LogixNG Reference - Chapter 5

Action Descriptions

The action descriptions are grouped by the socket type and category.

since 5.1.3For, For each , If Then Else, Sequence, and Table: For each have been moved from the Common category to the Flow Control category. Call Module has been moved from the Other category to the Flow Control category.

Action dialogs

When the category and type has been selected, the detail action dialog will be displayed. The content of the dialog will vary depending on the category and type. The typical digital action item dialog is described below.

The dialog for adding and editing digital action items consists of an upper part that contains the item and the actions for that item. The lower part is common to all actions.

For some actions, for example Signal head, you need to first select the item and then you can select the action to do on that item. For example, for Signal head, you first select the signal head to act on and then you can select the appearance to set for that signal head.

Chapter 5 typical action

The Edit screen is the same except for the title, the Create button and the current content will be in the fields.

The left section is normally used to select the item, such as a turnout or a sensor. The right section is the action to be performed. The default mode will be to use the Direct tabs.

See Reference, Local Variable and Formula for details about the other tabs.

The lower section contains a standard set of items

Error Handling
If Use default is selected, the value in Preferences will be used. For other options see error handling.
Catch "Abort execution"
If the error handling (see previous) for any child node is set to Abort execution, a parent node should have this option checked. This lets the parent node handle the error.
Edit comment
Each action can have a comment. The comment dialog has a multiline text area. Click OK to save the comment.
Formula functions
These are explained in the Formula chapter.
Close the dialog without applying any changes.
Save the new action or the changes to an existing action.

Digital action :: Item

Chapter 5 digital action item list


Control an Audio source.

Chapter 5 audio action

Select an audio source from the list and the action to be performed.


Clockupdated 4.99.7

Chapter 5 clock action

In addition to setting the time using a constant value, the other LogixNG modes can be used. For example, the new time can be in a memory variable which will be used to set the fast clock time.

Chapter 5 clock memory source

The Memory listen option can used to automatically update the fast clock time when the memory variable changes. This eliminates the need to have a separate expression to invoke the Set Fast Clock action.

Clock Ratesince 4.99.7

Chapter 5 clock rate action

The rate values can be whole numbers or decimals, such as .5. The rate values can also be supplied from the other LogixNG modes, such as a memory variable.


A Dispatcher train only exists from the time it is created until it is terminated. LogixNG uses the Dispatcher TrainInfo file to refer to a potential Dispatcher train. See the Saving and Retrieving Active Train Information section at Activate New Train. If the related train does not exist when the LogixNG action occurs, the action will be ignored. There will be no notification.

Enable/Disable Logix

Enable/Disable LogixNGsince 5.7.5

A LogixNG has to be both enabled and activated before it will execute.

Enable/Disable are intended to be persistent changes. Activate/Deactivate are temporary changes.

Chapter 5 enable disable logixng


Manage an Entry/Exit pair. The last three items are implemented in JMRI 5.5.7.

Chapter 5 entryexit action
Set NX Pair Enabled
Enable the selected Entry/Exit pair.
Set NX Pair Disabled
Disable the selected Entry/Exit pair.
Set Set NX Pair Segment Active / Inactive
Request that the route segment for the selected Entry/Exit Pair be activated if not active or deactivated if active. This toggles the active state.
Set NX Pair Inactive
Deactivate the Entry/Exit route for the selected Entry/Exit pair if it is currently active. The Cancel/Clear Down dialog will be displayed if a default action has not been defined in the Entry/Exit options.
Set NX Pair Active
Activate the Entry/Exit route for the selected Entry/Exit pair if the route is not currently active. Depending on the types of conflicts, the activation may silently fail or display a Route Not Clear dialog.
Set NX Pair Reversed
Activate the Entry/Exit route for the selected Entry/Exit pair in the reverse direction if the route is not currently active. Depending on the types of conflicts, the activation may silently fail or display a Route Not Clear dialog. This option is only enabled for selected Entry/Exit pairs that have the Both Way option enabled.


Light intensity

The Light intensity action is an alternate method to set the Variable Light Intensity value. The standard method sets the value directly from the action using any of the standard input methods.

This action creates a child analog expression called Intensity. Analog expressions are normally used to create a dynamic values, such as random numbers. Using the sin() function along with the Minutes since midnight analog expression, it is possible to change light intensity based on the time of the day using the fast clock or the system clock.

Here is an example using the sin() function.

Chapter 5 intensity example

Local variable

Local variables are described in Chapter 8 - Local Variables.

Instead of specific actions, local variables use tabs to select the action.

Note: The Memory, Block and Reporter tabs have an option to listen to changes to their value.


Instead of specific actions, memory uses tabs to select the action.



Program On Mainsince 5.7.3

The Program on Main action provides the ability to change CV settings. This is similar to the Single CV Programmer.

Chapter 5 program on main

Depending on the command station, selecting a Long address for address less than 128 might be ignored or create an error.

The roster is not used or updated.

A local variable can be assigned which will contain the results of the operation. The local variable is only updated if there are actions in the Execute action. If the value is not zero, there was an error.

LogixNG: IQ:AUTO:0001
    ConditionalNG: IQC:AUTO:0001
        ! A
               ::: Local variable "result", init to None ""
                ! A1
                    Program CV 29 to 32 for address Autodetect 1234 using programming mode OPSBYTEMODE
                        ! Execute
                                ! A1
                                    Log data: Only text: pom returned
                                ! A2
                                    Log local variables


The Reporter action is used to copy the report content to a memory variable or a LogixNG local variable. There are three kinds of information.

Note: The meaning of the reports and the state number are defined by originating hardware.

Request update of all sensorssince 5.1.6

Request the current status of sensors. The request can be limited to specific connections or all connections. The action depends on whether the connection supports sensor state requests.

As of JMRI 5.7.5, supported connection types include :

For connections that send individual Sensor status requests, the delay between individual requests uses the connection Output Interval within Additional Connection Settings.

Some hardware types, eg. Acela and NCE, are constantly polled so this action may have little consequence.

Chapter 5 request sensor update

Request update of sensorsince 5.7.4

Request the current status of a specific sensor. The action depends on whether the connection supports sensor state requests.

As of JMRI 5.7.5, supported connection types include :

Chapter 5 request sensor state



Chapter 5 digital action script

For details on accessing LogixNG objects from a script see Chapter 13 - Jython Scripting Support.


The delayed options are handled by Execute Delayed.

Set reportersince 5.7.5

Set a value for the selected Reporter.

Chapter 5 set reporter

The Set reporter as an IdTag option is used to provide the report as an IdTag if it's not an IdTag already.

Signal head

Signal mast


Plays the specified sound file. Specify the sound file to play by entering its name in the field provided. Click the file selection button to bring up a file selection dialog to aid in finding the file. Navigate to your sound file, then click your sound file's name in the dialog and the name will be copied to the field.

Tablesince 5.7.4

Replace the content of the specified table cell.

Chapter 5 table action

Note: Since tables are created from CSV files during PanelPro startup, the content changes are temporary.


The Throttle action controls a throttle.

Chapter 5 throttle dialog

The LogixNG throttle can use either the default throttle connection or an alternate throttle connection. The default connection is defined in Preferences ⇒ Defaults. If there is more than one connection, other connections might support a throttle.

since 5.9.5When enabled, the Stop loco when switching loco option stops the loco before switching to another loco. This is the default and was the previous behavior. Warning: When the option is disabled and and a loco change occurs, the previous loco will continue running until some other process tells it to stop.

Chapter 5 throttle action
Address — Analog Expression
Value between 1 and 9999.
Speed — Analog Expression
Value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Direction — Digital Expression
True for forward.
Function — Analog Expression
Value between 0 and 28.
FunctionOnOff — Digital Expression
True for function on

The analog expressions can be an analog memory expression or an analog constant expression. In the future, AnalogIO will also be available.

The digital expressions are either Always true or Always false .

Throttle functionsince 5.5.6

The Throttle function action is similar to the Throttle action, except that it only sets a throttle function On or Off.

Chapter 5 throttle function

The Connection drop down can be used to specify the connection to be used.


The delayed options are handled by Execute Delayed.

Turnout, lock

Locks or unlocks a turnout. Select the name for the turnout, and choose the operation from the popup menu. Note: To control the type of turnout lock go to the Turnout Table and select the Lock Mode.


Digital action :: Common

Chapter 5 digital action common list

Digital Formulasince 4.25.8

The Digital Formula action provides the ability to create formulas that are not directly related to other items, such as sensors, which use the Formula tab.

The formula action is in particular useful when working with local variables. You can for example increase a local variable by the formula index++ or make some calculations, like turnout = name.substring(2) which removes the first two characters from the string.

The dialog for creating a Digital Formula consists of a single text field.

Chapter 5 digital formula dialog

See Chapter 9 - Formula for details.

Execute delayed

Delay the execution of the following action for a specified amount of time. The action can be a single action similar to the Logix Delayed Set ..., but this can be any item, such as signals. The action can be a series of actions by using the Many action. It can be a complex action by using an If-Then-Else action.

Note: When using If-Then-Else, the Always execute option is required. Any expressions that refer to JMRI table items, such as sensors, turnouts, signals, etc., need to use the No Listen option.

When the timer starts, a copy of the current local variables is attached to the action that will be run when the timer delay is done. This makes it possible to pass data to the future action.

Delay duration

The time delay units are milliseconds, seconds, minutes and hours.

Reset timer if already started

The default mode is that once a timer starts, subsequent requests will be ignored. If this option is enabled and a timer is already running, it will be canceled and started again. The local variables will be based on the current values at the time of the reset.

Use individual timers

This option makes it possible to pass different local variable values to a series of timers. The actions will be the same but the data can be different. Note: This option disables the reset option.

There is no Cancel timer capability. If there might be a need to prevent the action from running, an If-Then-Else as the first step of the action can be used to check some item, such as a sensor, to see if the action should proceed.

See Timeout for a conditional delayed execution.

Chapter 5 execute_delay


The Many action executes many child actions.

Read analog and set analog

Read an analog child expression and execute an analog child action.

Read string and set string

Read a string child expression and execute a string child action. This is used to copy string values from a Memory, a StringIO or as a constant. The destination will be a Memory or a StringIO. There are special expressions and actions.

Chapter 5 read set string




Timer has a number of actions, each executed after a period of time. The time to wait can be 0, which means the related action is executed immediately.


Start timer immediately on load
When selected, the timer steps will start when the LogixNG has been loaded. If this option is not selected, a Start expression will be used to start the timer steps when the expression becomes true.
Run timer continuously
If not selected, the timer will run one time and then stop. When selected, the timer steps will repeat. A Stop expression can be used to stop the timer steps when the expression becomes true. The Stop expression can use the same object, such as a sensor that starts the timer when active and then stops the timer when the sensor is inactive.
Start/Stop by Start expression
When selected, the timer will start when the Start expression becomes true and will stop when the Start expression becomes false. The Stop expression is ignored.
Combo Box
Select the time unit.
Delay by local variables
Instead of using fixed delay times, it is possible to assign delay times to local variables. The timer step number will be appended to the prefix value, such as delay1, delay2, etc.
Chapter 5 timer dialog

If all times to wait are zero, the timer will automatically stop after executing all the actions once, even if it is set to run continuously. This is a safety feature to avoid locking up JMRI.

To add a socket for the Timer action, edit the Timer and click the Add timer button and a new socket will be added to the end. To remove a socket for the Timer action, edit the Timer and click the Remove timer button and the last socket will be removed. The socket can only be removed if there is no action connected to it.

This example shows using the Timer to implement a traffic light. Note: This example shows renaming the A1, A2, etc. sockets to meaningful names.

Chapter 5 timer example

Another example is using a Timer to blink a light. Create a Timer with a single socket and a Light action that toggles the light on/off. If you want different times for on and off, create a Timer with two sockets where the first socket turns the light on and the second socket turns the light off.

The Timer action can be used in LogixNG Modules. Due to the nature of repetitive timer events, there are some restrictions.

Digital action :: Flow Control since 5.1.3

Chapter 5 digital action flow control list


Breaks the execution of a For, For each or Table: For each action.

If Break happens in a Module and there is no loop in the Module itself, it breaks the loop in the calling ConditionalNG or Module.

Call module

See Chapter 10 - Modules for details.


Continues the execution of a For, For each or Table: For each action.

The current execution is aborted and the next loop is executed.

If Continue happens in a Module and there is no loop in the Module itself, it continues the loop in the calling ConditionalNG or Module.


Triggers an error. The user can enter an error message if desired.

This might be useful if a particular condition should never occur in the ConditionalNG or Module. In this case, the Error action can be used to alert the user.


Exits the execution of the ConditionalNG. If the Exit action is in a Module, the Module and the ConditionalNG will be exited.


For is a for-loop. It has four children.

When For is executed, the Init action is run once. After that, the While expression is evaluated. If the While returns true, the Do action is executed and at last the AfterEach action is executed. Then the process is repeated, except that the Init action is only executed once.

For eachsince 5.1.3

For each takes a Collection, a Map or a Manager as parameter and loops thru all the items. For maps, each item is a Map.Entry. Use getKey() and getValue() to get the key and the value of each item in the map. If the parameter is a manager, the method getNamedBeanSet() is called to get all the named beans in the manager.

Each item is placed in a specified local variable. The action is then invoked for each item.

The following example sets all of the sensors to Inactive.

Chapter 5 for each

For another example, see Listen on beans - Local variable.

If Then Else

Reads a digital child expression and if the answer is true it executes the then child action, else it executes the else child action.

Chapter 5 if then else dialog

There are two settings that control the if-then-else processing.

When is the If-Then-Else executed

Execute on change
Executes the Then or the Else action only when the If expression has changed from True to False, or from False to True. Note that the expression is assumed to be changed whenever the LogixNG is first enabled (including when the xml data file is loaded with "enabled" checked). In the simple example below, Light IL2 will be set "on" when the LogixNG is first enabled (Sensor IS1 status is "unknown"). When the sensor is changed to "inactive" the lights will not change. When the sensor is then changed to "active," the Light IL1 will also go "on".
Always execute
Executes the Then or the Else action every time the If Then Else action is executed, regardless of whether the expression has changed value.

The default execution setting can be change using Preferences ⇒ LogixNG.

How is the If expression evaluatedsince 5.1.6

Evaluate all expressions
All of the expression elements are evaluated to determine the true/false state of the If.
Evaluate needed expressions
Evaluate each expression element until true/false is determined. An And series ends when an element is false. An Or series ends when an element is true.
Chapter 5 if then else
Else_Ifsince 5.1.3

The Else_If option provides a compact method to collapse a repetitive nested If-Then-Else tree.

To create a new Else_If expression/action pair, right click on the Else row and select Insert new socket before.

Chapter 5 else if insert

A new expression/action pair will be added before the Else.

Chapter 5 else if items

Here is simple example of using LogixNG to create signal logic.

Chapter 5 else if example

The example first checks the turnout block. If that is ok, it then checks the route to each possible destination signal based on the turnout state. If nothing works, it sets the signal to display Stop.

Chapter 5 else if sample


Returns from the Module or the ConditionalNG.

If Return is in a ConditionalNG, it's the same as Exit. But if it's in a Module, it only exits the Module, not the ConditionalNG.

Run oncesince 5.3.1

Run the assigned action only one time during a JMRI session.

The assigned action will be the Many action if there is more than one action to be performed. This provides an alternate method compared to Trigger once for startup initialization.


The Sequence action executes a series of action/expression pairs. For each pair, the action will be performed and then the expression will wait until it becomes true. When it is true, the next action/expression pair will be started. The Timer expression can be used to do a time based step instead of an event based step.

Chapter 5 sequence options


When a sequence action is added, it has connections for Start, Stop and Reset expressions.

Chapter 5 sequence action

Table: For each

See Chapter 11 - Table Actions for details on table actions.

Digital action :: Display

Chapter 5 digital action display list

Audio icon on web panelsince 5.5.6

The Audio Icons on JMRI panels can be used to play sounds on devices displaying JMRI panels using a web browser. The Audio icon on web panel action can be used to start and stop the audio source assigned to the audio icon. For example, LogixNG can play notification sounds on a dispatcher panel.

Note: The sound will not be played on the computer running JMRI. If desired, use the Audio action to play the sound locally.

Before creating the action, assign an id to the Audio Icon using Edit Id from the icon context menu.

Select the panel, the id for the Audio Icon and whether to Play or Stop the sound.

Chapter 5 layout audio icon

If the Audio Icon is to be used only by the action, the icon can be hidden.

Icon/Label by class on panelsince 5.5.4

Disable/Enable/Hide/Show all of the icons or labels on a specific panel that been assigned a class name.

Icons and labels don't have names. To identify the icon or label, the Edit Classes... menu item in the right click context menu is used to assign a class name. A class name cannot have a comma. Multiple classes separated by commas can be assigned.

Chapter 5 layout icon/label classes

Select the panel and one of the classes. Select the desired action.

Chapter 5 layout icon/label class action

Icon/Label on panel

Disable/Enable/Hide/Show an icon or label on a specific panel.

Icons and labels don't have names. To identify the icon or label, the Edit Id... menu item in the right click context menu is used to assign a name.

Chapter 5 layout icon/label id

Select the panel and one of the ids. Select the desired action.

Chapter 5 layout icon/label action

Turnout on LayoutPanelsince 5.3.1

Disable/Enable a turnout item on a specific Layout Editor panel. A separate action is needed since the turnout image on a Layout Editor panel is not an icon.

Chapter 5 layout turnout action

The action applies to a single turnout item. To change all of the turnouts, use a For each action.

Chapter 5 layout turnout for each

Window managementsince 5.7.6

JMRI uses a lot of windows. Each panel is a window, various tools have windows, tables can be shown in windows, etc. The Window management action provides three tools to help manage the windows.

The visibility of the window is changed. The window size and location are not affected.
Minimize and normalize use the OS process to move the window to and from the task bar or dock. Normalize returns the window to the same location and size. Maximize fits the window to the screen size. Normalize will return the window to the orignal location and size. There is one exception. If the window location or size has changed while maximized, that becomes the new location and size and normalize will not revert to the previous location and size.
To front/back
Bring to front makes the window the top window. Bring to back makes the window the bottom window.

The Ignore Window not found option is used to prevent errors when optional windows are not currently open.

Chapter 5 window management action

A simple implementation of this can done using the LogixNG icon with an inline LogixNG. See Inline LogixNG and LogixNG icon.

Window to frontsince 5.7.4

The Window to front action has been replaced by the Window management action. Existing actions will be automatically converted.

Digital action :: MQTT since 4.99.7

Chapter 5 digital action mqtt list


This action publishes a message. Both the topic and the message can be entered directly in the action or indirectly using a local variable or a memory.

Chapter 5 digital action mqtt publish

since 5.9.1Retain is used to tell the MQTT broker if it should also send the message to new subscribers or if it should only send the message to current subscribers.

Use the connection setting.
Tell the broker to send the message to the current subscribers and also send the message to new subscribers when they subscribe.
Tell the broker to only send the message to the current subscribers. New subscribers will not see the message.


This action subscribes to a topic. When someone publishes a message, this action triggers the execution of the ConditionalNG. It can also optionally put the topic and the message into local variables. The topic can use wildcard, like loco/# where # is the wildcard.

Chapter 5 digital action mqtt subscribe

Digital action :: LocoNet

Chapter 5 digital action loconet list

Clear loconet slots

This action clears the slot status in the command station if you are using LocoNet.

Set speed to zero for all loco slotssince 5.1.6

Sets the speed of the Digitrax command station slots to zero.

Update loconet slots

This action forces an update of the LocoNet slot status in JMRI.

Digital action :: Other

Chapter 5 digital action other list

Create beans from tablesince 5.1.6

See Chapter 11 - Table Actions for details.

Decode JSONsince 5.7.4

A JSON string in the first variable is decoded as a JsonNode tree and placed in the second variable.

Chapter 5 decode json

The decoding process translates the JSON string into a nested set of LogixNG Maps and Arrays. Use a LogixNG formula to access a particular node.

Here is a sample JSON structure.

{"menu": {
  "id": "file",
  "value": "File",
  "popup": {
    "menuitem": [
      {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
      {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
      {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}

Here is a LogixNG that gets the second menuitem value and prints it to the JMRI system console. In this example, node value = Open is printed

       1:  LogixNG: test read
       2:      ConditionalNG: IQC:AUTO:0002
       3:          ! A
       4:              Many
       5:                 ::: Local variable "node", init to String ""
       6:                  ! A1
       7:                      Set variable node to the result of formula "str(jsondecoded{"menu"}{"popup"}{"menuitem"}[1]{"value"})"
       8:                  ! A2
       9:                      Log data: String.format: node value = %s

jsondecoded is the global variable that has the result of the Decode JSON action. The items in the JSON tree are delimited by braces. The JSON list rows are referenced by row number in brackets. Note: The first row is zero. In this example, all of the node values are strings, so the formula is enclosed with a str() command. Node values can also be other data types such as integer and float. LogixNG has int() and float() commands to handle those data types.

Execute actionsince 5.7.8

Execute action is used to execute a different part of the current ConditionalNG. This can be useful if you need to execute a part of the ConditionalNG at several different places, for example if you have several Listen On Beans - Local variable in the same ConditionalNG. This is similar to calling a sub-routine.

The first step is to assign a user name to the action to be executed. Right click on the action and select Change user name. Enter the user name and click on OK.

Chapter 5 execute action name

When the Execute action is added, a dialog is displayed. Select the user name from the combo box and click on OK.

Chapter 5 execute action

This example calls a sub action to display the current local variables.

Chapter 5 execute action sample

Normally a ConditionalNG will execute all of the actions in the top level Many. In this example, that would result in a second execution of the sub action. The Return action is used to finish the ConditionalNG execution sequence.

Note: This example was used to verify that the local variable list varies depending on when the sub action was called.

Find table row or columnsince 5.1.6

See Chapter 11 - Table Actions for details.

Listen on beans

See Chapter 7 - Listen on beans for details.

Listen on beans - Local variablesince 5.1.3

Add a listener to the bean referenced by a local variable. The local variable can have either the system name, the user name or the bean itself. The Execute socket provides the logic that will be executed when an event occurs.

Chapter 5 listen bean local variable

The bean Type and the listen local variable name are required. The other local variables are optional.

This action is especially useful together with the action For each. This sample listens for sensor state changes and prints a message on the system console.

Chapter 5 listen bean local variable sample

Listen on beans - Table

See Chapter 11 - Table Actions for details.

Log data

While developing a ConditionalNG, it can be helpful to see field content, make note of the location within the tree, etc. Adding the Log data type in the Other category will display a dialog to configure the Log data options.

Another approach for displaying data is to use the Show dialog action.

Select either or both Log options

Chapter 5 action log data

There are three format types.

Chapter 5 log data format

The table lists the data sources for the comma separated and and string format options.

Click on the Add button to add an entry to the table. Select the source type and add the name or a reference in the Data field.

Chapter 5 log data sources

This example uses the string.format option to combine text with the contents of two memory variables.

Chapter 5 log data sample

Log local variables

See Chapter 8 - Debugging local variables for details.


LogixNG has an action called Logix that emulates how JMRI Logix works. The action Logix has one expression and a Logix Action. The digital boolean Many action can be used to support multiple Logix Actions as shown in the example. A Logix Action responds to True, False, or Either Logix evaluation states. The action Logix was added mainly to support import of JMRI Logix to LogixNG.

Chapter 5 other logix action

The Logix action supports On Change and When Triggered.

An example Logix within LogixNG. This is a tweaked import from Logix. The Log data actions were added and the individual True LogixNG actions were combined within a standard Many.

Chapter 5 logix example

This example uses When Triggered. This means that one or more actions will be executed when either IS101 or IS102 changes. The On Change option only executes the actions when the evaluation of the expression changes between true and false.

Show dialogsince 4.25.8

The Show dialog action displays a window that can be used to provide notification of an event that has occurred or needs to be handled. It can also be used to request whether an action should be performed by the LogixNG.

Normally, warnings and such can be handled by displaying a message in the system console. The dialog is useful when an immediate notification is needed.

The Show dialog definition is similar to the Log data definition. See Log data for details on formating and including variables.

Chapter 5 show dialog dialog

Additional Features:

One or more buttons can be included in the dialog. At least one button must be selected.
A dialog can be modal or non-modal. Modal means that the dialog window remains above any other window and the user cannot do anything in any other JMRI window until it is closed.
The multiline option enables the ability to have multiple lines displayed by the dialog. To get a new line, use the HTML <br> tag.
Selected button
If a predefined local variable is supplied, the selected button number is copied to the local variable. The button numbers are shown next to the button text in the button selection section.
Input stringsince 4.99.1
If a predefined local variable is supplied, a text input field is included. The current value of the variable will be displayed in the text input field. When the dialog is closed using one of the buttons, the value in the input field will be copied to the local variable.

Note: When the dialog is displayed, the rest of the conditional continues to run. In the first example, the A3 action will execute while the dialog is displayed.

After the dialog action has been created, two new rows are added. These are both optional and can be left empty.

Chapter 5 show dialog validate execute
The Validate expression can be used to check for valid input when using an input local variable. If the expression is false, the dialog will remain open until the expression is true. The close button on the window can be used to bypass validation and execution. If the expression is true or no expression was defined, the Execute action will run.
The Execute action is run when the validation expression is true or if one was not defined. A common use is handling a multiple button dialog that has the selected button local variable.
Sample dialog with button checking
Chapter 5 show dialog yes no
Chapter 5 show dialog button process
Sample multiline dialog with string.format
Chapter 5 show dialog multiline
Chapter 5 show dialog multiline sample
Sample input dialog with validation using a digital formula
Chapter 5 show dialog input sample
Chapter 5 show dialog iniput code

Shut down tasksince 5.1.6

Create a task that will run before JMRI shutdown occurs.

Chapter 5 shutdown task

If the Expression is empty or returns true, the Action will be executed before JMRI shutdown continues. If the Expression returns false, the JMRI shutdown process is stopped.


The Shutdown action can either shutdown or restart the computer, or shutdown or restart JMRI. The default action is Shut down JMRI.

Simulate turnout feedbacksince 5.1.3

The Simulate turnout feedback action is used to make turnouts behave as expected when using a simulated layout connection. The feedback delay is 3 seconds.

The following feedback modes are supported. The available modes depend on the layout connection type.

The Connection name expression can be used to create a LogixNG that automatically enables turnout feedback when using a simulated layout connection.

Timeoutsince 4.25.8

The Timeout action is used to execute a default action if an expression is not true within the specified time internval.

The Timeout action dialog is similar to the Execute Delayed dialog. The Timeout configuration also requires an expression. If the expression is true before the time expires, the action is not executed.

delayed vs timeout

Web browser

The Web Browser action opens a web page in the default web browser.

web browser

The URL is supplied using a string expression.

Web requestsince 5.3.5

The Web Request action sends a GET or POST request to a web server. When the request has completed, the Execute action is performed.

web request execute

The request information is defined using the Web Request dialog. The dialog settings will depend on the web server application requirements.

web request dialog

Note: The LogixNG_WebRequest_Test.php portion of the URL is a sample application.

Top Level Tabs

The URL contains the address of the web server. For GET requests, parameters can be added to the URL using the ?name=value&name2=value2 format. Parameters in the Parameter section are also added to the GET request URL.

For POST requests, the parameters are defined in the Parameters section.


Specify the character set to used for the application.

web request character set
Request method

Specify the request method to used for the application.

web request method
User agent

Specify the user agent to be used for the request. The default is Mozilla/5.0 .

Local Variables
Local variable for response code

The value of the local variable will be the numeric response code from the server. For successful requests, the value will be 200.

Local variable for reply content

The value of the local variable will be the content returned from the server. Sometimes the content will have error messages detected by the server or the application.

Local variable for cookies

The value of the local variable will have a copy of the current cookie. If the cookie needs to be shared by different ConditionalNGs, use a global variable.


There are two example files included in the JMRI distribution. They are located at help/en/html/tools/logixng/reference/WebRequestExample


This is a layout config xml file that has sample table entries.


This is a PHP program that acts as a web based application. This needs to be installed in a web server that has been configured to run PHP programs. The source code can be downloaded from GitHub.

Digital boolean action :: Common

To make import from Logix to LogixNG easier, LogixNG has a special action, Logix, that works similar to a Conditional in Logix. The LogixNG Logix action has a digital expression socket and a digital boolean action socket. The usual setup in LogixNG is a Logix action with a Many child with a number of Logix Action children.

Chapter 5 digital boolean action common list

Logix Action

When a Logix expression is evaluated, a Logix Action is invoked to perform the LogixNG actions if its state matches the result of the expression evaluation.

Chapter 5 logix action

See the example at Logix.


The Many action is used together with the Logix action to let the Logix action have more than one action child.

Analog action :: Item

Chapter 5 analog action item list

Light intensity

Sets the intensity of the selected variable light to an analog value.


Sets a memory to an analog value.

Analog action :: Common

Chapter 5 analog action common list


Sets the value of many analog actions.

String action :: Item

Chapter 5 string action item list


Sets a memory to a string value.


The StringIO action sets the string value of a StringIO. StringIOs are defined in the StringIO table. LCThrottles is a default StringIO for LocoNet. This is used to send a message to the LocoNet throttles.

String action :: Common

Chapter 5 string action common list


Sets the value of many string actions.

Chapter 6 - Expression Descriptions

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