Class LocoNetMessageInterpret
- java.lang.Object
- jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp.LocoNetMessageInterpret
public class LocoNetMessageInterpret extends java.lang.Object
A utility class for formatting LocoNet packets into human-readable text.Note that the formatted strings end in a \n, and may contain more than one line separated by \n. Someday this should be converted to proper Java line handling.
Much of this file is a Java-recoding of the display.c file from the llnmon package of John Jabour. Some of the conversions involve explicit decoding of structs defined in loconet.h in that same package. Those parts are (C) Copyright 2001 Ron W. Auld. Use of these parts is by direct permission of the author.
This class is derived from and replaces JMRI's .
Many major comment blocks here are quotes from the Digitrax LocoNet(r) OPCODE SUMMARY: found in the LocoNet(r) Personal Edition 1.
Some of the message formats used in this class are Copyright Digitrax, Inc. and used with permission as part of the JMRI project. That permission does not extend to uses in other software products. If you wish to use this code, algorithm or these message formats outside of JMRI, please contact Digitrax Inc for separate permission.
Reverse engineering of OPC_MULTI_SENSE was provided by Al Silverstein, used with permission.
Reverse engineering of the Duplex Group/Password/Channel management was provided by Leo Bicknell with help from B. Milhaupt, used with permission.
Reverse-engineering of device-specific OpSw messages, throttle text message, and throttle semaphore message was provided by B. Milhaupt, used with permission.
Reverse-engineering of device-specific LNSV messages was provided by K. Drenth, used with permission.
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description LocoNetMessageInterpret()
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description static java.lang.String
convertToMixed(int addressLow, int addressHigh)
Create a string representation of the loco address in addressLow and addressHigh in a form appropriate for the type of address (2 or 4 digit) using the Digitrax 'mixed mode' if necessary.protected static java.lang.String
directionOfTravelString(boolean isForward)
static java.lang.String
dotme(int val)
Take the LocoIO version number and convert to human friendly format, like "1.4.8" or "9.1".static java.lang.String
getDeviceNameFromIPLInfo(int manuf, int type)
static java.lang.String
getSlaveNameFromIPLInfo(int manuf, int slaveNum)
static java.lang.String
interpretAlm(LocoNetMessage l)
Interpret messages with Opcode of OPC_ALM_READ, OPC_ALM_WRITE.protected static java.lang.String
interpretDIRF(int dirf)
protected static java.lang.String[]
interpretF0_F4toStrings(int dirf)
protected static java.lang.String[]
interpretF5_F8toStrings(int snd)
static java.lang.String
interpretMessage(LocoNetMessage l, java.lang.String turnoutPrefix, java.lang.String sensorPrefix, java.lang.String reporterPrefix)
Format the message into a text string.
Constructor Detail
public LocoNetMessageInterpret()
Method Detail
public static java.lang.String interpretMessage(LocoNetMessage l, java.lang.String turnoutPrefix, java.lang.String sensorPrefix, java.lang.String reporterPrefix)
Format the message into a text string.Where the code is unable to determine a correct interpretation, the returned string contains a message indicating that the message is not decoded followed by the individual bytes of the message (in hexadecimal).
Note that many message types are "poorly defined" here, with many "reverse-engineered" messages, and many that do not define actual bits. This means that this code can give interpretations that may not actually "decode" an actual message.
- Parameters:
- Message to parseturnoutPrefix
- "System Name" + prefix which designates the connection's Turnouts, such as "LT"sensorPrefix
- "System Name" + prefix which designates the connection's Turnouts, such as "LS"reporterPrefix
- "System Name" + prefix which designates the connection's Turnouts, such as "LR"- Returns:
- String representation of the interpretation of the message
protected static java.lang.String interpretDIRF(int dirf)
public static java.lang.String dotme(int val)
Take the LocoIO version number and convert to human friendly format, like "1.4.8" or "9.1".- Parameters:
- The LocoIO version.- Returns:
- String with human readable format
public static java.lang.String convertToMixed(int addressLow, int addressHigh)
Create a string representation of the loco address in addressLow and addressHigh in a form appropriate for the type of address (2 or 4 digit) using the Digitrax 'mixed mode' if necessary."Mixed mode" is used by DT100 and DT200 throttles to display loco addresses between 100 and 127 as a two-digit displayable value, where the left digit is either 'a', 'b', or 'c', (for addresses in the 10x, 11x, and 12x ranges, respectively), and the right digit is the "x" from the ranges above.
- Parameters:
- the least-significant 7 bits of the loco addressaddressHigh
- the most-significant 7 bits of the loco address- Returns:
- a String containing the address, using Digitrax 'mixed mode' representation of the loco address, if appropriate
protected static java.lang.String[] interpretF0_F4toStrings(int dirf)
protected static java.lang.String directionOfTravelString(boolean isForward)
protected static java.lang.String[] interpretF5_F8toStrings(int snd)
public static java.lang.String getDeviceNameFromIPLInfo(int manuf, int type)
public static java.lang.String getSlaveNameFromIPLInfo(int manuf, int slaveNum)
public static java.lang.String interpretAlm(LocoNetMessage l)
Interpret messages with Opcode of OPC_ALM_READ, OPC_ALM_WRITE.- Parameters:
- LocoNet Message to interpret- Returns:
- String containing interpreted message or empty string if message is not interpretable.