001package jmri.jmrit.roster;
003import java.util.ArrayList;
004import java.util.LinkedList;
005import java.util.List;
006import java.util.Map.Entry;
007import java.util.TreeMap;
009import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
011import jmri.Block;
012import jmri.DccThrottle;
013import jmri.NamedBean;
014import jmri.Section;
015import jmri.implementation.SignalSpeedMap;
017import org.jdom2.Element;
020 * A class to store a speed profile for a given loco.
021 * The speed steps against the profile are on a scale of 0 to 1000,
022 * this equates to the float speed x 1000.
023 * This allows a single profile to cover different throttle speed step settings.
024 * A profile generated for a loco using 28 steps can be used for a throttle with 126 steps.
025 */
026public class RosterSpeedProfile {
028    private RosterEntry _re = null;
030    private float overRunTimeReverse = 0.0f;
031    private float overRunTimeForward = 0.0f;
033    private boolean _hasForwardSpeeds = false;
034    private boolean _hasReverseSpeeds = false;
036    /**
037     * Create a new RosterSpeedProfile.
038     * @param re the Roster Entry associated with the profile.
039     */
040    public RosterSpeedProfile(RosterEntry re) {
041        _re = re;
042    }
044    /**
045     * Get the RosterEntry associated with the profile.
046     * @return the RosterEntry.
047     */
048    public RosterEntry getRosterEntry() {
049        return _re;
050    }
052    public float getOverRunTimeForward() {
053        return overRunTimeForward;
054    }
056    public void setOverRunTimeForward(float dt) {
057        overRunTimeForward = dt;
058    }
060    public float getOverRunTimeReverse() {
061        return overRunTimeReverse;
062    }
064    public void setOverRunTimeReverse(float dt) {
065        overRunTimeReverse = dt;
066    }
068    public void clearCurrentProfile() {
069        speeds = new TreeMap<>();
070    }
072    public void deleteStep(Integer step) {
073        speeds.remove(step);
074    }
076    /**
077     * Check if the Speed Profile contains Forward Speeds.
078     * @return true if forward speeds are present, else false.
079     */
080    public boolean hasForwardSpeeds() {
081        return _hasForwardSpeeds;
082    }
084    /**
085     * Check if the Speed Profile contains Reverse Speeds.
086     * @return true if reverse speeds are present, else false.
087     */
088    public boolean hasReverseSpeeds() {
089        return _hasReverseSpeeds;
090    }
092    /**
093     * place / remove SpeedProfile from test mode.
094     * reinitializes speedstep trace array
095     * @param value true/false
096     */
097    protected void setTestMode(boolean value) {
098        synchronized (this){
099            profileInTestMode = value;
100        }
101        testSteps = new ArrayList<>();
102    }
104    /**
105     * Gets the speed step trace array.
106     * @return speedstep trace array
107     */
108    protected List<SpeedSetting> getSpeedStepTrace() {
109        return testSteps;
110    }
112    /**
113     * Speed conversion Millimetres per second to Miles per hour.
114     */
115    public static final float MMS_TO_MPH = 0.00223694f;
117    /**
118     * Speed conversion Millimetres per second to Kilometres per hour.
119     */
120    public static final float MMS_TO_KPH = 0.0036f;
122    /**
123     * Returns the scale speed.
124     * If Warrant preferences are not a speed, value returns unchanged.
125     * @param mms MilliMetres per second.
126     * @param factorFastClock true to factor in the Fast Clock ratio, else false.
127     * @return scale speed in units specified by Warrant Preferences,
128     *         unchanged if Warrant preferences are not a speed.
129     */
130    public float mmsToScaleSpeed(float mms, boolean factorFastClock) {
131        int interp = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getInterpretation();
132        float scale = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getLayoutScale();
133        float fastClockFactor = ( factorFastClock ?
134            (float)jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.Timebase.class).userGetRate() : 1 );
136        switch (interp) {
137            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_MPH:
138                return mms * scale * MMS_TO_MPH * fastClockFactor;
139            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_KMPH:
140                return mms * scale * MMS_TO_KPH * fastClockFactor;
141            case SignalSpeedMap.PERCENT_THROTTLE:
142            case SignalSpeedMap.PERCENT_NORMAL:
143                return mms;
144            default:
145                log.warn("MMSToScaleSpeed: Signal Speed Map is not in a scale speed, not modifing.");
146                return mms;
147        }
148    }
150    /**
151     * Returns the scale speed as a numeric.
152     * If Warrant preferences are not a speed, value returns unchanged.
153     * @param mms MilliMetres per second
154     * @return scale speed in units specified by Warrant Preferences,
155     *         unchanged if Warrant preferences are not a speed.
156     * @deprecated use {@link #mmsToScaleSpeed(float mms)}
157     */
158    @Deprecated (since="5.9.6",forRemoval=true)
159    public float MMSToScaleSpeed(float mms) {
160        jmri.util.LoggingUtil.deprecationWarning(log, "MMSToScaleSpeed");
161        return mmsToScaleSpeed(mms);
162    }
164    /**
165     * Returns the scale speed as a numeric.
166     * If Warrant preferences are not a speed, value returns unchanged.
167     * Does not factor Fast Clock ratio.
168     * @param mms MilliMetres per second
169     * @return scale speed in units specified by Warrant Preferences,
170     *         unchanged if Warrant preferences are not a speed.
171     */
172    public float mmsToScaleSpeed(float mms) {
173        return mmsToScaleSpeed(mms, false);
174    }
176    /**
177     * Returns the scale speed format as a string with the units added given
178     * MilliMetres per Second.
179     * If the warrant preference is a percentage of
180     * normal or throttle will use metres per second.
181     * The Fast Clock Ratio is not used in the calculation.
182     *
183     * @param mms MilliMetres per second
184     * @return a string with scale speed and units
185     */
186    public static String convertMMSToScaleSpeedWithUnits(float mms) {
187        int interp = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getInterpretation();
188        float scale = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getLayoutScale();
189        String formattedWithUnits;
190        switch (interp) {
191            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_MPH:
192                String unitsMph = Bundle.getMessage("mph");
193                formattedWithUnits = String.format("%.2f %s", mms * scale * MMS_TO_MPH, unitsMph);
194                break;
195            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_KMPH:
196                String unitsKph = Bundle.getMessage("kph");
197                formattedWithUnits = String.format("%.2f %s", mms * scale * MMS_TO_KPH, unitsKph);
198                break;
199            case SignalSpeedMap.PERCENT_THROTTLE:
200            case SignalSpeedMap.PERCENT_NORMAL:
201                String unitsMms = Bundle.getMessage("mmps");
202                formattedWithUnits = String.format("%.2f %s", mms, unitsMms);
203                break;
204            default:
205                log.warn("ScaleSpeedToMMS: Signal Speed Map has no interp, not modifing.");
206                formattedWithUnits = String.format("%.2f", mms);
207        }
208        return formattedWithUnits;
209    }
211    /**
212     * Returns the scale speed format as a string with the units added given a
213     * throttle setting. and direction.
214     * The Fast Clock Ratio is not used in the calculation.
215     *
216     * @param throttleSetting as percentage of 1.0
217     * @param isForward       true or false
218     * @return a string with scale speed and units
219     */
220    public String convertThrottleSettingToScaleSpeedWithUnits(float throttleSetting, boolean isForward) {
221        return convertMMSToScaleSpeedWithUnits(getSpeed(throttleSetting, isForward));
222    }
224    /**
225     * MilliMetres per Second given scale speed.
226     * The Fast Clock Ratio is not used in the calculation.
227     * @param scaleSpeed in MPH or KPH
228     * @return MilliMetres per second
229     */
230    public float convertScaleSpeedToMMS(float scaleSpeed) {
231        int interp = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getInterpretation();
232        float scale = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getLayoutScale();
233        float mmsSpeed;
234        switch (interp) {
235            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_MPH:
236                mmsSpeed = scaleSpeed / scale / MMS_TO_MPH;
237                break;
238            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_KMPH:
239                mmsSpeed = scaleSpeed / scale / MMS_TO_KPH;
240                break;
241            default:
242                log.warn("ScaleSpeedToMMS: Signal Speed Map is not in a scale speed, not modifing.");
243                mmsSpeed = scaleSpeed;
244        }
245        return mmsSpeed;
246    }
248    /**
249     * Converts from signal map speed to a throttle setting.
250     * The Fast Clock Ratio is not used in the calculation.
251     * @param signalMapSpeed value from warrants preferences
252     * @param isForward      direction of travel
253     * @return throttle setting
254     */
255    public float getThrottleSettingFromSignalMapSpeed(float signalMapSpeed, boolean isForward) {
256        int interp = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class).getInterpretation();
257        float throttleSetting = 0.0f;
258        switch (interp) {
259            case SignalSpeedMap.PERCENT_NORMAL:
260            case SignalSpeedMap.PERCENT_THROTTLE:
261                throttleSetting = signalMapSpeed / 100.0f;
262                break;
263            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_KMPH:
264            case SignalSpeedMap.SPEED_MPH:
265                throttleSetting = getThrottleSetting(convertScaleSpeedToMMS(signalMapSpeed), isForward);
266                break;
267            default:
268                log.warn("getThrottleSettingFromSignalMapSpeed: Signal Speed Map interp not supported.");
269        }
270        return throttleSetting;
271    }
273    /**
274     * Set the speed for the given speed step.
275     *
276     * @param speedStep the speed step to set
277     * @param forward   speed in meters per second for running forward at
278     *                  speedStep
279     * @param reverse   speed in meters per second for running in reverse at
280     *                  speedStep
281     */
282    public void setSpeed(int speedStep, float forward, float reverse) {
283        SpeedStep ss = speeds.computeIfAbsent(speedStep, k -> new SpeedStep());
284        ss.setForwardSpeed(forward);
285        ss.setReverseSpeed(reverse);
286        if (forward > 0.0f) {
287            _hasForwardSpeeds = true;
288        }
289        if (reverse > 0.0f) {
290            _hasReverseSpeeds = true;
291        }
292    }
294    public SpeedStep getSpeedStep(float speed) {
295        int iSpeedStep = Math.round(speed * 1000);
296        return speeds.get(iSpeedStep);
297    }
299    public void setForwardSpeed(float speedStep, float forward) {
300        if (forward > 0.0f) {
301            _hasForwardSpeeds = true;
302        } else {
303            return;
304        }
305        int iSpeedStep = Math.round(speedStep * 1000);
306        speeds.computeIfAbsent(iSpeedStep, k -> new SpeedStep()).setForwardSpeed(forward);
307    }
309    /**
310     * Merge raw throttleSetting value with an existing profile SpeedStep if
311     * key for the throttleSetting is within the speedIncrement of the SpeedStep.
312     * @param throttleSetting raw throttle setting value
313     * @param speed track speed
314     * @param speedIncrement throttle's speed step increment.
315     */
316    public void setForwardSpeed(float throttleSetting, float speed, float speedIncrement) {
317        if (throttleSetting> 0.0f) {
318            _hasForwardSpeeds = true;
319        } else {
320            return;
321        }
322        int key;
323        Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> entry = findEquivalentEntry (throttleSetting, speedIncrement);
324        if (entry != null) {    // close keys. i.e. resolve to same throttle step
325            float value = entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed();
326            speed = (speed + value) / 2;
327            key = entry.getKey();
328        } else {    // nothing close. make new entry
329            key = Math.round(throttleSetting * 1000);
330        }
331        speeds.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new SpeedStep()).setForwardSpeed(speed);
332    }
334    @CheckForNull
335    private Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> findEquivalentEntry (float throttleSetting, float speedIncrement) {
336        // search through table until end for an entry is found whose key / 1000
337        // is within the speedIncrement of the throttleSetting
338        // Note there may be zero values interspersed in the tree
339        Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> entry = speeds.firstEntry();
340        if (entry == null) {
341            return null;
342        }
343        int key = entry.getKey();
344        while (entry != null) {
345            entry = speeds.higherEntry(key);
346            if (entry != null) {
347                float speed = entry.getKey();
348                if (Math.abs(speed/1000.0f - throttleSetting) <= speedIncrement) {
349                    return entry;
350                }
351                key = entry.getKey();
352            }
353        }
354        return null;
355    }
357    /**
358     * Merge raw throttleSetting value with an existing profile SpeedStep if
359     * key for the throttleSetting is within the speedIncrement of the SpeedStep.
360     * @param throttleSetting raw throttle setting value
361     * @param speed track speed
362     * @param speedIncrement throttle's speed step increment.
363     */
364    public void setReverseSpeed(float throttleSetting, float speed, float speedIncrement) {
365        if (throttleSetting> 0.0f) {
366            _hasReverseSpeeds = true;
367        } else {
368            return;
369        }
370        int key;
371        Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> entry = findEquivalentEntry (throttleSetting, speedIncrement);
372        if (entry != null) {    // close keys. i.e. resolve to same throttle step
373            float value = entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed();
374            speed = (speed + value) / 2;
375            key = entry.getKey();
376        } else {    // nothing close. make new entry
377            key = Math.round(throttleSetting * 1000);
378        }
379        speeds.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new SpeedStep()).setReverseSpeed(speed);
380    }
382    public void setReverseSpeed(float speedStep, float reverse) {
383        if (reverse > 0.0f) {
384            _hasReverseSpeeds = true;
385        } else {
386            return;
387        }
388        int iSpeedStep = Math.round(speedStep * 1000);
389        speeds.computeIfAbsent(iSpeedStep, k -> new SpeedStep()).setReverseSpeed(reverse);
390    }
392    /**
393     * return the forward speed in milli-meters per second for a given
394     * percentage throttle
395     *
396     * @param speedStep which is actual percentage throttle
397     * @return MilliMetres per second using straight line interpolation for
398     *         missing points
399     */
400    public float getForwardSpeed(float speedStep) {
401        int iSpeedStep = Math.round(speedStep * 1000);
402        if (iSpeedStep <= 0 || !_hasForwardSpeeds) {
403            return 0.0f;
404        }
405        // Note there may be zero values interspersed in the tree
406        if (speeds.containsKey(iSpeedStep)) {
407            float speed = speeds.get(iSpeedStep).getForwardSpeed();
408            if (speed > 0.0f) {
409                return speed;
410            }
411        }
412        log.debug("no exact match forward for {}", iSpeedStep);
413        float lower = 0.0f;
414        float higher = 0.0f;
415        int highStep = iSpeedStep;
416        int lowStep = iSpeedStep;
418        Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> entry = speeds.higherEntry(highStep);
419        while (entry != null && higher <= 0.0f) {
420            highStep = entry.getKey();
421            float value = entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed();
422            if (value > 0.0f) {
423                higher = value;
424            }
425            entry = speeds.higherEntry(highStep);
426        }
427        boolean nothingHigher = (higher <= 0.0f);
429        entry = speeds.lowerEntry(lowStep);
430        while (entry != null && lower <= 0.0f) {
431            lowStep = entry.getKey();
432            float value = entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed();
433            if (value > 0.0f) {
434                lower = value;
435            }
436            entry = speeds.lowerEntry(lowStep);
437        }
438        log.debug("lowStep={}, lower={} highStep={} higher={} for iSpeedStep={}",
439                lowStep, lower, highStep, higher, iSpeedStep);
440        if (lower <= 0.0f) {      // nothing lower
441            if (nothingHigher) {
442                log.error("Nothing in speed Profile");
443                return 0.0f;       // no forward speeds at all
444            }
445            return higher * iSpeedStep / highStep;
446        }
447        if (nothingHigher) {
448//            return lower * (1.0f + (iSpeedStep - lowStep) / (1000.0f - lowStep));
449            return lower + (iSpeedStep - lowStep) * lower / lowStep;
450        }
452        float valperstep = (higher - lower) / (highStep - lowStep);
454        return lower + (valperstep * (iSpeedStep - lowStep));
455    }
457    /**
458     * return the reverse speed in millimetres per second for a given percentage
459     * throttle
460     *
461     * @param speedStep percentage of throttle 0.nnn
462     * @return millimetres per second
463     */
464    public float getReverseSpeed(float speedStep) {
465        int iSpeedStep = Math.round(speedStep * 1000);
466        if (iSpeedStep <= 0 || !_hasReverseSpeeds) {
467            return 0.0f;
468        }
469        if (speeds.containsKey(iSpeedStep)) {
470            float speed = speeds.get(iSpeedStep).getReverseSpeed();
471            if (speed > 0.0f) {
472                return speed;
473            }
474        }
475        log.debug("no exact match reverse for {}", iSpeedStep);
476        float lower = 0.0f;
477        float higher = 0.0f;
478        int highStep = iSpeedStep;
479        int lowStep = iSpeedStep;
480        // Note there may be zero values interspersed in the tree
482        Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> entry = speeds.higherEntry(highStep);
483        while (entry != null && higher <= 0.0f) {
484            highStep = entry.getKey();
485            float value = entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed();
486            if (value > 0.0f) {
487                higher = value;
488            }
489            entry = speeds.higherEntry(highStep);
490        }
491        boolean nothingHigher = (higher <= 0.0f);
492        entry = speeds.lowerEntry(lowStep);
493        while (entry != null && lower <= 0.0f) {
494            lowStep = entry.getKey();
495            float value = entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed();
496            if (value > 0.0f) {
497                lower = value;
498            }
499            entry = speeds.lowerEntry(lowStep);
500        }
501        log.debug("lowStep={}, lower={} highStep={} higher={} for iSpeedStep={}",
502                lowStep, lower, highStep, higher, iSpeedStep);
503        if (lower <= 0.0f) {      // nothing lower
504            if (nothingHigher) {
505                log.error("Nothing in speed Profile");
506                return 0.0f;       // no reverse speeds at all
507            }
508            return higher * iSpeedStep / highStep;
509        }
510        if (nothingHigher) {
511            return lower * (1.0f + (iSpeedStep - lowStep) / (1000.0f - lowStep));
512        }
514        float valperstep = (higher - lower) / (highStep - lowStep);
516        return lower + (valperstep * (iSpeedStep - lowStep));
517    }
519    /**
520     * Get the approximate time a loco may travel a given distance at a given
521     * speed step.
522     *
523     * @param isForward true if loco is running forward; false otherwise
524     * @param speedStep the desired speed step
525     * @param distance  the desired distance in millimeters
526     * @return the approximate time in seconds
527     */
528    public float getDurationOfTravelInSeconds(boolean isForward, float speedStep, int distance) {
529        float spd;
530        if (isForward) {
531            spd = getForwardSpeed(speedStep);
532        } else {
533            spd = getReverseSpeed(speedStep);
534        }
535        if (spd < 0.0f) {
536            log.error("Speed not available to compute duration of travel");
537            return 0.0f;
538        }
539        return (distance / spd);
540    }
542    /**
543     * Get the approximate distance a loco may travel a given duration at a
544     * given speed step.
545     *
546     * @param isForward true if loco is running forward; false otherwise
547     * @param speedStep the desired speed step
548     * @param duration  the desired time in seconds
549     * @return the approximate distance in millimeters
550     */
551    public float getDistanceTravelled(boolean isForward, float speedStep, float duration) {
552        float spd;
553        if (isForward) {
554            spd = getForwardSpeed(speedStep);
555        } else {
556            spd = getReverseSpeed(speedStep);
557        }
558        if (spd < 0.0f) {
559            log.error("Speed not available to compute distance travelled");
560            return 0.0f;
561        }
562        return Math.abs(spd * duration);
563    }
565    private float distanceRemaining = 0;
566    private float distanceTravelled = 0;
568    private TreeMap<Integer, SpeedStep> speeds = new TreeMap<>();
570    private DccThrottle _throttle;
572    private float desiredSpeedStep = -1;
574    private float extraDelay = 0.0f;
576    private float minReliableOperatingSpeed = 0.0f;
578    private float maxOperatingSpeed = 1.0f;
580    private NamedBean referenced = null;
582    private javax.swing.Timer stopTimer = null;
584    private long lastTimeTimerStarted = 0L;
586    /**
587     * reset everything back to default once the change has finished.
588     */
589    void finishChange() {
590        if (stopTimer != null) {
591            stopTimer.stop();
592        }
593        stopTimer = null;
594        _throttle = null;
595        distanceRemaining = 0;
596        desiredSpeedStep = -1;
597        extraDelay = 0.0f;
598        minReliableOperatingSpeed = 0.0f;
599        maxOperatingSpeed = 1.0f;
600        referenced = null;
601        synchronized (this) {
602            distanceTravelled = 0;
603            stepQueue = new LinkedList<>();
604        }
605        _throttle = null;
606    }
608    public void setExtraInitialDelay(float eDelay) {
609        extraDelay = eDelay;
610    }
612    public void setMinMaxLimits(float minReliableOperatingSpeed, float maxOperatingSpeed) {
613        this.minReliableOperatingSpeed = minReliableOperatingSpeed;
614        this.maxOperatingSpeed = maxOperatingSpeed;
615    }
617    /**
618     * Set speed of a throttle.
619     *
620     * @param t     the throttle to set
621     * @param blk   the block used for length details
622     * @param speed the speed to set
623     */
624    public void changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, Block blk, float speed) {
625        if (blk == referenced && Float.compare(speed, desiredSpeedStep) == 0) {
626            //log.debug("Already setting to desired speed step for this block");
627            return;
628        }
629        float blockLength = blk.getLengthMm();
630        if (blk == referenced) {
631            distanceRemaining = distanceRemaining - getDistanceTravelled(_throttle.getIsForward(), _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), ((float) (System.nanoTime() - lastTimeTimerStarted) / 1000000000));
632            blockLength = distanceRemaining;
633            //Not entirely reliable at this stage as the loco could still be running and not completed the calculation of the distance, this could result in an over run
634            log.debug("Block passed is the same as we are currently processing");
635        } else {
636            referenced = blk;
637        }
638        changeLocoSpeed(t, blockLength, speed);
639    }
641    /**
642     * Set speed of a throttle.
643     *
644     * @param t     the throttle to set
645     * @param sec   the section used for length details
646     * @param speed the speed to set
647     * @param usePercentage the percentage of the block to be used for stopping
648     */
649    @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings(value = "FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY",
650        justification = "OK to compare floats, as even tiny differences should trigger update")
651    public void changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, Section sec, float speed, float usePercentage) {
652        if (sec == referenced && speed == desiredSpeedStep) {
653            log.debug("Already setting to desired speed step for this Section");
654            return;
655        }
656        float sectionLength = sec.getActualLength() * usePercentage;
657        if (sec == referenced) {
658            distanceRemaining = distanceRemaining - getDistanceTravelled(_throttle.getIsForward(), _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), ((float) (System.nanoTime() - lastTimeTimerStarted) / 1000000000));
659            sectionLength = distanceRemaining;
660            //Not entirely reliable at this stage as the loco could still be running and not completed the calculation of the distance, this could result in an over run
661            log.debug("Block passed is the same as we are currently processing");
662        } else {
663            referenced = sec;
664        }
665        changeLocoSpeed(t, sectionLength, speed);
666    }
668    /**
669     * Set speed of a throttle.
670     *
671     * @param t     the throttle to set
672     * @param blk   the block used for length details
673     * @param speed the speed to set
674     * @param usePercentage the percentage of the block to be used for stopping
675     */
676    @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings(value = "FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY",
677        justification = "OK to compare floats, as even tiny differences should trigger update")
678    public void changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, Block blk, float speed, float usePercentage) {
679        if (blk == referenced && speed == desiredSpeedStep) {
680            //if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Already setting to desired speed step for this block");
681            return;
682        }
683        float blockLength = blk.getLengthMm() * usePercentage;
684        if (blk == referenced) {
685            distanceRemaining = distanceRemaining - getDistanceTravelled(_throttle.getIsForward(), _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), ((float) (System.nanoTime() - lastTimeTimerStarted) / 1000000000));
686            blockLength = distanceRemaining;
687            //Not entirely reliable at this stage as the loco could still be running and not completed the calculation of the distance, this could result in an over run
688            log.debug("Block passed is the same as we are currently processing");
689        } else {
690            referenced = blk;
691        }
692        changeLocoSpeed(t, blockLength, speed);
694    }
696    /**
697     * Set speed of a throttle to a speeed set by a float, using the section for
698     * the length details
699     * Set speed of a throttle.
700     *
701     * @param t     the throttle to set
702     * @param sec   the section used for length details
703     * @param speed the speed to set
704     */
705    //@TODO if a section contains multiple blocks then we could calibrate the change of speed based upon the block status change.
706    public void changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, Section sec, float speed) {
707        if (sec == referenced && Float.compare(speed, desiredSpeedStep) == 0) {
708            log.debug("Already setting to desired speed step for this section");
709            return;
710        }
711        float sectionLength = sec.getActualLength();
712        log.debug("call to change speed via section {}", sec.getDisplayName());
713        if (sec == referenced) {
714            distanceRemaining = distanceRemaining - getDistanceTravelled(_throttle.getIsForward(), _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), ((float) (System.nanoTime() - lastTimeTimerStarted) / 1000000000));
715            sectionLength = distanceRemaining;
716        } else {
717            referenced = sec;
718        }
720        changeLocoSpeed(t, sectionLength, speed);
721    }
723    /**
724     * Set speed of a throttle.
725     *
726     * @param t        the throttle to set
727     * @param distance the distance in meters
728     * @param requestedSpeed    the speed to set
729     */
730    public void changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, float distance, float requestedSpeed) {
731        float speed = 0.0f;
732        log.debug("Call to change speed over specific distance float {} distance {}", requestedSpeed, distance);
733        if (requestedSpeed  > maxOperatingSpeed) {
734            speed = maxOperatingSpeed;
735        } else {
736            speed = requestedSpeed;
737        }
738        if (Float.compare(speed, t.getSpeedSetting()) == 0) {
739            log.debug("Throttle and request speed setting are the same {} {} so will quit", speed, t.getSpeedSetting());
740            //Already at correct speed setting
741            finishChange();
742            return;
743        }
745        if (Float.compare(speed, desiredSpeedStep) == 0) {
746            log.debug("Already setting to desired speed step");
747            return;
748        }
749        log.debug("public change speed step by float {}", speed);
750        log.debug("Desired Speed Step {} asked for {}", desiredSpeedStep, speed);
752        if (stopTimer != null) {
753            log.debug("stop timer valid so will cancel");
754            cancelSpeedChange();
755        }
756        _throttle = t;
758        log.debug("Desired Speed Step {} asked for {}", desiredSpeedStep, speed);
759        desiredSpeedStep = speed;
761        log.debug("calculated current step {} required {} current {}",
762            _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), speed, _throttle.getSpeedSetting());
763        if (_throttle.getSpeedSetting() < speed) {
764            log.debug("Going for acceleration");
765        } else {
766            log.debug("Going for deceleration");
767        }
769        float adjSpeed = speed;
770        boolean andStop = false;
771        if (speed <= 0.0 && minReliableOperatingSpeed > 0.0f) {
772            andStop = true;
773        }
774        if (speed < minReliableOperatingSpeed) {
775            adjSpeed = minReliableOperatingSpeed;
776        }
777        log.debug("Speed[{}] adjSpeed[{}] MinSpeed[{}]",
778                speed,adjSpeed, minReliableOperatingSpeed);
779        calculateStepDetails(adjSpeed, distance, andStop);
780    }
782    private List<SpeedSetting> testSteps = new ArrayList<>();
783    private boolean profileInTestMode = false;
785    void calculateStepDetails(float speedStep, float distance, boolean andStop) {
787        float stepIncrement = _throttle.getSpeedIncrement();
788        log.debug("Desired Speed Step {} asked for {}", desiredSpeedStep, speedStep);
789        desiredSpeedStep = speedStep;
790        //int step = Math.round(_throttle.getSpeedSetting()*1000);
791        log.debug("calculated current step {} required {} current {} increment {}", _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), speedStep, _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), stepIncrement);
792        boolean increaseSpeed = false;
793        if (_throttle.getSpeedSetting() < speedStep) {
794            increaseSpeed = true;
795            log.debug("Going for acceleration");
796        } else {
797            log.debug("Going for deceleration");
798        }
800        if (distance <= 0) {
801            log.debug("Distance is less than 0 {}", distance);
802            _throttle.setSpeedSetting(speedStep);
803            finishChange();
804            return;
805        }
807        float calculatedDistance = distance;
809        if (stopTimer != null) {
810            stopTimer.stop();
811            distanceRemaining = distance;
812        } else {
813            calculatedDistance = calculateInitialOverRun(distance);
814            distanceRemaining = calculatedDistance;
815        }
817        float calculatingStep = _throttle.getSpeedSetting();
818        if (increaseSpeed) {
819            if (calculatingStep < minReliableOperatingSpeed) {
820                calculatingStep = minReliableOperatingSpeed;
821            }
822        }
824        float endspd = 0;
825        if (calculatingStep != 0.0 && desiredSpeedStep > 0) { // current speed
826            if (_throttle.getIsForward()) {
827                endspd = getForwardSpeed(desiredSpeedStep);
828            } else {
829                endspd = getReverseSpeed(desiredSpeedStep);
830            }
831        } else if (desiredSpeedStep != 0.0) {
832            if (_throttle.getIsForward()) {
833                endspd = getForwardSpeed(desiredSpeedStep);
834            } else {
835                endspd = getReverseSpeed(desiredSpeedStep);
836            }
837        }
839        boolean calculated = false;
841        while (!calculated) {
842            float spd = 0;
843            if (calculatingStep != 0.0) { // current speed
844                if (_throttle.getIsForward()) {
845                    spd = getForwardSpeed(calculatingStep);
846                } else {
847                    spd = getReverseSpeed(calculatingStep);
848                }
849            }
851            log.debug("end spd {} spd {}", endspd, spd);
852            double avgSpeed = Math.abs((endspd + spd) * 0.5);
853            log.debug("avg Speed {}", avgSpeed);
855            double time = (calculatedDistance / avgSpeed); //in seconds
856            time = time * 1000; //covert it to milli seconds
857            /*if(stopTimer==null){
858             log.debug("time before remove over run " + time);
859             time = calculateInitialOverRun(time);//At the start we will deduct the over run time if configured
860             log.debug("time after remove over run " + time);
861             }*/
862            float speeddiff = calculatingStep - desiredSpeedStep;
863            float noSteps = speeddiff / stepIncrement;
864            log.debug("Speed diff {} number of Steps {} step increment {}", speeddiff, noSteps, stepIncrement);
866            int timePerStep = Math.abs((int) (time / noSteps));
867            float calculatedStepInc = stepIncrement;
868            if (calculatingStep > (stepIncrement * 2)) {
869                //We do not get reliable time results if the duration per speed step is less than 500ms
870                //therefore we calculate how many speed steps will fit in to 750ms.
871                if (timePerStep <= 500 && timePerStep > 0) {
872                    //thing tIncrement should be different not sure about this bit
873                    float tmp = (750.0f / timePerStep);
874                    calculatedStepInc = stepIncrement * tmp;
875                    log.debug("time per step was {} no of increments in 750 ms is {} new step increment in {}", timePerStep, tmp, calculatedStepInc);
877                    timePerStep = 750;
878                }
879            }
880            log.debug("per interval {}", timePerStep);
882            //Calculate the new speed setting
883            if (increaseSpeed) {
884                calculatingStep = calculatingStep + calculatedStepInc;
885                if (calculatingStep > 1.0f) {
886                    calculatingStep = 1.0f;
887                    calculated = true;
888                }
889                if (calculatingStep > desiredSpeedStep) {
890                    calculatingStep = desiredSpeedStep;
891                    calculated = true;
892                }
893            } else {
894                calculatingStep = calculatingStep - calculatedStepInc;
895                if (calculatingStep < _throttle.getSpeedIncrement()) {
896                    calculatingStep = 0.0f;
897                    calculated = true;
898                    timePerStep = 0;
899                }
900                if (calculatingStep < desiredSpeedStep) {
901                    calculatingStep = desiredSpeedStep;
902                    calculated = true;
903                }
904            }
905            log.debug("Speed Step current {} speed to set {}", _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), calculatingStep);
907            SpeedSetting ss = new SpeedSetting(calculatingStep, timePerStep, andStop);
908            synchronized (this) {
909                stepQueue.addLast(ss);
910                if (profileInTestMode) {
911                    testSteps.add(ss);
912                }
913                if (andStop && calculated) {
914                    ss = new SpeedSetting( 0.0f, 0, andStop);
915                    stepQueue.addLast(ss);
916                    if (profileInTestMode) {
917                        testSteps.add(ss);
918                    }
919                }
920            }
921            if (stopTimer == null) { //If this is the first time round then kick off the speed change
922                setNextStep();
923            }
925            // The throttle can disappear during a stop situation
926            if (_throttle != null) {
927                calculatedDistance = calculatedDistance - getDistanceTravelled(_throttle.getIsForward(), calculatingStep, ((float) (timePerStep / 1000.0)));
928            } else {
929                log.warn("Throttle destroyed before zero length[{}] remaining.",calculatedDistance);
930                calculatedDistance = 0;
931            }
932            if (calculatedDistance <= 0 && !calculated) {
933                log.warn("distance remaining is now 0, but we have not reached desired speed setting {} v {}", desiredSpeedStep, calculatingStep);
934                ss = new SpeedSetting(desiredSpeedStep, 10, andStop);
935                synchronized (this) {
936                    stepQueue.addLast(ss);
937                }
938                calculated = true;
939            }
940        }
941    }
943    //The bit with the distance is not used
944    float calculateInitialOverRun(float distance) {
945        log.debug("Stop timer not configured so will add overrun {}", distance);
946        if (_throttle.getIsForward()) {
947            float extraAsDouble = (getOverRunTimeForward() + extraDelay) / 1000;
948            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
949                log.debug("Over run time to remove (Forward) {} {}", getOverRunTimeForward(), extraAsDouble);
950            }
951            float olddistance = getDistanceTravelled(true, _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), extraAsDouble);
952            distance = distance - olddistance;
953            //time = time-getOverRunTimeForward();
954            //time = time-(extraAsDouble*1000);
955        } else {
956            float extraAsDouble = (getOverRunTimeReverse() + extraDelay) / 1000;
957            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
958                log.debug("Over run time to remove (Reverse) {} {}", getOverRunTimeReverse(), extraAsDouble);
959            }
960            float olddistance = getDistanceTravelled(false, _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), extraAsDouble);
961            distance = distance - olddistance;
962            //time = time-getOverRunTimeReverse();
963            //time = time-(extraAsDouble*1000);
964        }
965        log.debug("Distance remaining {}", distance);
966        //log.debug("Time after overrun removed " + time);
967        return distance;
969    }
971    /**
972     * This method is called to cancel the existing change in speed.
973     */
974    public void cancelSpeedChange() {
975        if (stopTimer != null && stopTimer.isRunning()) {
976            stopTimer.stop();
977        }
978        finishChange();
979    }
981    synchronized void setNextStep() {
982        if (stepQueue.isEmpty()) {
983            log.debug("No more results");
984            finishChange();
985            return;
986        }
987        SpeedSetting ss = stepQueue.getFirst();
988        if (ss.getDuration() == 0) {
989            if (ss.getAndStop()) {
990                _throttle.setSpeedSetting(0.0f);
991            } else {
992                _throttle.setSpeedSetting(desiredSpeedStep);
993            }
994            finishChange();
995            return;
996        }
997        if (stopTimer != null) {
998            //Reduce the distanceRemaining and calculate the distance travelling
999            float distanceTravelledThisStep = getDistanceTravelled(_throttle.getIsForward(), _throttle.getSpeedSetting(), ((float) (stopTimer.getDelay() / 1000.0)));
1000            distanceTravelled = distanceTravelled + distanceTravelledThisStep;
1001            distanceRemaining = distanceRemaining - distanceTravelledThisStep;
1002        }
1003        stepQueue.removeFirst();
1004        _throttle.setSpeedSetting(ss.getSpeedStep());
1005        stopTimer = new javax.swing.Timer(ss.getDuration(), (java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) -> {
1006            setNextStep();
1007        });
1008        stopTimer.setRepeats(false);
1009        lastTimeTimerStarted = System.nanoTime();
1010        stopTimer.start();
1012    }
1014    private LinkedList<SpeedSetting> stepQueue = new LinkedList<>();
1016    static class SpeedSetting {
1018        private float step = 0.0f;
1019        private int duration = 0;
1020        private boolean andStop;
1022        SpeedSetting(float step, int duration, boolean andStop) {
1023            this.step = step;
1024            this.duration = duration;
1025            this.andStop = andStop;
1026        }
1028        float getSpeedStep() {
1029            return step;
1030        }
1032        int getDuration() {
1033            return duration;
1034        }
1036        boolean getAndStop() {
1037            return andStop;
1038        }
1039    }
1041    /*
1042     * The follow deals with the storage and loading of the speed profile for a roster entry.
1043     */
1044    public void store(Element e) {
1045        Element d = new Element("speedprofile");
1046        d.addContent(new Element("overRunTimeForward").addContent(Float.toString(getOverRunTimeForward())));
1047        d.addContent(new Element("overRunTimeReverse").addContent(Float.toString(getOverRunTimeReverse())));
1048        Element s = new Element("speeds");
1049        speeds.keySet().stream().forEachOrdered( i -> {
1050            Element ss = new Element("speed");
1051            ss.addContent(new Element("step").addContent(Integer.toString(i)));
1052            ss.addContent(new Element("forward").addContent(Float.toString(speeds.get(i).getForwardSpeed())));
1053            ss.addContent(new Element("reverse").addContent(Float.toString(speeds.get(i).getReverseSpeed())));
1054            s.addContent(ss);
1055        });
1056        d.addContent(s);
1057        e.addContent(d);
1058    }
1060    public void load(Element e) {
1061        try {
1062            setOverRunTimeForward(Float.parseFloat(e.getChild("overRunTimeForward").getText()));
1063        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
1064            log.error("Over run Error For {}", _re.getId());
1065        }
1066        try {
1067            setOverRunTimeReverse(Float.parseFloat(e.getChild("overRunTimeReverse").getText()));
1068        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
1069            log.error("Over Run Error Rev {}", _re.getId());
1070        }
1071        e.getChild("speeds").getChildren("speed").forEach( spd -> {
1072            try {
1073                String step = spd.getChild("step").getText();
1074                String forward = spd.getChild("forward").getText();
1075                String reverse = spd.getChild("reverse").getText();
1076                float forwardSpeed = Float.parseFloat(forward);
1077                if (forwardSpeed > 0.0f) {
1078                    _hasForwardSpeeds = true;
1079                }
1080                float reverseSpeed = Float.parseFloat(reverse);
1081                if (reverseSpeed > 0.0f) {
1082                    _hasReverseSpeeds = true;
1083                }
1084                setSpeed(Integer.parseInt(step), forwardSpeed, reverseSpeed);
1085            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
1086                log.error("Not loaded {}", ex.getMessage());
1087            }
1088        });
1089    }
1091    public static class SpeedStep {
1093        private float forward = 0.0f;
1094        private float reverse = 0.0f;
1096        /**
1097         * Create a new SpeedStep, Reverse and Forward speeds are 0.
1098         */
1099        public SpeedStep() {
1100        }
1102        /**
1103         * Set the Forward speed for the step.
1104         * @param speed the forward speed for the Step.
1105         */
1106        public void setForwardSpeed(float speed) {
1107            forward = speed;
1108        }
1110        /**
1111         * Set the Reverse speed for the step.
1112         * @param speed the reverse speed for the Step.
1113         */
1114        public void setReverseSpeed(float speed) {
1115            reverse = speed;
1116        }
1118        /**
1119         * Get the Forward Speed for the Step.
1120         * @return the forward speed.
1121         */
1122        public float getForwardSpeed() {
1123            return forward;
1124        }
1126        /**
1127         * Get the Reverse Speed for the Step.
1128         * @return the reverse speed.
1129         */
1130        public float getReverseSpeed() {
1131            return reverse;
1132        }
1134        @Override
1135        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1136            if (this == obj) {
1137                return true;
1138            }
1139            if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
1140                return false;
1141            }
1142            SpeedStep ss = (SpeedStep) obj;
1143            return Float.compare(ss.getForwardSpeed(), forward) == 0
1144                && Float.compare(ss.getReverseSpeed(), reverse) == 0;
1145        }
1147            @Override
1148            public int hashCode() {
1149                int result = 17;
1150                result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(forward);
1151                result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(reverse);
1152                return result;
1153        }
1155    }
1157    /**
1158     * Get the number of SpeedSteps.
1159     * If there are too few SpeedSteps, it may be difficult to get reasonable
1160     * distances and speeds over a large range of throttle settings.
1161     * @return the number of Speed Steps in the profile.
1162     */
1163    public int getProfileSize() {
1164        return speeds.size();
1165    }
1167    public TreeMap<Integer, SpeedStep> getProfileSpeeds() {
1168        return speeds;
1169    }
1171    /**
1172     * Get the throttle setting to achieve a track speed
1173     *
1174     * @param speed     desired track speed in mm/sec
1175     * @param isForward direction
1176     * @return throttle setting
1177     */
1178    public float getThrottleSetting(float speed, boolean isForward) {
1179        if ((isForward && !_hasForwardSpeeds) || (!isForward && !_hasReverseSpeeds)) {
1180            return 0.0f;
1181        }
1182        int slowerKey = 0;
1183        float slowerValue = 0;
1184        float fasterKey;
1185        float fasterValue;
1186        Entry<Integer, SpeedStep> entry = speeds.firstEntry();
1187        if (entry == null) {
1188            log.warn("There is no speedprofile entries for [{}]", this.getRosterEntry().getId());
1189            return (0.0f);
1190        }
1191        // search through table until end or the entry is greater than
1192        // what we are looking for. This leaves the previous lower value in key. and slower
1193        // Note there may be zero values interspersed in the tree
1194        if (isForward) {
1195            fasterKey = entry.getKey();
1196            fasterValue = entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed();
1197            while (entry != null && entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed() < speed) {
1198                slowerKey = entry.getKey();
1199                float value = entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed();
1200                if (value > 0.0f) {
1201                    slowerValue = value;
1202                }
1203                entry = speeds.higherEntry(slowerKey);
1204                if (entry != null) {
1205                    fasterKey = entry.getKey();
1206                    value = entry.getValue().getForwardSpeed();
1207                    if (value > 0.0f) {
1208                        fasterValue = value;
1209                    }
1210                }
1211            }
1212        } else {
1213            fasterKey = entry.getKey();
1214            fasterValue = entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed();
1215            while (entry != null && entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed() < speed) {
1216                slowerKey = entry.getKey();
1217                float value = entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed();
1218                if (value > 0.0f) {
1219                    slowerValue = value;
1220                }
1221                entry = speeds.higherEntry(slowerKey);
1222                if (entry != null) {
1223                    fasterKey = entry.getKey();
1224                    value = entry.getValue().getReverseSpeed();
1225                    if (value > 0.0f) {
1226                        fasterValue = value;
1227                    }
1228                }
1229            }
1230        }
1231        log.debug("slowerKey={}, slowerValue={} fasterKey={} fasterValue={} for speed={}",
1232                slowerKey, slowerValue, fasterKey, fasterValue, speed);
1233        if (entry == null) {
1234            // faster does not exists use slower...
1235            if (slowerValue <= 0.0f) { // neither does slower
1236                return (0.0f);
1237            }
1239            // extrapolate
1240            float key = slowerKey * speed / slowerValue;
1241            if (key < 1000.0f) {
1242                return key / 1000.0f;
1243            } else {
1244                return 1.0f;
1245            }
1246        }
1247        if (Float.compare(slowerValue, speed) == 0 || fasterValue <= slowerValue) {
1248            return slowerKey / 1000.0f;
1249        }
1250        if (slowerValue <= 0.0f) {  // no entry had a slower speed, therefore key is invalid
1251            slowerKey = 0;
1252            if (fasterValue <= 0.0f) {  // neither is there a faster speed
1253                return (0.0f);
1254            }
1255        }
1256        // we need to interpolate
1257        float ratio = (speed - slowerValue) / (fasterValue - slowerValue);
1258        return (slowerKey + ((fasterKey - slowerKey) * ratio)) / 1000.0f;
1259    }
1261    /**
1262     * Get track speed in millimeters per second from throttle setting
1263     *
1264     * @param speedStep  throttle setting
1265     * @param isForward  direction
1266     * @return track speed
1267     */
1268    public float getSpeed(float speedStep, boolean isForward) {
1269        if (speedStep < 0.00001f) {
1270            return 0.0f;
1271        }
1272        float speed;
1273        if (isForward) {
1274            speed = getForwardSpeed(speedStep);
1275        } else {
1276            speed = getReverseSpeed(speedStep);
1277        }
1278        return speed;
1279    }
1281    private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(RosterSpeedProfile.class);