Edit Layout Slip

A Slip is a special piece of track that represents two tracks crossing at grade, with the ability to switch between the tracks. It can come in two forms as a Single or a Double Slip. The slip has four connection points, and two tracks, designated 1 and 2. When a level crossing is created, track 1 is the horizontal track, and track 2 is the inclined track. The angle between the two tracks, the incline of each track, and the length of each track may be varied by dragging connection points with the meta key pressed. The center of the level crossing may be positioned by dragging the center circle with the meta key pressed (see the help bar for which key is the meta key for your operating system).

Although the slip is made up of two tracks it is treated as a single block and can be either a mainline track or side track depending on the mainline track or side track designation of track segment connected to each track. If a block name is entered in the Block: Name field of the tool bar prior to creating a slip, that block is assigned to the slip.

The edit Slip window, allows you to configure the output states for the two turnouts that drive the slip and test these prior to confirming the configuration.