The Add Entry Exit Points pane is accessed from the Layout Editor
Tools menu.
It is used to create and delete Entry Exit Pairs for a given Layout Editor panel. It is also
used to enable the Both Way option and to enable/disable specific NX Pairs
by checking the boxes in the corresponding column.
NX Panel Sensors are assigned at Block boundaries on the Layout Editor
panel by using the pop up menu on anchor points, turnouts, level crossings, end bumpers and
edge connectors.
These sensors act as the NX selection buttons and are used to create the Entry
Point and Exit Point combo box content.
When the Add Entry/Exit Points pane is first opened, the Select Panel
selection will be the current Layout Editor panel.
Use the top combo box to configure NX settings for another panel.
The Entry Point combo box list now contains the sensors for the currently
selected panel. The Exit Point list will contain all of the sensors from all
layout editor panels.
The Exit Point can be on another panel as long as the panels are linked using edge connectors.since 4.11.1
The NX Type defaults to Set Turnouts Only.
At the center of the pane are two buttons to populate the NX Pair Table:
While the
Entry/Exit (NX) Tools is displayed, its Options menu allows you to set shared settings for the
The Entry Exit Options pane contains the following items:
Route Reselection Result — Determines what should occur when the NX route is reselected by the user.
The next 3 items provide alternate options for using NX when panels are displayed using the JMRI Web Server. The web server cannot handle dialogs so default responses are necessary along with an alternate method for displaying route allocation messages. Note: The Web interface does not support flashing NX icons.since 4.19.3
Route Overlap Result — Determines what should occur when the NX route overlaps an active route.
Memory Variable (Optional) — Select a memory variable that will contain any route allocation messages. This provides feedback that can be added to a panel. This helpful when the route overlap is set to cancel or stack since the dialog is not displayed, such as when using browser based panels. The message will be cleared when the next route is selected or after a delay (see below).
Automatic Memory Clear Delay — Automatically clear the memory variable after a number of seconds. Set to 0 to disable automatic memory clearing.
Initial color of path while route it set up — While the route is being setup, set the track color to that in the drop down, after a predetermined time the track will revert back to that defined in the block configuration.
Duration of setting Color (ms) — How long the initial color will be displayed for after the route has initially been selected.
since 5.1.3Use ABS Signal Mode — The default setting for Entry/Exit is to set the signals to held when the NX pair is not active. If the ABS mode is enabled, the signals are not held.
Integrate with Dispatcher — Select this option if the NX route is to
extend the path of an Active Train in the Dispatcher module.
This option will only work if the Block prior to the NX route is allocated to a Dispatcher
Active Train and that Block is also the end block.
Back to the Entry/Exit (NX) main help page.
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