Class LncvDevices

  • public class LncvDevices
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manage an array of LncvDevice items. See LncvDevicesManager Based on Lnsvf2Devices by B. Milhaupt
    • Method Detail

      • addDevice

        public boolean addDevice​(LncvDevice d)
        Add a device that responded to a PROG_START request to the list of LNCV Devices.
        d - the device object, containing its properties
        true if device was added, false if not eg it was already in the list
      • isDeviceExistant

        public int isDeviceExistant​(LncvDevice deviceToBeFound)
        Get index in deviceList of the first device matching Mfg, ProdID, Num and Device Address. Where a deviceToBeFound parameter is -1, that parameter is not compared.
        deviceToBeFound - Device we try to find in known LNCV devices list
        index of found device, else -1 if matching device not found
      • size

        public int size()