Class OlcbStringIOManager

    • Method Detail

      • provide

        public StringIO provide​(@Nonnull
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Get an existing instance via user name, then system name; if no matching instance is found, create a new NameBean from the system name.

        If the name is a valid system name, it will be used for the new NamedBean. Otherwise, the Manager.makeSystemName(java.lang.String) method will attempt to turn it into a valid system name which the manager will attempt to use. If that fails, an exception is thrown.

        This is similar to the specific methods found in certain type-specific managers: TurnoutManager.provideTurnout(java.lang.String), SensorManager.provideSensor(java.lang.String), et al. Those might be more mnemonic; this one is more generic. Neither is preferred nor deprecated; use your choice.

        name - User name, system name, or address which can be promoted to system name
        Never null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if NamedBean doesn't already exist and the manager cannot create it due to an illegal name or name that can't be parsed.
      • createNewStringIO

        public StringIO createNewStringIO​(java.lang.String sName,
                                          java.lang.String uName)
        Description copied from class: AbstractStringIOManager
        Internal method to invoke the factory and create a new StringIO. Called after all the logic for returning an existing StringIO has been invoked. An existing SystemName is not found, existing UserName not found. Implementing classes should base StringIO on the system name, then add user name.
        Specified by:
        createNewStringIO in class AbstractStringIOManager
        sName - the system name to use for the new StringIO
        uName - the optional user name to use for the new StringIO
        the new StringIO
      • startLoad

        public void startLoad()
        This function is invoked before an XML load is started. We defer initialization of the newly created Sensors until finishLoad because the feedback type might be changing as we are parsing the XML.
      • finishLoad

        public void finishLoad()
        This function is invoked after the XML load is complete and all Sensors are instantiated and their feedback type is read in. We use this hook to finalize the construction of the OpenLCB objects whose instantiation was deferred until the feedback type was known.
      • validateSystemNameFormat

        public java.lang.String validateSystemNameFormat​(@Nonnull
                                                         java.lang.String name,
                                                         java.util.Locale locale)
                                                  throws NamedBean.BadSystemNameException
        Validates to OpenLCB format. Validate the format of name, returning it unchanged if valid.

        Although further restrictions may be added by system-specific implementations, at a minimum, the implementation must consider a name that does not start with the System Name prefix for this manager to be invalid, and must consider a name that is the same as the System Name prefix to be invalid.

        Overriding implementations may rely on Manager.validSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String), however they must provide an actionable message in the thrown exception if that method does not return Manager.NameValidity.VALID. When overriding implementations of this method rely on validSystemNameFormat(), implementations of that method must not throw an exception, log an error, or otherwise disrupt the user.

        name - the system name to validate
        locale - the locale for a localized exception; this is needed for the JMRI web server, which supports multiple locales
        the unchanged value of the name parameter
        NamedBean.BadSystemNameException - if provided name is an invalid format