Package apps.gui3

Class Apps3

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    DecoderPro3, LccPro, MDI, Paned

    public abstract class Apps3
    extends AppsBase
    Base class for GUI3 JMRI applications.

    This is a complete re-implementation of the apps.Apps support for JMRI applications.

    Each using application provides its own main() method.

    There are a large number of missing features marked with TODO in comments including code from the earlier implementation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Apps3

        public Apps3​(java.lang.String applicationName,
                     java.lang.String configFileDef,
                     java.lang.String[] args)
        Create and initialize the application object.

        Expects initialization from preInit() to already be done.

        applicationName - application name
        configFileDef - default configuration file name
        args - command line arguments set at application launch
    • Method Detail

      • preInit

        public static void preInit​(java.lang.String applicationName)
        Initial actions before frame is created, invoked in the applications main() routine.
        applicationName - application name
      • wizardLaunchCheck

        protected boolean wizardLaunchCheck()
        To be overridden by applications that need to make additional checks as to whether the first time wizard should be launched.
        true to force the wizard to be launched
      • setButtonSpace

        protected static void setButtonSpace()
        For compatability with adding in buttons to the toolbar using the existing createbuttonmodel
      • buttonSpace

        public static javax.swing.JComponent buttonSpace()
        Provide access to a place where applications can expect the configuration code to build run-time buttons.
        null if no such space exists
        See Also:
      • setFloating

        protected void setFloating​(javax.swing.JToolBar toolBar)
        Set a toolbar to be initially floating. This doesn't quite work right.
        toolBar - the toolbar to float
      • start

        protected void start()
        Final actions before releasing control of app to user
        start in class AppsBase
      • splash

        protected static void splash​(boolean show)
      • splash

        protected static void splash​(boolean show,
                                     boolean debug)
      • splashDebugMsg

        protected static javax.swing.JPanel splashDebugMsg()
      • setAndLoadPreferenceFile

        protected void setAndLoadPreferenceFile()
        Description copied from class: AppsBase
        Invoked to load the preferences information, and in the process configure the system. The high-level steps are:
        • Locate the preferences file based through FileUtil.getFile(String)
        • See if the preferences file exists, and handle it if it doesn't
        • Obtain a ConfigureManager from the InstanceManager
        • Ask that ConfigureManager to load the file, in the process loading information into existing and new managers.
        • Do any deferred loads that are needed
        • If needed, migrate older formats
        (There's additional handling for shared configurations)
        setAndLoadPreferenceFile in class AppsBase