationComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateLocationTrackComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateLocoPanes(RouteLocation) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.CommonConductorYardmasterPanel
Uses "ep" prefix to denote a checkbox with an engine pick up, and "es" for an engine set out.
- updateLookAndFeel(String, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.configurexml.JmrixConfigPaneXml
Change the look-and-feel to the specified class.
- updateManager() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.usermessagepreferences.UserMessagePreferencesPane
- updateMatchButtons(RosterEntry) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction
Updates the
availability and tooltips, depending on whetherversionMatchList
are empty or not. - updateMatchGroupName() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.eventtable.EventTablePane
- updateMatchGroupName() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.lccpro.LccProFrame
- updateMemory(double) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleTimebase
- updateMemory(Date) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleTimebase
- UpdateMeter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3EditNVPane.UpdateMeter
- UpdateMeter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateMeter
- updateMfgListContents(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelListPane
Update the contents of the manufacturer list to make sure it contains a specific value.
- updateMfgListToSelectedDecoder() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelListPane
Force the manufacturer list to select the mfg of the currently selected decoder.
- updateMfgListWithoutTrigger(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CombinedLocoSelListPane
Set a selection in the manufacturer list, without triggering an update of the decoder panel.
- UpdateMult() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateMult
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AudioTableAction.AudioBufferTableDataModel
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AudioTableAction.AudioListenerTableDataModel
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AudioTableAction.AudioSourceTableDataModel
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.BeanTableDataModel
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LRouteTableAction.LBeanTableDataModel
Override to filter out the LRoutes from the rest of Logix.
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.SignalMastLogicTableDataModel
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.entryexit.AddEntryExitPairPanel.TableModel
- updateNameList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.picker.PickListModel
override BeanTableDataModel only lists SystemName
- updateNeighbourPacketFlow(LayoutBlock.Adjacencies, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- UpdateNnMap() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateNnMap
- UpdateNnMap() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateNnMap
- updateNode(Node) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBReporterManager
- updateNodeButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeconfigmanager.NodeConfigManagerFrame
- updateNodeButtonActionPerformed() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeconfigmanager.NodeConfigManagerFrame
Handle update button clicked.
- updateNodeFeedbacks(Node) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBSensorManager
- updateNodeFeedbacks(Node, int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBSensorManager
- updateNodeFromLearn(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.node.CbusNodeEventManager
Update node with new Node Event.
- updateNodeGui() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.simulator.NdPane
- UpdateNodeNumber() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.CanisbEditNVPane.UpdateNodeNumber
- UpdateNodeNumber() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdateNodeNumber
- updateNumUsers(LocoAddress, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractThrottleManager
The number of users of this throttle has been updated
- updateNumUsers(LocoAddress, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusThrottleManager
The number of users of this throttle has been updated
- UpdateNV - Interface in jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules
Interface for callback function(s) used to update the NVs
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.swing.ActionAudioIconSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.swing.ActionLayoutTurnoutSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.swing.ActionPositionableByClassSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.swing.ActionPositionableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.logixng.swing.WindowManagementSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionAudioSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionBlockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionClockRateSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionClockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionCreateBeansFromTableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionDispatcherSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionEntryExitSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionFindTableRowOrColumnSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionLightIntensitySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionLightSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionListenOnBeansLocalVariableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionListenOnBeansSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionListenOnBeansTableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionLocalVariableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionMemorySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionOBlockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionPowerSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionReporterSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionRequestUpdateAllSensorsSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionRequestUpdateOfSensorSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionScriptSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionSensorSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionSetReporterSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionShutDownTaskSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionSignalHeadSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionSignalMastSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionSoundSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionTableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionThrottleFunctionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionThrottleSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionTimerSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionTurnoutLockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionTurnoutSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ActionWarrantSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.AnalogActionLightIntensitySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.AnalogActionMemorySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.AnalogManySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.BreakSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ContinueSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DigitalBooleanLogixActionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DigitalBooleanManySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DigitalCallModuleSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DigitalFormulaSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DigitalManySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DoAnalogActionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.DoStringActionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.EnableLogixNGSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.EnableLogixSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ErrorSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ExecuteActionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ExecuteDelayedSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ExitSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ForEachSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ForSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.IfThenElseSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.JsonDecodeSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.LogDataSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.LogixSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.LogLocalVariablesSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ProgramOnMainSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ReturnSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.RunOnceSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.SequenceSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ShowDialogSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.ShutdownComputerSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.SimulateTurnoutFeedbackSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.StringActionMemorySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.StringActionStringIOSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.StringManySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.TableForEachSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.TimeoutSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.TriggerRouteSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.WebBrowserSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions.swing.WebRequestSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AnalogExpressionAnalogIOSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AnalogExpressionConstantSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AnalogExpressionLocalVariableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AnalogExpressionMemorySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AnalogFormulaSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AndSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.AntecedentSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ConnectionNameSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.DigitalCallModuleSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.DigitalFormulaSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionAudioSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionBlockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionClockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionConditionalSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionDispatcherSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionEntryExitSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionLightSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionLinuxLinePowerSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionLocalVariableSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionMemorySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionOBlockSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionPowerSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionReferenceSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionReporterSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionScriptSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionSectionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionSensorEdgeSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionSensorSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionSignalHeadSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionSignalMastSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionTransitSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionTurnoutSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.ExpressionWarrantSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.FalseSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.FileAsFlagSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.HoldSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.LastResultOfDigitalExpressionSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.LogDataSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.NotSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.OrSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.StringExpressionConstantSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.StringExpressionMemorySwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.StringExpressionStringIOSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.StringFormulaSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.TimerSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.TimeSinceMidnightSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.TriggerOnceSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions.swing.TrueSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.swing.AbstractMaleSocketSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.swing.DefaultModuleSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.logixng.swing.SwingConfiguratorInterface
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.debugger.swing.AbstractDebuggerMaleSocketSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.swing.ActionClearSlotsSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.swing.ActionUpdateSlotsSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.swing.ExpressionSlotUsageSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng.swing.SetSpeedZeroSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng.swing.PublishSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng.swing.SubscribeSwing
Updates the object with the data in the form.
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectBoolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectBooleanSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectCharset) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectCharsetSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectComboBox) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectComboBoxSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectDouble) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectDoubleSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectEnum<E>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectEnumSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectInteger) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectIntegerSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectNamedBean<E>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectNamedBeanSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectString) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectStringSwing
- updateObject(LogixNG_SelectTable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing.LogixNG_SelectTableSwing
- updateObjectForSubPanel(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.swing.AbstractMaleSocketSwing
- updateObjectForSubPanel(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation.swing.DefaultMaleDigitalExpressionSocketSwing
- updateOBlockTablesMenu() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock.TableFrames
Fill in the Open/Hide Tables menu on tablesMenu.
- UpdateOffPos() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Servo8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateOffPos
- UpdateOffSpd() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Servo8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateOffSpd
- updateOneThrottle(DccThrottle) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.rps.RpsBlock
- UpdateOnPos() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Servo8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateOnPos
- UpdateOnSpd() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Servo8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateOnSpd
- updateOpswForWrite(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.Ds64TabbedPanel
Updates OpSw values for a given index into the data array
- updateOpSwsOutAddr(int, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64.Ds64TabbedPanel
Updates data register to reflect address, state, and enable for two turnouts.
- updateOpSwVal(int, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.CsOpSwAccess
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.DccSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.DefaultSignalHead
Type-specific routine to handle output to the layout hardware.
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.DoubleTurnoutSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.LsDecSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.MergSD2SignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.QuadOutputSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.SE8cSignalHead
Type-specific routine to handle output to the layout hardware.
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.SingleTurnoutSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.TripleOutputSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.TripleTurnoutSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.implementation.VirtualSignalHead
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.acela.AcelaSignalHead
Handle a request to change state on layout
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.grapevine.SerialSignalHead
Handle a request to change state on layout
- updateOutput() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.SE8cSignalHead
- updateOutputs(char[]) - Method in class jmri.implementation.MatrixSignalMast
Send hardware instruction.
- updatePacketActedUpon(Integer) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- updatePanel() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.catalog.CatalogPanel
- updatePaths() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
Check/Update Path objects for the attached Block
- updatePathsUsingPanel(LayoutEditor) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
Check/Update Path objects for the attached Block using the connectivity in the specified Layout Editor panel.
- updatePointBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.PositionablePointView
- updatePoolComboBox(JComboBox<Pool>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location
- updatePower(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusPowerManager
Notification to JMRI of main track power state.
- UpdatePowerMode() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3EditNVPane.UpdatePowerMode
- UpdatePowerMode() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdatePowerMode
- UpdatePreamble() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3EditNVPane.UpdatePreamble
- UpdatePreamble() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusEditNVPane.UpdatePreamble
- updatePressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LRouteTableAction
Update the Route Table.
- updatePressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Apply the updates to the current node.
- updatePressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor.SwitchboardEditor
Create a new set of switches after removing the current array.
- updatePressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Apply the updates to the current node.
- updatePressed(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.routetable.AbstractRouteAddEditFrame
Respond to the Update button - update to Route Table.
- updatePressed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SectionTableAction
- updatePressed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TransitTableAction
- updatePressed(ActionEvent, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupTableAction
Respond to the Update button on the Edit Signal Group pane - store new properties in the Signal Group.
- updateProfileButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile.SpeedProfilePanel
- updateProgMode() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterFrame
- updateProgrammerStatus(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterFrame
Handle setting up and updating the GUI for the types of programmer available.
- updateProgrammerStatus(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ToolsMenu
Enable or disable the service mode programmer menu items for the types of programmer available.
- UpdatePulse() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Sol8BaseEditNVPane.UpdatePulse
- UpdatePulse() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.Canacc8EditNVPane.UpdatePulse
- UpdateRecharge() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Sol8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateRecharge
- updateRepresentation(JComponent) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.VariableValue
Add the proper tooltip text to a graphical rep before returning it, sets the visibility.
- updateRequestPending - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats.swing.LocoStatsPanel
- updateReturnWhenEmptyComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateReturnWhenEmptyTrack() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateReturnWhenLoadedComboBoxes() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateReturnWhenLoadedTrack() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateRoster() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.AbstractRosterItemAction
Common, but not unique implementation to add the "To" entry to the Roster and rewrite the roster file.
- updateRoster() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.ExportRosterItemAction
- updateRosterCV(DccLocoAddress, Boolean, int) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DccConsist
If allowed by the preferences, Update the CV19 value in the specified address's roster entry, if the roster entry is known.
- updateRouteComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.StagingEditFrame
- updateRouteComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.TrackEditFrame
- updateRoutesToNeighbours(List<Block>, LayoutBlock.Routes, LayoutBlock.RoutingPacket) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- updateRoutingInfo(LayoutBlock.Routes) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- updateRoutingInfo(LayoutBlock, LayoutBlock.RoutingPacket) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- updateRunningButton() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleClockFrame
Adjust to running state changes
- updateRweComboBox(String, JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarLoads
- updateRweLoadComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateRwlComboBox(String, JComboBox<String>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarLoads
- updateRwlLoadComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateSamples() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.palette.TextItemPanel
- updateSchedule() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the schedule information.
- updateSegment() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the segment information.
- updateSelected(boolean) - Method in class jmri.util.com.sun.ToggleOrPressButtonModel
An external change has happened so we update.
- updateSelectedDriver() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.AddSignalMastPanel
Update contents of Add/Edit mast panel appropriate for chosen Driver type.
- updateSelections(boolean, Positionable) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.EditCircuitPaths
- updateSensor() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon
- updateSensor() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SensorIcon
- updateSensorsFromPoll(AcelaReply) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.acela.AcelaTrafficController
For each sensor node call markChanges.
- updateSeqNum() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TransitTableAction
After any add, delete etc the section sequence numbers need to be rebuilt.
- updateSerialPortNames(String, JComboBox<String>, Vector<String>) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractSerialConnectionConfig
Handle friendly port names.
- updateServerStateListener() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.tcpserver.TcpServer
- updateServerStateListener() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp.Server
- updateSessionTotal() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.simulator.CsPane
- updateSetComboBoxSelection() - Method in class jmri.script.swing.ScriptEngineSelectorSwing
- updateShape() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape.DrawFrame
- updateSignal() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SignalHeadIcon
- updateSignalMastLogic(SignalMastLogic, SignalMastLogic) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.signalling.SignallingSourcePanel.SignalMastAspectModel
- updateSignalMastLogic(JmriJFrame, SignalMast, SignalMast) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.signalling.SignallingGuiTools
Display a message to the user asking them to confirm they wish to update the Signal Mast Logic from the old signal mast to the new one.
- updateSingleSlipRoute(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipIconAdder
- updateSize() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape.PositionableShape
- updateSize() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.GlobalVariableIcon
- updateSize() - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.display.LinkingObject
- updateSize() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.MemoryIcon
- updateSize() - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.display.Positionable
- updateSize() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.PositionableJComponent
- updateSize() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.PositionableJPanel
Update the AWT and Swing size information due to change in internal state, e.g. if one or more of the icons that might be displayed is changed
- updateSize() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.PositionableLabel
Update the AWT and Swing size information due to change in internal state, e.g. if one or more of the icons that might be displayed is changed
- updateSlot(int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.cmdstnconfig.CmdStnConfigPane
- UpdateSodDelay() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateSodDelay
- updateSpecificNameList(char) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AudioTableAction.AudioTableDataModel
Update the NamedBean list for the specific sub-type
- updateSpeedProfileWithResults() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile.SpeedProfilePanel
Merge the new data into the existing speedprofile, or create if not current, and save.
- updateSpeedSetting(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusThrottle
Update the throttles speed setting without sending to hardware.
- updateStart(int) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.spjfile.SpjFile.Header
Data record associated with this header is being being repositioned.
- UpdateStartup() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.base.Servo8BaseEditNVPane.UpdateStartup
- UpdateStartup() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.Canacc8EditNVPane.UpdateStartup
- updateState() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutSlip
- updateStatesFromCombo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutSlip.TurnoutState
- updateStatesFromCombo() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutSlipView.TurnoutState
- updateStation() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the station information.
- updateStatus() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logix.TrackerTableAction
- updateStatus(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.sprogslotmon.SprogSlotMonFrame
- updateStatus(SignalMast, SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.implementation.SignalMastRepeater
- updateStop() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the stop information.
- updateSubButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupSubTableAction
- updateSubPressed(ActionEvent, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupSubTableAction
Respond to the Update button on the Edit Head sub pane - update to SignalGroup.
- updateSummary() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.sdfeditor.EditorPane
- updateSummaryLine(int, int) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.FnMapPanelESU
Updates a summary line at the specified location, including setting appropriate state.
- updateSwitchAndSignalEtcNumbersEverywhere(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.ctcserialdata.CTCSerialData
Change the identifying attributes with the exception of the uniqueID.
- UpdateSwitchListAction - Class in jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.actions
- UpdateSwitchListAction() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.operations.automation.actions.UpdateSwitchListAction
- updateTask - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusPredefinedMeters
- updateTextItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.PositionableJPanel
- updateTextItem() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.PositionableLabel
- updateThrottlesPreferences(ThrottlesPreferences) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.throttle.ThrottlesPreferencesControlsSettingsPane
- updateThrottlesPreferences(ThrottlesPreferences) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.throttle.ThrottlesPreferencesUISettingsPane
- updateTime() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleClockFrame
Update clock state information
- updateTrackComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.tools.TrackCopyFrame
- updateTrackComments(RouteLocation, boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.CommonConductorYardmasterPanel
- updateTrackLocationBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockEditFrame
- updateTrackName() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.tools.TrackCopyFrame
- updateTrain() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the train information.
- updateTrainComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.StagingEditFrame
- updateTrainComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.TrackEditFrame
- updateTrainComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarSetFrame
- updateTrainComboBox() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStockSetFrame
- updateTrainComboBox(JComboBox<Train>) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainManager
- updateTrainComboBox(JComboBox<Train>, Car) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainManager
Update combo box with trains that will service this car
- updateTrainIconCoordinates(Location) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.tools.SetTrainIconPositionFrame
- updateTrainTableRowColor() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.Train
- updateTrainType() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Update the train type information.
- updateTree(Base) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.TreePane
- updateTree(FemaleSocket, Object[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.TreePane
- updateTurnout() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- updateTurnout() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.TurnoutIcon
- updateUI() - Method in class jmri.swing.JTitledSeparator
- updateUsbPortNames(String, JComboBox<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractUsbConnectionConfig
Handle friendly port names.
- updateUserNameField() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.ConnectionConfig
- updateUserNameField() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.adapters.gridconnect.net.ConnectionConfig
- updateValues() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.preferences.PreferencesPane
- updateVariable() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Respond to Update Variable button in the Edit Variable pane.
- updateVariableList() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Update the conditional variable list and refresh the local copy.
- updateVariableNegation() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Update the variable negation.
- updateVariableOperator() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Update the variable operation.
- updateVariablePressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditFrame
Respond to Update Variable button in the Edit Action pane.
- updateVariableValue(int[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitEnumVariableValue
Contains numeric-value specific code.
- updateVariableValue(int[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitTextVariableValue
Contains byte-value specific code.
- updateVariableValue(int[]) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitVariableValue
Contains numeric-value specific code.
- updateVisibility(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.cmdstnconfig.CmdStnConfigPane
- UpdateWalkabout() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdEditNVPane.UpdateWalkabout
- updateWarrantMenu() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.logix.WarrantTableAction
- updateWhereUsed(TreeSet<String>, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LogixTableAction
Update the conditional reference where used.
- updateWhereUsed(TreeSet<String>, TreeSet<String>, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditBase
Update the conditional reference where used.
- updating - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.usermessagepreferences.UserMessagePreferencesPane
- updown - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon
- upDownSplitPane - Variable in class jmri.util.swing.multipane.ThreePaneTLRWindow
- upDownSplitPane - Variable in class jmri.util.swing.multipane.TwoPaneTBWindow
- UPGRADECOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.lccpro.LccProTableModel
- upgradeSelf() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml.ImportCodeButtonHandlerData
- upgradeSelf() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml.ImportOtherData
- uploadByJavaServletAPI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class jmri.web.servlet.roster.MultipartRequestHandler
- upperByte - Variable in class jmri.implementation.TwoIndexTcsProgrammerFacade
- upperWestToLowerEast - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- upperWestToLowerEastLName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- upperWestToLowerEastText - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- upperWestToUpperEast - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- upperWestToUpperEastButton - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipIconAdder
- upperWestToUpperEastLName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- upperWestToUpperEastText - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon
- upPressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Move a conditional, variable or action row up 1 row.
- upPressed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.swing.TimeTableFrame
Move a Stop row up 1 row.
- upTrains - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.timetable.TimeTableCsvExport
- UR92 - jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing.LnIPLImplementation.DeviceTypes
- URIDrop - Class in jmri.util.iharder.dnd
This class makes it easy to drag and drop files from the operating system to a Java program.
- URIDrop(Component, boolean, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Constructor with a default border and the option to recursively set drop targets.
- URIDrop(Component, Border, boolean, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Constructor with a specified border and the option to recursively set drop targets.
- URIDrop(Component, Border, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Constructor with a specified border
- URIDrop(Component, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Constructs a
with a default light-blue border and, if c is aContainer
, recursively sets all elements contained within as drop targets, though only the top level container will change borders. - URIDrop(PrintStream, Component, boolean, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Constructor with a default border, debugging optionally turned on and the option to recursively set drop targets.
- URIDrop(PrintStream, Component, Border, boolean, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Full constructor with a specified border and debugging optionally turned on.
- URIDrop(PrintStream, Component, Border, URIDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop
Constructor with a specified border and debugging optionally turned on.
- URIDrop.Listener - Interface in jmri.util.iharder.dnd
Implement this inner interface to listen for when uris are dropped.
- URIDrop.ListenerExt - Interface in jmri.util.iharder.dnd
- URIDropEvent - Class in jmri.util.iharder.dnd
This is the event that is passed to the
method in yourURIDropListener
when URIs are dropped onto a registered drop target. - URIDropEvent(URI[], Object) - Constructor for class jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDropEvent
Constructs a
with the array of files that were dropped and the object that initiated the event. - URIDropListener - Interface in jmri.util.iharder.dnd
When using the FileDrop package in its JavaBean form, this listener will receive events when files are dropped onto registered targets.
- urisDropped(URIDropEvent) - Method in interface jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDropListener
Fired by the source when files are dropped onto a drop target.
- URIsDropped(URI[]) - Method in interface jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop.Listener
This method is called when uris have been successfully dropped.
- URIsDropped(URI[]) - Method in class jmri.util.swing.EditableResizableImagePanel
Callback for the dnd listener
- url - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.audio.swing.AudioBufferFrame
- url - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.LinkingLabel
- URL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntry
- URL - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.JSON
- URL_SAFE_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class jmri.util.node.NodeIdentity
A string of 64 URL compatible characters.
- UrlErrorDialog(String, String) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.display.Editor.UrlErrorDialog
- urlLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.audio.swing.AudioBufferFrame
- urlToURI(URL) - Static method in class jmri.util.FileUtil
Return the
for a given URL - urlToURI(URL) - Method in class jmri.util.FileUtilSupport
Return the
for a given URL - usableCommandStation(CommandStation) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.DccSignalMastAddPane
Check if a command station will work for this subtype.
- usableCommandStation(CommandStation) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.LNCPSignalMastAddPane
Check if a command station will work for this subtype.
- usageBean - Variable in class jmri.NamedBeanUsageReport
- usageData - Variable in class jmri.NamedBeanUsageReport
- usageDetails() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit.BeanEditAction
Create a generic panel that holds Bean usage details.
- usageKey - Variable in class jmri.NamedBeanUsageReport
- usageReport - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.ctc.CtcManager
- usageReport - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor
- USB_MEM_POINTER_CMD - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceMessage
- USB_MEM_READ_CMD - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceMessage
- USB_MEM_WRITE_CMD - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceMessage
- USB_SET_CAB_CMD - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceMessage
- USB_SYSTEM_NONE - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
Default when a NCE USB isn't selected in user system preferences.
- USB_SYSTEM_POWERCAB - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
Create commands compatible with a NCE USB connected to a PowerCab.
- USB_SYSTEM_POWERPRO - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
Create commands compatible with a NCE USB connected to a PowerPro.
- USB_SYSTEM_SB3 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
Create commands compatible with a NCE USB connected to a Smart Booster.
- USB_SYSTEM_SB5 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
Create commands compatible with a NCE USB with SB5.
- USB_SYSTEM_TWIN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceTrafficController
Create commands compatible with a NCE USB with >=7.* connected to a Twin.
- UsbBrowserAction - Class in jmri.util.usb
Action to open the UsbBrowserFrame.
- UsbBrowserAction() - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserAction
- UsbBrowserAction(String) - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserAction
- UsbBrowserFrame - Class in jmri.util.usb
- UsbBrowserFrame() - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserFrame
- UsbBrowserFrame(JPanel) - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserFrame
- UsbBrowserPanel - Class in jmri.util.usb
- UsbBrowserPanel() - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserPanel
Create new UsbBrowserPanel.
- UsbBrowserPanel.UsbTreeNode - Class in jmri.util.usb
- UsbBrowserStartupActionFactory - Class in jmri.util.usb
for theUsbBrowserAction
. - UsbBrowserStartupActionFactory() - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserStartupActionFactory
- UsbCmdStationMemory - Class in jmri.jmrix.nce.usbdriver
Updates for command station memory of the PH5.
- UsbCmdStationMemory() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.nce.usbdriver.UsbCmdStationMemory
- UsbDcs210PlusAdapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus
Update the code in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer so that it refers to the option settings for the Digitrax DCS210Plus's USB interface
- UsbDcs210PlusAdapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus.UsbDcs210PlusAdapter
- UsbDcs210PlusSystemConnectionMemo - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus
Lightweight class to denote that a DCS210Plus USB interface is active
- UsbDcs210PlusSystemConnectionMemo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs210Plus.UsbDcs210PlusSystemConnectionMemo
- UsbDcs240Adapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240
Update the code in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer so that it refers to the option settings for the Digitrax DCS240's USB interface
- UsbDcs240Adapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240.UsbDcs240Adapter
- UsbDcs240PlusAdapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus
Update the code in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer so that it refers to the option settings for the Digitrax DCS240Plus's USB interface
- UsbDcs240PlusAdapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus.UsbDcs240PlusAdapter
- UsbDcs240PlusSystemConnectionMemo - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus
Lightweight class to denote that a DCS240Plus USB interface is active
- UsbDcs240PlusSystemConnectionMemo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240Plus.UsbDcs240PlusSystemConnectionMemo
- UsbDcs240SystemConnectionMemo - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240
Lightweight class to denote that a DCS240 USB interface is active
- UsbDcs240SystemConnectionMemo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs240.UsbDcs240SystemConnectionMemo
- UsbDcs52Adapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52
Update the code in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer so that it refers to the option settings for the Digitrax DCS52's USB interface
- UsbDcs52Adapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52.UsbDcs52Adapter
- UsbDcs52SystemConnectionMemo - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52
Lightweight class to denote that a DCS52 USB interface is active
- UsbDcs52SystemConnectionMemo() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.usb_dcs52.UsbDcs52SystemConnectionMemo
- usbDevice - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.UsbPortAdapter
- UsbDriverAdapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.nce.usbdriver
Implements UsbPortAdapter for the NCE system.
- UsbDriverAdapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.nce.usbdriver.UsbDriverAdapter
- UsbInterfacePanel - Class in jmri.jmrix.nce.usbinterface
Panel for configuring an NCE USB interface.
- UsbInterfacePanel() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.nce.usbinterface.UsbInterfacePanel
- UsbLightManager - Class in jmri.jmrix.anyma
Implement LightManager for Anyma dmx usb systems.
- UsbLightManager(AnymaDMX_SystemConnectionMemo) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.anyma.UsbLightManager
- UsbLightManagerXml - Class in jmri.jmrix.anyma.configurexml
Provides load and store functionality for configuring AnymaDMX_LightManagers.
- UsbLightManagerXml() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.anyma.configurexml.UsbLightManagerXml
- usbMemoryPointer(int, int) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceBinaryCommand
- usbMemoryRead(int) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceBinaryCommand
- usbMemoryWrite1(byte) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceBinaryCommand
- UsbNode - Class in jmri.jmrix.jinput
UsbNode represents the USB controllers or component.
- UsbNode(String, Controller, Component) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.jinput.UsbNode
- usbOpsModeAccy(int, int, int) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceBinaryCommand
Create a NCE USB compatible ops mode accessory message.
- usbOpsModeLoco(NceTrafficController, int, int, int) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceBinaryCommand
Create a NCE USB compatible ops mode loco message.
- UsbPortAdapter - Class in jmri.jmrix
Enables basic setup of a USB interface for a jmrix implementation.
- UsbPortAdapter(SystemConnectionMemo) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.UsbPortAdapter
- usbSetCabId(int) - Static method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceBinaryCommand
- UsbTreeNode() - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserPanel.UsbTreeNode
- UsbTreeNode(UsbDevice) - Constructor for class jmri.util.usb.UsbBrowserPanel.UsbTreeNode
- UsbUhlenbrock63120Adapter - Class in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.usb_63120
Extend the code in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locobuffer so that it operates correctly with the Uhlenbrock USB-adapter part no 63120.
- UsbUhlenbrock63120Adapter() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.usb_63120.UsbUhlenbrock63120Adapter
- UsbUtil - Class in jmri.util.usb
USB utilities.
- UsbViewAction - Class in jmri.jmrix.libusb
Open a USB browser.
- UsbViewAction() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.libusb.UsbViewAction
- UsbViewAction(String) - Constructor for class jmri.jmrix.libusb.UsbViewAction
- USE_AJAX - Static variable in class jmri.web.server.WebServerPreferences
- USE_BUNIT - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainBuilderBase
- USE_DEPARTURE_TIME - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.Xml
- USE_EDITOR - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.Xml
- use_end_sound - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.ConfigurableSound
- USE_EXTRA_COLOR - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.layoutblock.JsonLayoutBlock
- USE_IP_V4 - Static variable in class jmri.util.zeroconf.ZeroConfPreferences
Preferences name in profile.properties and property to subscribe to notification changes for.
- USE_IP_V6 - Static variable in class jmri.util.zeroconf.ZeroConfPreferences
Preferences name in profile.properties and property to subscribe to notification changes for.
- USE_JMRI_RAILROAD_NAME - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.Xml
- USE_LINK_LOCAL - Static variable in class jmri.util.zeroconf.ZeroConfPreferences
Preferences name in profile.properties and property to subscribe to notification changes for.
- USE_LOOPBACK - Static variable in class jmri.util.zeroconf.ZeroConfPreferences
Preferences name in profile.properties and property to subscribe to notification changes for.
- use_mid_sound - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.ConfigurableSound
- use_short_sound - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.ConfigurableSound
- use_start_sound - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.ConfigurableSound
- USE_ZERO_CONF - Static variable in class jmri.web.server.WebServerPreferences
- use12HourDisplay() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleTimebase
Get 12 or 24 hour display option.
- use12HourDisplay() - Method in interface jmri.Timebase
Get 12 or 24 hour display option.
- USE12HR_FORMAT - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.Xml
- use12hrFormatCheckBox - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.PrintOptionPanel
- useAbsSignalMode - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.entryexit.AddEntryExitPairPanel
- useActiveCount - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractThrottleManager.Addresses
- useAddressOffSet() - Method in class jmri.implementation.DccSignalHead
- useAddressOffSet() - Method in class jmri.implementation.DccSignalMast
- useAddressOffSet(boolean) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DccSignalHead
- useAddressOffSet(boolean) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DccSignalMast
- useAutoScan - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.serialdriver.ConnectionConfig
- useAutoScan - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.serialdriver.SerialDriverAdapter
- useBlockSpeed - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout.TurnoutTableDataModel
- useBlockSpeed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutTurnout
- useBlockSpeed() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutTurnoutView
- useCachePiSi() - Method in class jmri.implementation.MultiIndexProgrammerFacade
Check if the last-written PI and SI values can still be counted on.
- USECOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.swing.ManageLocationsTableModel
- USECOMBO - jmri.jmrit.beantable.LogixTableAction.SelectionMode
Use combo boxes to select names instead of a text field.
- USECOMBO - jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditBase.SelectionMode
Use combo boxes to select names instead of a text field.
- useConnectivityCheckBox - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.OptionsMenu
- useCurrent - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit.OBlockEditAction
- USED_LENGTH_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationsTableModel
- USED_LENGTH_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.TrackTableModel
- used1 - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.MemoryFrameAction
- used2 - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.MemoryFrameAction
- used3 - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.MemoryFrameAction
- useDefaultMetric() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- useDefaultMetric(boolean) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock
- useDefaultTimerSettings - Variable in class jmri.implementation.AbstractSensor
- useDifferentColorWhenSetting() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.entryexit.EntryExitPairs
- USEDLENGTH_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location
- usedMasts - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorTools
- USEGLOBALDELAY - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor.SensorTableDataModel
- useGlobalFlag() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.Editor
- useIconSet - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SignalMastIcon
- useIconSet() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SignalMastIcon
- useIconSet(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.display.SignalMastIcon
- useIPv4CB - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.WiThrottlePrefsPanel
- useIPv6CB - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.WiThrottlePrefsPanel
- useLayoutEditor(boolean, SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DefaultSignalMastLogic
Set whether this logic should use the details stored in the Layout Editor to determine which blocks, turnouts will make up the logic between the source and destination signal mast.
- useLayoutEditor(boolean, SignalMast) - Method in interface jmri.SignalMastLogic
Set whether this logic should use the details stored in the Layout Editor to determine which blocks, turnouts will make up the logic between the source and destination signal mast.
- useLayoutEditor(SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DefaultSignalMastLogic
Query if we are using the Layout Editor panels to build the signal mast logic, blocks, turnouts.
- useLayoutEditor(SignalMast) - Method in interface jmri.SignalMastLogic
Query if we are using the Layout Editor panels to build the signal mast logic, blocks, turnouts.
- useLayoutEditorBlocks(SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DefaultSignalMastLogic
Query if we are using the Layout Editor block information in the signal mast logic.
- useLayoutEditorBlocks(SignalMast) - Method in interface jmri.SignalMastLogic
Query if we are using the Layout Editor block information in the signal mast logic.
- useLayoutEditorDetails(boolean, boolean, SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DefaultSignalMastLogic
Set whether this logic should use the information from the Layout Editor for either blocks or turnouts.
- useLayoutEditorDetails(boolean, boolean, SignalMast) - Method in interface jmri.SignalMastLogic
Set whether this logic should use the information from the Layout Editor for either blocks or turnouts.
- useLayoutEditorTurnouts(SignalMast) - Method in class jmri.implementation.DefaultSignalMastLogic
Query if we are using the Layout Editor turnout information in the signal mast logic.
- useLayoutEditorTurnouts(SignalMast) - Method in interface jmri.SignalMastLogic
Query if we are using the Layout Editor turnout information in the signal mast logic.
- useLeadLocoF - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.ThrottleController
- USEMULTI - jmri.jmrit.beantable.LogixTableAction.SelectionMode
Use the traditional text field, with the tabbed Pick List available for drag-n-drop
- USEMULTI - jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditBase.SelectionMode
Use the traditional text field, with the tabbed Pick List available for drag-n-drop
- useOldPrefix - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp.ClientRxHandler
- useOldPrefix - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp.DCCppOverTcpPacketizer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.AccessoryOpsModeProgrammerFacade
Internal method to remember who's using the programmer.
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.AddressedHighCvProgrammerFacade
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.MultiIndexProgrammerFacade
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.OffsetHighCvProgrammerFacade
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.OpsModeDelayedProgrammerFacade
Internal method to remember who's using the programmer.
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.ResettingOffsetHighCvProgrammerFacade
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.TwoIndexTcsProgrammerFacade
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.implementation.VerifyWriteProgrammerFacade
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.CbusDccProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.dccpp.DCCppProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.easydcc.EasyDccProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.ecos.EcosProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.lenz.XNetProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.SlotManager
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.loconet.UhlenbrockSlotManager
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.mrc.MrcProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.nce.NceProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.qsi.QsiProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.sprog.SprogProgrammer
Internal method to remember who's using the programmer.
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.srcp.SRCPProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.tams.TamsProgrammer
- useProgrammer(ProgListener) - Method in class jmri.jmrix.zimo.Mx1Programmer
- User - Interface in jmri
An user in the permission system.
- USER - jmri.util.FileUtil.Location
- USER - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.ActiveTrain
- USER_FILES - Static variable in class jmri.implementation.FileLocationsPreferences
- USER_FLAGS - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.merg.CanCmdPaneProvider
- USER_FLAGS - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.PiSprog3PaneProvider
- USER_FLAGS - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusPaneProvider
- USER_FLAGS_2 - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.modules.sprogdcc.Sprog3PlusPaneProvider
- USER_NAME - jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor.SwitchBoardLabelDisplays
- USER_NAME - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.ConnectionConfigManager
- USER_NAME - Static variable in interface jmri.SystemConnectionMemo
- USER_STOPPED - jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.basic.BasicESUTableSpeedMatcher.SpeedMatcherState
- USER_STOPPED - jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.basic.BasicSimpleCVSpeedMatcher.SpeedMatcherState
- USER_STOPPED - jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.basic.BasicSpeedTableSpeedMatcher.SpeedMatcherState
- USER_STOPPED - jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.speedStepScale.SpeedStepScaleESUTableSpeedMatcher.SpeedMatcherState
- USER_STOPPED - jmri.jmrix.bachrus.speedmatcher.speedStepScale.SpeedStepScaleSpeedTableSpeedMatcher.SpeedMatcherState
- UserAborted - Static variable in interface jmri.ProgListener
Constant denoting that the user (human or software) aborted the request before completion
- userAdded(User) - Method in interface jmri.jmrit.permission.swing.AddUserDialog.UserAdded
- useraddress - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.IEEE802154Node
- UserAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception jmri.PermissionManager.UserAlreadyExistsException
- USERDEFINED - jmri.Section.SectionType
- USERDEFINED - jmri.Transit.TransitType
- USERDEFINED - Static variable in interface jmri.Section
- UserDoesNotExistException() - Constructor for exception jmri.PermissionManager.UserDoesNotExistException
- userDurationFromSeconds(int) - Static method in class jmri.util.DateUtil
For a given number of seconds, format to a more human readable form.
- userFileChooser - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.WhereUsedFrame
- userFileChooser - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.whereused.WhereUsedFrame
- userFileChooser - Variable in class jmri.script.swing.InputWindow
- userFileChooser() - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.XmlFile
Provide a JFileChooser initialized to the default user location, and with a default filter.
- userFileChooser(String, String...) - Static method in class jmri.jmrit.XmlFile
Provide a JFileChooser initialized to the default user location, and with a default filter.
- userGetRate() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleTimebase
Get the true fast clock rate even if the master timebase rate has been modified by a hardware clock.
- userGetRate() - Method in interface jmri.Timebase
Get the true fast clock rate even if the master timebase rate has been modified by a hardware clock.
- userInformed - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.AutoTurnouts
- UserInterface - Class in jmri.jmrit.withrottle
UserInterface.java Create a window for WiThrottle information and and create a FacelessServer thread to handle jmdns and device requests
- UserInterface - Class in jmri.jmrit.z21server
User interface.
- UserInterface() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.UserInterface
Save the last known size and the last known location since 4.15.4.
- UserInterface() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.z21server.UserInterface
Save the last known size and the last known location since 4.15.4.
- userLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.routetable.AbstractRouteAddEditFrame
- userLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupSubTableAction
- userLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SignalGroupTableAction
- UserMessagePreferencesPane - Class in jmri.jmrit.beantable.usermessagepreferences
Pane to show User Message Preferences.
- UserMessagePreferencesPane() - Constructor for class jmri.jmrit.beantable.usermessagepreferences.UserMessagePreferencesPane
- UserMessagePreferencesPane.ListItems - Class in jmri.jmrit.beantable.usermessagepreferences
- userName - Variable in class jmri.configurexml.ErrorMemo
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.audio.swing.AbstractAudioFrame
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.IdTagTableAction
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LightTableAction
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.OBlockTableAction
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SectionTableAction
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast.AddSignalMastPanel
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TransitTableAction
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor.BeanSwitch
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractThrottleManager
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.bidib.BiDiBPowerManager
- userName - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.zimo.Mx1CommandStation
- userName - Variable in class jmri.managers.DeferringProgrammerManager
- USERNAME - jmri.NamedBean.DisplayOptions
Display the user name; if the user name is null or empty, display the system name.
- USERNAME - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.JSON
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.signalling.SignallingSourcePanel.SignalMastAspectModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.assignment.ListFrame.AssignmentTableModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.nodeiolist.NodeIOListFrame.AssignmentTableModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee.swing.nodeconfig.AssignmentTableModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.maple.assignment.ListFrame.AssignmentTableModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.tie.ConsumerTableModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.tie.ProducerTableModel
- USERNAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.openlcb.swing.tie.TieTableModel
- USERNAME_SYSTEMNAME - jmri.NamedBean.DisplayOptions
Display the user name followed by the system name in parenthesis.
- userNameChanged(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalTreeEdit
Change the conditional user name.
- USERNAMECOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.BeanTableDataModel
- USERNAMECOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock.OBlockTableModel
- USERNAMECOL - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.swing.ManageLocationsTableModel
- userNameField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit.BeanEditAction
- userNameField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.MemoryTableAction
- userNameField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SensorTableAction
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AddNewBeanPanel
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AddNewDevicePanel
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.AddNewHardwareDevicePanel
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.LightTableAction
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.MemoryTableAction
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SectionTableAction
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.SensorTableAction
- userNameLabel - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TransitTableAction
- userNameTextField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.beantable.TurnoutTableAction
- userOK(String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.DeleteRosterGroupAction
Can provide some mechanism to prompt for user for one last chance to change his/her mind
- userOK(String, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RemoveRosterEntryToGroupAction
Can provide some mechanism to prompt for user for one last chance to change his/her mind
- userOK(String, String, String) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.roster.DeleteRosterItemAction
Can provide some mechanism to prompt for user for one last chance to change his/her mind.
- userPreferences - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.FacelessServer
- userPreferences - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.withrottle.UserInterface
- UserPreferencesManager - Interface in jmri
Interface for the User Preferences Manager.
- userPrefs - Variable in class jmri.jmrix.AbstractMonFrame
- userSetRate(double) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleTimebase
Set fast clock rate and force a synchronization with the DCC hardware.
- userSetRate(double) - Method in interface jmri.Timebase
Set fast clock rate and force a synchronization with the DCC hardware.
- userSetTime(Date) - Method in class jmri.jmrit.simpleclock.SimpleTimebase
Set the current time and force a synchronization with the DCC system.
- userSetTime(Date) - Method in interface jmri.Timebase
Set the current time and force a synchronization with the DCC system.
- UserSpecified - jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.LogixNG_SelectCharset.Addressing
- userViewChanged() - Method in class jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.swing.nodeconfig.NodeConfigToolPane
Notify this pane that the selected node or viewed tab has changed
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CompositeVariableValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.ConstantValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.DecVariableValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.EnumVariableValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.LongAddrVariableValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SpeedTableVarValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitEnumVariableValue
Simple request getter for the CVs composing this variable
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.SplitVariableValue
- usesCVs() - Method in class jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.VariableValue
Provide access to CVs used by this Variable.
- USESINGLE - jmri.jmrit.beantable.LogixTableAction.SelectionMode
Use the traditional text field, but with a single Pick List that responds with a click
- USESINGLE - jmri.jmrit.conditional.ConditionalEditBase.SelectionMode
Use the traditional text field, but with a single Pick List that responds with a click
- useSpeedProfile - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.AutoActiveTrain
- USESTATUS_COLUMN - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.DispatcherFrame.AllocatedSectionTableModel
- useTurnoutConnectionDelayCheckBox - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.OptionsMenu
- USIC_SUSIC - Static variable in class jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial.SerialNode
- usingGlobal - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile.SpeedProfilePanel.SensorDetails
- USS - jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml.ImportOtherData.CTC_PANEL_TYPE
- USS - jmri.jmrit.ctc.ctcserialdata.OtherData.CTC_PANEL_TYPE
- UT4D - jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing.LnIPLImplementation.DeviceTypes
- UT4X - jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing.LnIPLImplementation.DeviceTypes
- UTF8 - Static variable in class jmri.web.servlet.ServletUtil
- UTF8_APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT - Static variable in class jmri.web.servlet.ServletUtil
- UTF8_APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class jmri.web.servlet.ServletUtil
- UTF8_APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class jmri.web.servlet.ServletUtil
- UTF8_CHARSET - Static variable in class jmri.web.servlet.ServletUtil
- UTF8_TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class jmri.web.servlet.ServletUtil
- UTILITY - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.Xml
- UTILITY - Static variable in class jmri.server.json.operations.JsonOperations
- UTILITY_EXTENSION - Static variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.Car
- utilityCarTypes - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainCommon
- utilityCheckBox - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.CarEditFrame
- uuidFromCompactString(String) - Static method in class jmri.util.node.NodeIdentity
Decodes the original UUID from a 22 character string generated by
. - uuidToCompactString(UUID) - Static method in class jmri.util.node.NodeIdentity
Encodes a UUID into a 22 character URL compatible string.
- UWLETextField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutTextEdit
- UWUETextField - Variable in class jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutTextEdit
All Classes All Packages