Class Lnsv1DevicesManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.util.EventListener, PropertyChangeFirer, PropertyChangeProvider, LocoNetListener

    public class Lnsv1DevicesManager
    extends PropertyChangeSupport
    implements LocoNetListener
    LocoNet LNSV1 Devices Manager

    A centralized resource to help identify LocoNet "LNSV1 Format" devices and "manage" them.

    Supports the following features: - LNSV1 "discovery" process supported via BROADCAST call - LNSV1 Device "destination address" change supported by writing a new value to LNSV 0 (close session next) - LNSV1 Device "reconfigure/reset" not supported/documented - identification of devices with conflicting "destination address"es (warning before program start) - identification of a matching JMRI "decoder definition" for each discovered device, if an appropriate definition exists (only 1 value is matched, checks for LNSVf1 protocol support) - identification of matching JMRI "roster entry" which matches each discovered device, if an appropriate roster entry exists - ability to open a symbolic programmer for a given discovered device, if an appropriate roster entry exists