The "LocoNet ID" is a number which is used by throttles and UR90, UR91, UR92, and UR92CE devices when a throttle is operating in a tetherless mode using infrared or simplex radio communications. When receiving infrared signals, the UR90, UR91, UR92 will only pay attention to throttles which are using the same LocoNet ID number. When receiving simplex radio signals, the UR91 will only pay attention to throttles which are using the same LocoNet ID number.
The LocoNet ID number is intended to allow multiple Digitrax layouts to operate independently when in close proximity. In this case, each each layout must use a different LocoNet ID number.
If there are no other Digitrax layouts in close proximity, then there is no need to change the LocoNet ID number.
When there is more than one UR9x device installed, it is important that all UR9x devices use the same LocoNet ID number.
When there are no UR9x devices installed, this tool does not perform any useful function.
The LocoNet ID Tool may be used to read and to change the LocoNet ID number.
Use the "Query" button to read the current LocoNet ID number. If a UR9x device responds to the query, the reported LocoNet ID number will be updated in the tool.
To change the LocoNet ID number, use the pull-down box to select the desired LocoNet ID number, then use the "Set" button to write the LocoNet ID number to the UR9x devices.
After changing the LocoNet ID number, all throttles capable of tetherless operation must be un-plugged then plugged in to LocoNet so that they will accept the new LocoNet ID number. Failure to acquire this updated LocoNet ID number on a throttle will prevent the throttle from communicating with the UR9x device via infrared and/or Simplex radio.
For the purposes of this discussion, the UR92CE is equivalent to the UR92. For clarity, this discussion only shows the term "UR92".
For more information on the UR90 and its infrared tetherless operation, see the appropriate UR90 link at the Digitrax "Wireless" page.
For more information on the UR91 and its infrared and "Simplex" radio tetherless operation, see the appropriate link at the Digitrax "Wireless" page.
For more information on the UR92 and its infrared and "Duplex" radio tetherless operation, see the appropriate link at the Digitrax "Wireless" page.
See also page 98 of the Digitrax Super Chief manual(PDF).
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