Decoder Family: SE8c
CV Definitions:
CV | Name | Positions | Values |
1 | | |
114.01 | | |
114.02 | | |
114.03 | | |
114.04 | | |
114.05 | | |
| | |
114.06 | | |
114.07 | | |
114.08 | | |
| | |
114.09 | | |
114.10 | | |
| | |
114.11 | | |
114.13 | | |
114.14 | | |
114.15 | | |
114.21 | | |
Short Address
<html>The "CV" column in the table above shows "OpSw"
numbers, where the value "114." is pre-pended
<p>to the OpSw Number. For example, SE8c OpSw 1
is represented as "114.01".
<p><p>The top-most row above reflects the Board
Address configured on the "Basic" sheet.
<p><p>OpSw value 0 = "T"hrown. OpSw value 1 = "C"losed.
Board ID may be between 1 and 24 if using "Four Aspects per head" mode
or may be between 1 and 36 if using "Two aspects per head" mode.
<p>This roster entry will only access the specified SE8C if the
Board ID, on the "Basic" sheet, is correct when the
<p>programmer is opened.
<p>If the Board ID has been changed since
the programmer was opened, the programmer will attempt to access the
<p>SE8C address which was specified in the Roster entry
when the progammer was opened.
<p>After making a change to the Roster entry's Board ID
(Active Address) on the "Basic" sheet, save and close the programmer
<p>window and re-open the Roster entry to ensure that the
the programmer will use the modified Active Address for accesses
<p>to the device.
<p>Note that BDL16x and PM4x documentation refers
to Board Address, while DS64 and SE8C documentation refers to
<p>Board ID. These are equivalent concepts.
Basic SE8c OpSw Settings
<html><span style="color: black;"><h2><strong>Operating Mode</strong></h2></html>
<html><span style="color: black;"><h2><strong>Signal Head Characteristics</strong></h2></html>
<html><span style="color: black;"><h2><strong>LocoNet Characteristics</strong></h2></html>
<html><span style="color: black;"><h2><strong>Inputs Characteristics</strong></h2></html>
<html><span style="color: black;"><h2><strong>Outputs Characteristics</strong></h2></html>
<html><span style="color: black;">
<h2><strong>Notes on SE8C Roster Entries and Programming
<li>The SE8C <em>must</em> be in its normal
operating mode in order to respond to this Roster entry's read and
write operations.</li>
<p>See the "Basic" sheet for the programmer's limitations with
respect to Board Address.</li>
<li>This Roster entry is neither able to query nor change the SE8C
to determine the addresses which control the signals.
<p>Users should
keep careful records of any such change to each SE8C's configuration.</li>
<li>When using "Four aspects per head" mode with the SE8C configured
with a Board ID in the range 13 thru 24 the SE8c
<p>will (by default)
control the signal heads using Switch addresses which cannot be
actuated by the typical LocoNet throttle.
<p>Similarly, when using "Two aspects per head" mode with the SE8C configured
with a Board ID in the range 18 thru 36, the
<p>SE8c will (by default) control the signal heads using
Switch addresses which cannot be actuated by the typical LocoNet
<p>If you wish to be able to control SE8C signal heads using a typical
throttle, be sure to use a Board ID number below the
<p>ranges listed above.
<p>This implied switch address configuration may be overriden
by setting OpSw17 to "Closed" and then issuing a turnout
<p>control message on LocoNet.
<p>See Digitrax SE8C documentation for details.</li>
<li>By default, the SE8C requires that its switch control
messages arrive on the LocoNet cable's low-voltage
<p>equivalent of the DCC track signals. This means that
the SE8C will only react to switch control messages
<p>on the DCC track signal, by default, so the command
station track power must be on. If using the SE8C
<p>on a "Standalone" LocoNet, it will be necessary to configure the
SE8C to take its switch control messages
<p>from "LocoNet messages",
instead of from the "DCC track signal".</li>
<li>JMRI's "SE8C Signal Head" assumes that the SE8C is
configured in "Four aspects per head" mode.</li>
<li>JMRI's support for flashing aspects on SE8C signal heads
assumes that the SE8C is configured for "Fourth aspect is
<p>Note that when JMRI is flashing a signal head, there will
be two LocoNet messages for each flash of the lamp. This can be
<p>a significant amount of LocoNet traffic if many signal heads are
<p>Additionally, the LocoNet switch commands are passed to
the DCC track signal by the command station. The command
<p>station can only process a limited number of LocoNet
switch control messages. When LocoNet traffic exceeds that
<p>capacity, the command
station will reject the switch control message. This can manifest
as "missed" flashes, "stuck lit"
<p>and "stuck off" signal heads, as well as excessive LocoNet
traffic. This problem may be mitigated by using the
<p>SE8C on a "Standalone LocoNet" and configuring the
SE8C to take switch control messages from "LocoNet messages".</li>
<li>For the purposes of this Roster entry, SE8C OpSws are listed as
Tabulka CV
Short Address
This sheet intentionally un-populated. See the "OpSws" tab.
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