The Speedometer measures the time from one sensor to another, then calculates the speed by calculating the distance covered by the time taken.
Enter a Sensor Sysname in 'starts timers on' field. Then enter another Sensor Sysname in the 'stops timer 1 on' field. Measure the distance between the two, convert that into feet for your scale and enter that into the 'Distance 1' field.
The speed of your train between the two Sensors will be displayed in the 'Timer 1 Speed' field.
You can add a third Sensor in the 'stops timer 2 on' field and that will give the speed between the starts sensor and that sensor in the 'Timer 2 Speed' field. You also need to enter the value in the 'Distance 2' field in scale feet between the start sensor and this sensor.
You can select to trigger the start/end of the timers with the entry or exit buttons. The indicators on the right side of the pane is the state sensors you selected.
Thanks and congratulations to all who contributed! Contact us via the JMRI users group.
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